AI::Ollama::Client - Client for AI::Ollama
use 5.020;
use AI::Ollama::Client;
my $client = AI::Ollama::Client->new(
server => '',
my $res = $client->someMethod()->get;
say $res;
my $res = $client->checkBlob()->get;
Check to see if a blob exists on the Ollama server which is useful when creating models.
my $res = $client->createBlob()->get;
Create a blob from a file. Returns the server file path.
my $res = $client->generateChatCompletion()->get;
Generate the next message in a chat with a provided model.
Returns a AI::Ollama::GenerateChatCompletionResponse.
my $res = $client->copyModel()->get;
Creates a model with another name from an existing model.
my $res = $client->createModel()->get;
Create a model from a Modelfile.
Returns a AI::Ollama::CreateModelResponse.
my $res = $client->deleteModel()->get;
Delete a model and its data.
my $res = $client->generateEmbedding()->get;
Generate embeddings from a model.
Returns a AI::Ollama::GenerateEmbeddingResponse.
use Future::Utils 'repeat';
my $responses = $client->generateCompletion();
repeat {
my ($res) = $responses->shift;
if( $res ) {
my $str = $res->get;
say $str;
Future::Mojo->done( defined $res );
} until => sub($done) { $done->get };
Generate a response for a given prompt with a provided model.
Returns a AI::Ollama::GenerateCompletionResponse.
my $res = $client->pullModel(
name => 'llama',
Download a model from the ollama library.
Returns a AI::Ollama::PullModelResponse.
my $res = $client->pushModel()->get;
Upload a model to a model library.
Returns a AI::Ollama::PushModelResponse.
my $info = $client->showModelInfo()->get;
say $info->modelfile;
Show details about a model including modelfile, template, parameters, license, and system prompt.
Returns a AI::Ollama::ModelInfo.
my $info = $client->listModels()->get;
for my $model ($info->models->@*) {
say $model->model; # llama2:latest
List models that are available locally.
Returns a AI::Ollama::ModelsResponse.