Instagram clone with different features
This app is a university project to show the works of REST API application.
For Client was used:
- React (the latest version with hooks and functional paradigm)
- Redux (for state-management)
- Thunk (for async actions with redux)
- Material-UI (The Main View library)
- Axios (for API requests on the client(authorized with JWT TOKEN))
- React-Router (for navigation purpose)
For Server was used:
- Spring-Boot (API Framework based on Spring)
- JDBC (for connection with DataBase(MySql))
- Spring-Security-JWT (for users authentication and users management)
- Hibernate (for work with DataBase using Classes)
For DataBase was used MySql and PhpMyAdmin for the database management
To run this app you should have the following requirements:
To run this app:
- git clone
- import db from the cloned repository in your db server(I was using PhpMyAdmin)
- change the following file server/src/main/resources/
- spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}:3306/db_insta - 3306 to your db port and db_insta to imported db name
- spring.datasource.username=instauser - instauser to your db userName
- spring.datasource.password=sanea sanea to your db password
- open 2 terminals in the cloned repository
- cd server
- mvn spring-boot:run (this will install all dependencies for the server from maven,this can last for ~ 5 minutes,in dependency of internet connection and the power of the pc,and then this will start the server)
- cd client
- npm install (this will install all dependencies for the client from npm)
- npm run (this will run the app in the browser)
By default
- Server have default port 8080
- Client have default port 1234
- If some of them is occupied
- netstat -ano | findstr :occupied_port (this will find the pid which is using the occupied port)
- taskkill /PID pid_from_above /F
- Rerun the app
Also, you can check endpoints of server using the postman Collection from postman.txt
- [email protected]
- password
- [email protected]
- password