No person may be denied any of the below positions because of race, color, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, national origin, nationality, or citizenship. Disability status shall also not preclude a person from holding a position below except for those positions which require certain rites and rituals the person may be unable to perform.
ℹ️ Greatest Priest
The Pontifex Maximus shall be charged with the entire system of religious rites recognized by the Corporation, which system shall be written out for him and include the manner and timing of sacrifices, the supervision of religious funds, authority over all religious institutions recognized as Members of the Corporation, instruction of the populace in the celestial and funerary rites including appeasing the dead, and expiation of prodigies.
👉 From the job description given to Numa Marcius from King Numa Pompilius.
ℹ️ Cardinal Priests
Each recognized Ab Urbe Condita Cult shall have one Flamen, elected by that Cult's Pontifices, Board of Directors, or however else they see fit, and confirmed by the Pontifex Maximus.
Each Flamen is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the rites and rituals of their Cult. The Flamen must work with the Pontiffs and Sacerdos in establishing and carrying out the rites and rituals and promulgating such to all temples, priests, practitioners, and followers of their Cult/Order.
ℹ️ Senior Priest
Each Order/Cult led by a Flamen shall be given the responsibility and obligation to ordain Pontifices from their ranks of Sacerdotes.
ℹ️ Priest
Each Order/Cult led by a Flamen shall be given the responsibility and obligation to ordain Sacerdotes.
ℹ️ Teacher
Like a Minister below, providing services for a community, but with the additional training necessary to provide licensed counseling services.
ℹ️ Attendant, Servant, Agent
Every town, village, and community needs at least one Minister with deference to the broad Religio Romana. Their responsibilities shall include:
- lead public rituals for the many Gods and Goddesses;
- lead services such as weddings and funerals;
- host meetings, at least weekly, in order to teach beliefs to the community; and
- provide spiritual guidance to the community.
ℹ️ The head of the household regardless of sex, gender, or gender identity.
Responsibilities include:
- Performing the religious rites for the household
- Teaching the children of the house in the ways of the Religio Romana
- Honoring the Lar Familias, Penates, and Vesta
Patres Familiarum recognized and joined in the Corporation shall constitute the Voting Members of the Corporation, and of any other member organization(s) held under Foedus Plēnae Commūniōnis as they may choose, subject to the governing rules and bylaws of that (those) member organization(s).