react-tag-commander Sample application
-The loading and configuration
-The main application configuration
--- -import
-{'// you need to provide URIS to load containers script. You can add as many container as you like'}
-{'// addContainer (id, uri, node)'}
-{'// but you can also remove them'}
-{'// you can set debug by setting this to true'}
-{'// you can track the url of your app by setting this, it will reload the containers on each page change'}
- In the provider's method 'addContainer', The "node" parameter can either be set to 'body' or 'head', by default the container will be placed in the head. -
- -The routes configuration
-- If you have set wrapper.trackRoutes(true); in your application configuration, - you can configure witch container will be reloaded on witch route, else what you need to do it in your controller. - the containers will be reloaded after the controller has been executed, - but if you change or set a varible in your controller methode you will need to call wrapper.reloadAllContainers(options) - to propagate the changes to your containers. -
- -- If you don't set the TagCommanderProvider.trackRoutes(true); (or you set it to false) you will have to reload your container manually -
--- -{'// reload a specifique container'}
-{'// or you can reload all the containers'}
How to set your Vars
-In a component
-- The setVar call allows to set your tc_vars. -
--- -wrapper
-{'// you can also override some varible'}
) {'{'}
-{'// or set/update them individualy'}
-{'// you can also remove a var'}
In render function(JSX)
-- You can set your tc_vars with the TcVars Component -
-- <-TcVars
/> -