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basebot Programmer's Manual


This document provides an overview over the entry points into writing bots using basebot.


basebot supports two approaches to writing bots, a procedural and an object-oriented one. Both are equivalently powerful; however, although simple bots are written quickly using the procedural approach, implementing more complex functionality using it can become ugly as quickly.

For actually running a bot (be it in production or testing), see the corresponding section.

Because the procedural approach builds upon the object-oriented, the latter is explained first; you can skip to the procedural one if you are not interested.

Object-oriented approach

The main (and historically only) way to create new bots is to inherit from the basebot.Bot class. Subclasses may override some class attributes to provide normally static values:

  • BOTNAME: The "codename" of the bot as used for logging.
  • NICKNAME: The nickname to set when entering a room. If at the default of None, the bot will not set a nickname at all; some functionality will be unavailable.
  • SHORT_HELP: If not None, this is replied with to the bare !help command, and if no LONG_HELP is set, it is used for the specific !help command. See the botrulez for advice on how to format help messages.
  • LONG_HELP: If None, the specific !help @BotName command is not replied to. If at the default value of Ellipsis (yes, that is a real singleton), the value of SHORT_HELP is used instead. Otherwise, this is replied with to a specific !help command.

The constructor of the subclass should pass all keyword arguments (and all positional arguments, as applicable) on to the parent class constructor. Some of those may be used to tune responses to standard commands; refer to the reference for details.

There is a plethora of handler methods subclasses can override; a few notable ones are listed here. In every case of overriding a method, the corresponding method of the parent class must be invoked, or undefined behavior occurs.

handle_chat — Live message processing

handle_chat(msg : Message, meta : dict) -> None

This handler is invoked on "live" chat messages (in the library's parlance), i.e. send-event-s, which correspond to users (or bots) posting new messages.

  • msg is a Message structure, presented as an instance of the basebot.Record class that is a dictionary exposing some items as attributes. The most interesting parts of it (but not all; refer to the reference for details) are found at:

    • The ID of the message.
    • msg.parent: The ID of the parent of the message, or None.
    • The user ID of the sender of the message. This may be an account: ID for a user logged into an account, or an agent: or bot: ID otherwise.
    • The nickname of the sender of the message.
    • msg.content: The content of the message.
  • meta is an ordinary dictionary holding miscellaneous meta-information about the message; most notable is:

    • reply: A convenience function with the following signature:

        reply(content : str, callback : callable = None) -> int

      This posts a message with a content of content as a reply to the message currently being handled (the concrete ID for each instance is stored in the closure and does not change when another message is handled). callback, if specified, is called with the server's send-reply to "our" reply as the only argument when the server accepts the message; see send_chat() for details. The return value is the sequence ID of the send packet submitted.

    Further members are omitted here; see the reference for a full listing.

The return value of handle_chat is ignored.

handle_command — Command handling

handle_command(cmdline : list, meta : dict) -> None

This handler is invoked when a "live" chat message (as elaborated above) is in addition a bot command, i.e., the first non-whitespace character is an exclamation mark !; the method is run after handle_chat.

  • cmdline is a list of basebot.Token-s, i.e. strings with an additional offset attribute unambiguously identifying the position in the "parent" string (see below for how to reach that; the Token class does not implement anything beyond; all operations return bare strings). According to the botrulez, the very first item of cmdline is the command name (including the leading !); further items are the arguments in their original order.

  • meta is again an ordinary dictionary holding references to some objects of interest. Particularly interesting may be:

    • line: The entire unfiltered command line as a string.
    • msgid: The ID of the message.
    • sender: The nickname of the author of the message.
    • sender_id: The (agent) ID of the sender.
    • reply, a convenience function for replying elaborated upon above.

The return value of handle_command is, again, ignored.

Additional handlers

  • handle_login() -> NoneInitial actions

    This method is invoked after the bot has successfully authenticated in a room, but has not set a nickname yet. The return value is ignored.

  • handle_nick_set() -> NoneLate initial actions

    This method is invoked after the bot has set its nick; it can be used to post messages announcing the bot's appearance. The return value is ignored again.

  • handle_logout(ok : bool, final : bool) -> NoneEarly final actions

    This method is the inverse of handle_login; it is invoked just before the bot disconnects. The return value is ignored.

    ok tells whether the connection is being terminated normally (True) or was severed abruptly (False); if it is true, the bot may post a final message. final tells whether the log-out is a temporary disconnect (False) or the bot shutting down terminally (True).

send_chat — Post a message

send_chat(content : str, parent : str = None) -> int

This method — which is not a handler (but may be overridden anyway) — posts a chat message. content is the text of the message, parent is either the ID of the parent of the tentative message, or None for starting a new thread. The function returns the sequence ID (id in the packet descritpion) of the send submitted.

An additional keyword-only argument _callback may be passed; it is a function with the following signature:

callback(packet : Packet) -> None

The callback is invoked with the server's send-reply to "our" send (when it arrives) as the only argument. The return value is ignored.

Procedural approach

The other bot writing approach basebot supports is procedural, and avoids the use of own classes altogether. Instead, (named) arguments are passed to the basebot.run_minibot function (or, alternatively, to the constructor of basebot.MiniBot, which inherits from basebot.Bot) for setting all configuration values pointed out above.

  • botname: The name of the bot for logging; corresponds to the BOTNAME class attribute.
  • nickname: The default nickname of the bot; corresponds to NICKNAME.
  • short_help: The reply for the general !help command; corresponds to SHORT_HELP.
  • long_help: The reply for the specific !help @BotName command; if not specified, short_help is used instead (if given). Corresponds to LONG_HELP.

The following argument may be used to implement the functionality of a bot (defined indeed by parents of the Bot class):

  • command_handlers: A mapping from command names (without the leading exclamation marks !; the None singleton matches any command) to functions (or lists of functions, but not strings), which are invoked when the command identified by the key is encountered; the signature of the handler functions is the same as of handle_command above.

The following functionality is only present at MiniBot:

  • regexes: A mapping from regular expression strings to reply specifications. The regular expressions are matched against the message (using in traversal order, i.e., in general, in undefined order, and the value corresponding to the first regular expression that matched is used.
  • match_self: If the argument is absent or false (the default), messages from the bot itself are not interpreted by it to avoid infinite loops; if true, they are.
  • match_all: If the argument is absent or false (the default), the behavior described above under regexes is implemented; if true, all regular expressions are matched against the input in traversal order.

If a particular ordering of regular expression triggers is desired, a collections.OrderedDict instance may be passed as regexes; the warning about undefined order becomes void in that case.

Reply specifications

The following steps are applied to an object when the regular expression corresponding to it has matched:

  1. If the object is callable, it is called as follows:

     handler(match : re.match, meta : dict) -> object

    The first argument is the match object gained from matching the corresponding regular expression against the message; the second one is a dictionary containing meta-information that may be of interest (the items described here are indeed identical to the ones mentioned under handle_command):

    • msgid: The ID of the message being processed.
    • sender: The nickname of the sender of the message.
    • sender_id: The (agent) ID of the sender of the message.
    • reply: A function that, when called, posts a message as a reply to the current message. As an additional argument, a callback may be passed that is called with the server's send-reply to "our" reply as the argument. See the description of reply in the section above for more details.

    Additional members can be found in the reference.

    The return value of the function, or the object itself if it is not one, is used in the next step.

  2. If the object is a list or tuple, all of its entries are considered by the next step individually; if it is a string, only it itself is; if it is None, the next step is not performed.

  3. Unless the original object (in the first step) had been a function, the current string is passed through the match object's expand method (see the Python documentation), and then replied with to the message being processed.

Hence, the following patterns for handling a message can be highlighted:

  • A (mostly) fixed reply (or list thereof) is hard-coded and expanded with groupings from the match.
  • A handler function (or lambda) processes the match and returns a string (or list of strings) to reply with.
  • A handler function processes the match and returns nothing (but has side effects, or stores the reply closure for later use).

Shared state

Apart from storing state globally (which is frowned upon), the callbacks (in fact all the ones mentioned above which have a meta argument) can access the MiniBot (or Bot) instance used as the meta['self'] member. In addition, the following callbacks may be specified for the bot to handle state initialization / cleanup:

  • init_cb is a function invoked once the bot connects for the first time. It takes a single positional argument, namely the bot instance going to run.
  • close_cb is similarly invoked at the very end of the bot's main loop with it as the only argument.

Running bots

basebot provides automated means of setting up a bot (along with other facilities such as logging) with two module-level functions:

  • basebot.run_main is called with the bot class as the only positional argument (and optional configuration via keyword arguments), and spawns the bot defined by the given class in the rooms specified on the command line.

  • basebot.run_minibot takes no positional arguments at all, but keyword arguments only. It is identical from run_main, except that it substitutes MiniBot as the bot class (if none is given explicitly). See above for some arguments of note.


This section covers topics not immediately needed for writing a basic bot.

Bot managers

The basebot.BotManager class is responsible for parsing the command line, creating bot instances, in potentially multiple rooms, and overseeing their execution. Functionality available across room boundaries should be bound here.

The manager class to use can be specified using the mgrcls keyword argument to run_main or run_minibot; its (class) methods are invoked by the latters for the principial actions. Of note are the following:

  • prepare_parser(parser : argparse.ArgumentParser, config : dict) -> NoneArgument parser initialization

    This method declares command-line options; refer to the Python documentation for details (see in particular the add_argument method). config is the dictionary of keyword arguments as passed to run_main or run_minibot.

  • interpret_args(arguments : object, config : dict) -> (bots : list, config : dict)Argument processing

    This method receives the argument values and the config object mentioned above as arguments and returns a list of bot specifications and a keyword argument dictionary for the BotManager constructor. Overriding classes are advised to invoke the parent class' method and to amend the config returned by it with values from the arguments object, transforming as necessary; these get passed down to the BotManager constructor and to the bots' constructors.

The constructor of a subclass should pass all positional and keyword arguments on to the parent class constructor and perform initialization as necessary.

Individual bot instances can access the BotManager that created them via the manager attribute, and other bot instances via it (although there is no standard way for that).

See also the subsection about thread safety just below.

Thread safety

Each bot instance is run in an own thread; as long as there is only one or the bot instances do not interact with each other, no particular precautions do need to be taken.

While the handler methods of bots are protected by the bot's state manipulation lock, arbitrary accesses from outside are not. Implement inter-bot interaction in a threadsafe way.

basebot provides convenience functions for spawning daemonic and non-daemonic worker threads at module level; be careful not to spawn them in methods that may be run multiple times over the lifetime of a bot (unless that is intended).

Further reading

The inline documentation of provides a thorough reference of all components included.