You can initialize the plugin with notification user categories to provide button options within the notification. Depending on the notification category received you can provide different button options.
Each notification user category can have it's own options
public class NotificationUserCategory
public string Category { get; }
public List<NotificationUserAction> Actions { get; }
public NotificationCategoryType Type { get; }
public NotificationUserCategory(string category, List<NotificationUserAction> actions, NotificationCategoryType type = NotificationCategoryType.Default)
Category = category;
Actions = actions;
Type = type;
//This just applies for iOS on Android is always set as default when used
public enum NotificationCategoryType
Each user action represents a button option of the notification user category
public class NotificationUserAction
public string Id { get; } // Action Identifier
public string Title { get; } //Title to be displayed for the option
public NotificationActionType Type { get; } //Determines the behaviour when action is executed
public string Icon { get; } //Applies only for Android
public NotificationUserAction(string id, string title, NotificationActionType type = NotificationActionType.Default, string icon = "")
Id = id;
Title = title;
Type = type;
Icon = icon;
There are a few types of notification user actions which determines the behaviour of it when the button option is tapped:
public enum NotificationActionType
AuthenticationRequired, //Only applies for iOS
Destructive //Only applies for iOS
Default : When a button with this notification action type is tapped will handle the notification on background won't bring the application to foreground. Action will take place without launching the application.
Foreground : When a button with this notification action type is tapped will bring the application to foreground and receive the notification once application is in foreground.
AuthenticationRequired : If set the user needs to insert the unlock code to launch the action in background. This action is iOS specific will be ignored on Android.
Destructive : Action button will have a red color. This action is iOS specific will be ignored on Android.
Android on Application class OnCreate method:
"Notification Hub Connection String",
"Notification Hub Path Name",
new NotificationUserCategory[]
new NotificationUserCategory("message",new List<NotificationUserAction> {
new NotificationUserAction("Reply","Reply", NotificationActionType.Foreground),
new NotificationUserAction("Forward","Forward", NotificationActionType.Foreground)
new NotificationUserCategory("request",new List<NotificationUserAction> {
new NotificationUserAction("Accept","Accept", NotificationActionType.Default, "check"),
new NotificationUserAction("Reject","Reject", NotificationActionType.Default, "cancel")
}, true);
"Notification Hub Connection String",
"Notification Hub Path Name",
new NotificationUserCategory[]
new NotificationUserCategory("message",new List<NotificationUserAction> {
new NotificationUserAction("Reply","Reply", NotificationActionType.Foreground),
new NotificationUserAction("Forward","Forward", NotificationActionType.Foreground)
new NotificationUserCategory("request",new List<NotificationUserAction> {
new NotificationUserAction("Accept","Accept", NotificationActionType.Default, "check"),
new NotificationUserAction("Reject","Reject", NotificationActionType.Default, "cancel")
}, false);
iOS on AppDelegate FinishLaunching:
"Notification Hub Connection String",
"Notification Hub Path Name",
new NotificationUserCategory[]
new NotificationUserCategory("message",new List<NotificationUserAction> {
new NotificationUserAction("Reply","Reply",NotificationActionType.Foreground)
new NotificationUserCategory("request",new List<NotificationUserAction> {
new NotificationUserAction("Accept","Accept"),
new NotificationUserAction("Reject","Reject",NotificationActionType.Destructive)
You will get the identifier of the action that was tapped on OnNotificationOpened event:
CrossAzurePushNotification.Current.OnNotificationOpened += (s,p) =>
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ActionId: {p.Identifier}");
foreach(var data in p.Data)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{data.Key} : {data.Value}");
On Android should use click_action key inside the data payload when sending notification with categories. The value for this key will be the category.
Android Notification Sample Payload:
"data": {
"body" : "hello!",
"title": "push",
On iOS should use category key inside the aps payload when sending notification with categories. The value for this key will be the category.
iOS Notification Sample Payload:
"aps" : {
"category" : "message",
"alert" : {
"body" : "hello!"
"badge" : 3
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