508-compliant video player implementation for Drupal 7, based on VideoJS library.
- drupal/libraries: latest
- drupal/videojs: ^7.x-2.5
- videojs/videojs: ^6.0*
* based on the requirements for VideoJS Drupal module.
The 508-compliant video player was primarily developed for DOI.gov to be a wrapper for all video content presented on the site. To see it in action, please visit the Video section on the DOi.gov, which showcases a variety of videos posted on the agency's site.
After receiving positive reviews internally within the agency, as well as externally from other agencies, the player was converted into a standalone Drupal 7 module. This module is now available to everyone. Please consult with the LICENSE.
The module is installed following standard module installation procedure for Drupal 7.
- download and install all dependencies,
- download and install VideoJS library v6 from videojs/videojs,
- download and install the module,
- enable the module.
If you are using Composer to manage modules and dependencies in your project, add the following entry to repositories list in your composer.json
{ "type": "package", "package": { "name": "doi/video508", "version": "2.0", "type": "drupal-module", "source": { "url": "[email protected]:DMJohn4573/video508.git", "type": "git", "reference": "master" } } }
Then run composer require drupal/libraries drupal/videojs doi/video508
to add Video508 module and dependencies to the project.
Proceed with installing the modules following standard module installation procedure for Drupal 7.
The configuration of the module is found at admin/config/media/video-508
For agencies willing to participate and contribute - please create a fork and submit a PR.
The module has been developed for Drupal 7 and has no Drupal 9/10 support. There are plans on porting the modules to Drupal 9/10, but the roadmap and release date are TBD.
This repository is owned by US Department of Interior For support, please log issues within the project's issues queue.
- Assembled by WebFirst, INC
- Support by US Department of Interior.