Description | Type | Level | Community Specific | Data |
Inventory Manager is running | SYSTEM | INFO | x | x |
Community created | API | INFO | v | String community id |
Community edited | API | INFO | v | String community id |
Currency created | API | INFO | x | String currency id |
Currency edited | API | INFO | x | String currency id |
Market Maker created | API | INFO | x | String market maker id |
Market Maker edited | API | INFO | x | String market maker id |
Wallet created | API | INFO | v | String wallet id |
Wallet edited | API | INFO | x | String wallet id |
Transfer successful | API | INFO | x | String transaction id |
Change successful | API | INFO | x | String transaction id |
Revert successful | API | INFO | x | Object transaction & revert transaction ids |
Transmit successful | API | INFO | x | Object[] currency & transmit ids |
Start | JOB | INFO | x | Object job attributes |
Complete | JOB | INFO | x | Object job attributes |
Success | JOB | INFO | x | Object job attributes |
Fail | JOB | WARNING | x | Object job attributes |
Process currencies batch error | LISTENER | WARNING | x | Object the error |
Get transfer events error | LISTENER | WARNING | x | Object the error |
Disabled in config | LISTENER | WARNING | x | x |
To unknown address | TRANSFER_EVENT | WARNING | x | Object from & to addresses and amount |
From unknown address | TRANSFER_EVENT | INFO | x | Object from & to addresses and amount |
Deposit transaction created | TRANSFER_EVENT | INFO | x | Object blockchain & offchain transaction ids |
Known from & to addresses | TRANSFER_EVENT | INFO | x | Object from & to addresses and amount |
Get blockchain balance error | BLOCKCHAIN | CRITICAL | x | Object address & token |
Update blockchain balance error | BLOCKCHAIN | CRITICAL | x | Object address & token |
Transfer done | BLOCKCHAIN | INFO | x | String blockchain transaction hash |
Change done | BLOCKCHAIN | INFO | x | String blockchain transaction hash |
Blockchain sync-state error | BLOCKCHAIN | WARNING | x | Object the error |
Blockchain sync-state done | BLOCKCHAIN | INFO | x | String[] blockchain transaction ids |
Transfer error | BLOCKCHAIN | CRITICAL | x | Object the error |
Change error | BLOCKCHAIN | CRITICAL | x | Object the error |
Deposit error | BLOCKCHAIN | CRITICAL | x | Object the error |
Transmit error | BLOCKCHAIN | CRITICAL | x | Object the error |