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Built in functions

DPS2004 edited this page May 27, 2022 · 8 revisions

The functions on this page are available without loading any extensions. They provide a base that most extensions build off of.


Initializes the level, as well as all extensions. This is called automatically by the program, so you should not need to use this.


Changes the global event offset by beat beats.


level:comment(4, 'oh wow') -- Places a comment on beat 4. :comment is available in the core extension.

level:offset(2) -- Changes the global event offset to 2. All events from this point on will be placed 2 beats later.

level:comment(6, 'haha') -- Places a comment on beat 8.

level:offset(-4) -- The beat parameter can be negative. It causes the beats to be placed earlier.

level:comment(16, 'awesome') -- Places a comment on beat 12.


Returns two numbers, beat and measure. This is calculated using existing SetCrotchetsPerBar events, and is one-indexed.

This function is not affected by level:offset().


-- This example assumes that level.rdlevel contains the events seen above.

print(level:getbm(0)) --  Prints "1, 1" in the console when main.lua is run.

print(level:getbm(7)) --  Prints "1, 8"

print(level:getbm(8)) --  Prints "2, 1"

print(level:getbm(12)) -- Prints "3, 1"

print(level:getbm(13)) -- Prints "3, 2"

level:addevent(beat, event, params)

Adds an event to the level. Most functions in extensions are based on this function.


level:addevent(4, -- The beat to place this event at
   'PulseCamera', -- The event type
      rooms = level:roomtable(0), -- Please see the level:roomtable() documentation below for more info
      count = 2, -- How many times to pulse
      frequency = 1, -- How far apart the pulses will be
      strength = 1 -- Strength of the pulse

-- Note that the above code is equivalent to this function, available in the rooms extension.
level.rooms[0]:pulsecamera(4, 2, 1, 1)
-- Most events in RD have similar shortenings, making level:addevent() really only useful for developers!

level:addfakeevent(beat, event, params)

Adds a fake event to the internal fake event table. When level:push() or level:save() is called, these events are added to the level properly through a level:fakehandler(). level:save() is called at the end of every script by default.

This function is only useful for developers, in conjunction with level:fakehandler()




Converts integers, arrays, and room objects to a table that can be used in an .rdlevel


rt1 = level:roomtable(1)
-- rt1 = {1}

rt2 = level:roomtable({0, 3})
-- rt2 = {0, 3}

coolroom = level.rooms[2] -- only available with the rooms extension

rt3 = level:roomtable(coolroom)
--rt3 = {2}
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