This contains links to every applicable file locating in the other repositories
CougSat1-Design gives an overview of CougSat-1
CougSat1-Requirements gives all of the system level requirements and subsystem design requirements
The CougSat1-Hardware repository contains all engineering files that deal with hardware. Note: Every schematic's first page is the block diagram that abstracts the subsystem to blocks that should be understandable my most people (even without an electrical background).
- The Avionics board has the ADCS. C&DH, and IFJR subsystems.
- The Backplane board connects every subsytems in parallel.
- Backplane schematic
- Backplane design document
- CougSat card standard is the mechanical design of the cards that slot into the backplane
- The Ground station talks to CougSat-1
- The Payload is a germination experiment and a camera that will take photos of Earth
- The Power subsystem handles all power for the entire craft
- The Radio board communicates for CougSat-1 to the Ground. The +X Panel mounts the low gain antenna.
- The Structure holds all of the hardware together
- The Umbilical connects to CougSat-1 for testing and charging when the sun goes away
The CougSat1-Software repository contains all engineering files that deal with software
- The ADCS µController controls the ADCS
- The Comms µController controls the Comms subsystem
- The Ground application runs on a normal computer and talks to Comms
- The IFJR µController controls the IFJR subsystem
- The IHU controls the C&DH subsystem
- The PMIC controls the EPS
The Resources repository contains all engineering files that are not directly related to CougSat-1. These are supplier documents, general how to build a satellite resources, etc.
- Cougs in Space Inventory has every hardware component with its sku, model number, vendor number, and current quantity
- Component models has mCAD for every hardware component
- CubeSat specifications has the governing CubeSat specifications
- Example cubesats has documents from various succesful CubeSats
- Standard Operating Procedures has documents that aid in standardizing the engineering efforts
- Subsystems has resources files that are specific to a subsytem
- EAGLE Files has the EAGLE resource files (CAM, DRU). The readme has the guidelines for creating schematics and boards.
- Cougs in Space Library has all of the EAGLE library files. The readme has guidelines on creating a part in the library. Anyone can make a part but it may be easier to have Bradley make it.
- Supplier Documents has datasheets and other documents about commerical hardware (i.e. anything we do not fabricate)
- Templates has template files for various applications
- CubeSat 101 is a long document made by NASA that gives a starting guide to how to build a satellite.