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File metadata and controls

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Step 11 - Updating Content

story( "I want to be able to update content objects" )

I don't have to do any more setup for security, resources or even handlers. We have our resourceful handler already. So let's delve into the BDD first.


Update the spec with a new story and scenarios:`

story( "I want to be able to update content objects", function(){
	given( "valid incoming data", function(){
		then( "it should update the content object", function(){
			var event = put(
				route = "/api/v1/content/Record-Slave-Crystal",
				params = {
					title         : "I just changed you!",
					body          : "I love BDD sooooooooooo much!",
					isPublished   : false

			// expectations go here.
			var response = event.getPrivateValue( "Response" );

			debug( response.getData() );

			expect( response ).toHaveStatus( 200 );
			expect( response.getData().title ).toBe( "I just changed you!" );
			expect( response.getData().id ).notToBeEmpty();

	given( "an invalid slug", function(){
		then( "it should throw a validation error", function(){
			var event = put(
				route = "/api/v1/content/bogus",
				params = {
                    slug : "",
					body          : "I love BDD sooooooooooo much!",
					isPublished   : true,
					publishedDate : now()

			// expectations go here.
			var response = event.getPrivateValue( "Response" );

			expect( response ).toHaveStatus( 404 );

Ok, now let's put it together!

Update Action

 * update
function update( event, rc, prc ) {
	param rc.slug = "";

	prc.oContent = contentService.findBySlug( rc.slug );

	if ( !prc.oContent.isLoaded() ) {
			.setError( true )
			.setStatusCode( event.STATUS.NOT_FOUND )
			.setStatusText( "Not Found" )
			.addMessage( "The requested content object (#rc.slug#) could not be found" );

	// populate, validate and create
	prc.oContent = contentService.update(
        populateModel( prc.oContent )
            .setUser( jwtAuth().getUser() )

	prc.response.setData( prc.oContent.getMemento() );

We have to also get the authenticated user to add it into the content.

Update Services

Now to the ugly (funky) SQL

* update
function update( required content ){
	var qResults = qb.from( "content" )
		.whereId( arguments.content.getId() )
		.update( {
			"slug" 			= arguments.content.getSlug(),
			"title" 		= arguments.content.getTitle(),
			"body" 			= arguments.content.getBody(),
			"isPublished" 	= { value : arguments.content.getIsPublished(), cfsqltype : "tinyint" },
			"publishedDate" = { value : arguments.content.getPublishedDate(), cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
			"modifiedDate" 	= { value : now(), cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
			"FK_userId"		= arguments.content.getUser().getId()
		} );

	return arguments.content;

Run your tests, validate and BOOM, validation errors!!! WHATTTTTT. What could be wrong?

Updating The Unique Validator

It seems our validator is in need of some updating, since if we do an update it will claim that the slug is already there, but I want an update not a creation. So let's udpate it.

slug : { required : true, udf : ( value, target ) => {
	if( isNull( arguments.value ) ) return false;
	return qb.from( "content" )
		.where( "slug", arguments.value )
		.when( this.isLoaded(), ( q ) => {
			arguments.q.whereNotIn( "id", this.getId() );
		} )
		.count() == 0;

Check out the cool when() function. It allows us to switch up the SQL if the actual object has been persisted already. Now run your tests and we should be good now!

Let's go simple

Now let's go simple and update our validator to this:

slug  : {
    required : true,
    unique : { table : "content" }

ColdBox Validations to the rescue!