diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21a89d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+FROM ubuntu:22.04
+RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ clang \
+ curl \
+ git \
+ vim \
+ build-essential \
+ libffi-dev \
+ libssl-dev \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libbz2-dev \
+ libreadline-dev \
+ libsqlite3-dev \
+ software-properties-common \
+ vim
+RUN add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
+RUN apt install python3.9-dev -y
+RUN apt install -y python3-pip \
+ python3.9-distutils
+RUN python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip
+RUN python3.9 --version
+RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.9 1
+RUN update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3.9
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdebf3d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2024 CodiumAI
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+++ b/README.md
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+# Code Generation with AlphaCodium: From Prompt Engineering to Flow Engineering
+[Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.08500) |
+Official Implementation
+> Tal Ridnik, Dedy Kredo, Itamar Friedman
+Code generation problems differ from common natural language problems - they require matching the exact syntax of the target language, identifying happy paths and edge cases, paying attention to numerous small details in the problem spec, and addressing other code-specific issues and requirements. Hence, many of the optimizations and tricks that have been successful in natural language generation may not be effective for code tasks.
+In this work, we propose a new approach to code generation by LLMs, which we call AlphaCodium - a test-based, multi-stage, code-oriented iterative flow, that improves the performances of LLMs on code problems.
+We tested AlphaCodium on a challenging code generation dataset called CodeContests, which includes competitive programming problems from platforms such as Codeforces. The proposed flow consistently and significantly improves results.
+On the validation set, for example, GPT-4 accuracy (pass@5) increased from 19% with a single well-designed direct prompt to 44% with the AlphaCodium flow.
+Many of the principles and best practices we acquired in this work, we believe, are broadly applicable to general code generation tasks.
+ |
+ |
+## Installation
+(1) setup a virtual environment and run: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
+(2) Duplicate the file `alpha_codium/settings/.secrets_template.toml`, rename it as `.secrets.toml`, and fill your openai api key:
+key = "..."
+(3) Download the processed CodeContest validation and test dataset from [hugging face](https://huggingface.co/datasets/talrid/CodeContests_valid_and_test_AlphaCodium/blob/main/codecontests_valid_and_test_processed_alpha_codium.zip), extract the zip file, and placed the extracted folder in the root of the project.
+## How to run
+### Configuration
+The file: `alpha_codium/settings/configuration.toml` contains the configuration for the project.
+In the `config` section you can choose the model you want to use ("gpt-4", "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", or others).
+### Solving a specific problem
+To solve a specific problem with AlphaCodium, from the root folder run:
+python -m alpha_codium.solve_problem \
+--dataset_name /path/to/dataset \
+--split_name test \
+--problem_number 0
+- The `dataset_name` is the path to the dataset folder you downloaded in the installation step.
+- Note that the validation set contain 117 problems, and the test set contain 165 problems, so the `problem_number` parameter should be accordingly (zero-based)
+- The `split_name` can be either `valid` or `test`.
+- The followings sections in the configuration file:
+`solve`, `self_reflection`,`possible_solutions`,`generate_ai_tests`,`initial_code_generation`,`public_tests`, `ai_tests`
+enable to adjust possible configurations for the different stages of the flow.
+- Each run logs the results to a file named `alpha_codium/example.log`. Reviewing the log file is a good way to understand what is going on in each stage of the flow.
+Example problem (test set, problem number 12):
+ |
+### Solving the entire dataset
+to solve the entire dataset with AlphaCodium, from the root folder run:
+python -m alpha_codium.solve_dataset \
+--dataset_name /path/to/dataset \
+--split_name test
+--database_solution_path /path/to/output/dir/dataset_output.json
+- The `split_name` can be either `valid` or `test`.
+- `database_solution_path` is the path to the directory where the solutions will be saved.
+- The `dataset` section in the configuration file contains the configuration for the running and evaluation a dataset.
+- Note that this is a long process, and it may take a few days to complete with large models (e.g. GPT-4) and several iterations per problem.
+- `dataset.num_iterations` defines the number of iterations for each problem (pass@K). For large number of iterations, it is recommended to introduce some randomness and different options for each iteration to achieve top results.
+### Running the evaluation
+Once you generate a solution for the entire dataset (valid or test), you can evaluate it by running:
+python -m alpha_codium.evaluate_dataset\
+--dataset_name /path/to/dataset\
+--split_name test\
+--database_solution_path /path/to/output/dir/dataset_output.json
+## Broader Applicability
+While this work presents results on CodeContests dataset, we believe that it has a broader applicability.
+First and foremost, we feel that the proposed AlphaCodium [flow](./pics/proposed_flow.png), with reasonable adjustments, can be used as a more general framework for other code generation tasks.
+Secondly, many of the design concepts, principles, and tricks we acquired in this work are broadly applicable as-is to any general code generation tasks. For example:
+- **YAML Structured output**: asking the model to generate an output in YAML format, equivalent to a given Pydantic class
+- **Semantic reasoning via bullet points analysis**: bullet points analysis encourage an in-depth understanding of the problem, and force the model to divide the output into logical semantic sections, leading to improved results
+- **LLMs do better when generating a modular code**: when clearly asking the model to: `divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality`, we observe a better-produced code, with fewer bugs, and higher success rates for the iterative fixing stages.
+- **Soft decisions with double validation**: with a double validation process, we add an extra step where, given the generated output, the model is asked to re-generate the same output, but correct it if needed
+- **Leave room for exploration**: since the model can be wrong, it’s better to avoid irreversible decisions, and leave room for exploration and code iterations with different possible solutions
+The list above is partial. See the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.08500) for more details. The code provided [in this repo](./settings) can be used as a reference for better understanding the proposed concepts, and for applying them to other code generation tasks.
+## Acknowledgments
+Our process CodeContests dataset is based on the original [CodeContests](https://huggingface.co/datasets/deepmind/code_contests) dataset.
+We removed the train set (which is not relevant for our work), and did some post-processing and cleaning to the validation and test sets.
+## Citation
+ title={Code Generation with AlphaCodium: From Prompt Engineering to Flow Engineering},
+ author={Tal Ridnik and Dedy Kredo and Itamar Friedman},
+ year={2024},
+ eprint={2401.08500},
+ archivePrefix={arXiv},
+ primaryClass={cs.LG}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d8a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import os
+import random
+import numpy as np
+def set_all_seeds(seed):
+ random.seed(seed)
+ np.random.seed(seed)
+ os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed)
+ try:
+ import tensorflow as tf
+ tf.random.set_seed(seed)
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ import torch
+ torch.manual_seed(seed)
+ if torch.cuda.is_available():
+ torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)
+ torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) # if you are using multi-GPU.
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/prepare_and_clean_dataset.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/prepare_and_clean_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e02863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/prepare_and_clean_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+import asyncio
+import copy
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import time
+import numpy as np
+from datasets import Dataset
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.data.provider import CodeContestDataProvider
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger, setup_logger
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import evaluate_solution_on_subset
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+def preapare_and_clean_dataset(dataset_name='valid_and_test'):
+ # process base dataset
+ output_dataset_name = 'valid_and_test_processed'
+ base_path = os.path.expanduser(get_settings().etl.private_dataset_cache_dir)
+ output_path = os.path.join(base_path, output_dataset_name)
+ data_provider = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_location=dataset_name)
+ # add and process the multiple_solutions field
+ data_provider = add_multiple_solutions_field(data_provider)
+ # will add 'is_valid_test' field to all problems
+ data_provider = add_is_valid_field(data_provider)
+ data_provider = problem_3_validation_fix(data_provider)
+ data_provider = problem_29_test_fix(data_provider)
+ data_provider = problem_92_test_fix(data_provider)
+ # sorting so that 'python' solutions will be first
+ data_provider = sort_solution_by_language(data_provider)
+ # calc if there are valid solutions to the problem. if not, mark the problem as invalid
+ data_provider = calc_is_valid_problem(data_provider)
+ # save the dataset
+ data_provider.dataset.save_to_disk(output_path)
+def calc_is_valid_problem(data_provider):
+ get_settings().code_tester.sandbox = False
+ th_correct = 0.2 # if less than 20% of the solutions are correct, mark the problem as invalid
+ max_tests = 25
+ for split_name in ['valid', 'test']:
+ ds = data_provider.dataset[split_name]
+ ds_dict = ds.to_dict()
+ ds_dict['is_valid_problem'] = [True] * len(ds)
+ solutions_list = ds_dict['solutions']
+ for i, solutions in enumerate(solutions_list):
+ logger.info(f"processing problem {i} in split '{split_name}' for valid solutions")
+ problem_dict = ds[i]
+ s_list = solutions['solution']
+ l_list = solutions['language']
+ s_list = [s for s, l in zip(s_list, l_list) if 'python' in l.lower()]
+ l_list = [l for l in l_list if 'python' in l.lower()]
+ if len(s_list) < 5:
+ logger.info(f"problem {i} in split '{split_name}' has less than 5 python solutions, cannot validate")
+ continue
+ test_failed_private_list = []
+ test_failed_generated_list = []
+ counter = 0
+ timeout_len = 60 # 60 seconds
+ start_time = time.time()
+ for language, sol in zip(l_list, s_list):
+ if 'python' not in language.lower():
+ continue
+ counter += 1
+ if counter > max_tests:
+ continue
+ if time.time() > start_time + timeout_len:
+ continue
+ # test_results, test_passed_public, test_failed_public, test_timeout_public \
+ # = evaluate_solution_on_subset('public_tests', problem_dict, sol, silent=True, break_on_timeout=True)
+ test_results, test_passed_private, test_failed_private, test_timeout_private \
+ = evaluate_solution_on_subset('private_tests', problem_dict, sol, silent=True,
+ break_on_timeout=True)
+ test_results, test_passed_generate, test_failed_generate, test_timeout_generate \
+ = evaluate_solution_on_subset('generated_tests', problem_dict, sol, silent=True,
+ break_on_timeout=True)
+ test_failed_private_list.append(test_failed_private)
+ test_failed_generated_list.append(test_failed_generate)
+ if (time.time() > start_time + timeout_len) and counter > 10:
+ continue
+ if not test_failed_private_list:
+ logger.info(f"problem {i} in split '{split_name}' has no python solutions")
+ continue
+ test_failed_private_list = np.array(test_failed_private_list)
+ test_failed_generated_list = np.array(test_failed_generated_list)
+ frac_correct = np.sum((test_failed_private_list + test_failed_generated_list) == 0) / len(
+ test_failed_private_list)
+ # final decision
+ if frac_correct < th_correct:
+ logger.info(f"Failed - problem {i} in split {split_name} is invalid, has {frac_correct*100}% correct solutions, "
+ f"total of {len(test_failed_private_list)} solutions processed")
+ ds_dict['is_valid_problem'][i] = False
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"Passed - problem {i} in split {split_name} is valid, has {frac_correct*100}% correct solutions, "
+ f"total of {len(test_failed_private_list)} solutions processed")
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = Dataset.from_dict(ds_dict)
+ return data_provider
+def add_multiple_solutions_field(data_provider):
+ for split_name in ['valid', 'test']:
+ multiple_solutions_list = np.array([False] * len(data_provider.dataset[split_name]))
+ ds = data_provider.dataset[split_name]
+ for i, p in enumerate(ds):
+ d_output = p['description'].split('Output\n')[1]
+ if ('multiple solutions' in p['description'] or 'multiple possible solutions' in p['description']
+ or 'multiple possible solutions' in p['description'] or 'multiple' in d_output):
+ # print(f"problem {i} has multiple solutions")
+ # print(f"=========\n{p['description']}\n=======\n\n")
+ multiple_solutions_list[i] = True
+ else:
+ multiple_solutions_list[i] = False
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = data_provider.dataset[split_name].add_column('multiple_solutions',
+ multiple_solutions_list)
+ return data_provider
+def sort_solution_by_language(data_provider):
+ # sorting so that 'python' solutions will be first
+ for split_name in ['valid', 'test']:
+ ds_dict = data_provider.dataset[split_name].to_dict()
+ solutions_list = ds_dict['solutions']
+ for i, p in enumerate(solutions_list):
+ np_lang = np.array(p['language'])
+ ind_sorted = np.concatenate(
+ (np.argwhere(np_lang == 'PYTHON3'), np.argwhere(np_lang == 'CPP'), np.argwhere(np_lang == 'JAVA')))
+ p['solution'] = [p['solution'][i[0]] for i in ind_sorted]
+ p['language'] = [p['language'][i[0]] for i in ind_sorted]
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = Dataset.from_dict(ds_dict)
+ return data_provider
+def add_is_valid_field(data_provider):
+ for split_name in ['valid', 'test']:
+ ds_dict = data_provider.dataset[split_name].to_dict()
+ ds_dict['public_tests'][0]['is_valid_test'] = None
+ ds_dict['private_tests'][0]['is_valid_test'] = None
+ ds_dict['generated_tests'][0]['is_valid_test'] = None
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = Dataset.from_dict(ds_dict)
+ return data_provider
+def problem_3_validation_fix(data_provider):
+ # problem 3 validation fix generated tests
+ ind_problem_valid = 3
+ split_name = 'valid'
+ dataset_dict = data_provider.dataset[split_name].to_dict()
+ p_3 = data_provider.dataset[split_name][ind_problem_valid]
+ p_3_generated_tests = p_3['generated_tests']
+ is_valid_test = [True] * len(p_3_generated_tests['input'])
+ count_false = 0
+ count_correct = 0
+ for i, input in enumerate(p_3_generated_tests['input']):
+ n, m, x = input.splitlines()[0].split()
+ n = int(n)
+ m = int(m)
+ a = input.splitlines()[1].split()
+ b = input.splitlines()[2].split()
+ if (n != len(a) or m != len(b)): # according to the description, they should be equal
+ count_false += 1
+ is_valid_test[i] = False
+ else:
+ count_correct += 1
+ dataset_dict['generated_tests'][ind_problem_valid]['is_valid_test'] = is_valid_test
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = Dataset.from_dict(dataset_dict)
+ return data_provider
+def problem_29_test_fix(data_provider):
+ ind_problem_test = 29
+ split_name = 'test'
+ dataset_dict = data_provider.dataset[split_name].to_dict()
+ p_29 = data_provider.dataset[split_name][ind_problem_test]
+ p_29_generated_tests = p_29['generated_tests']
+ is_valid_arr_generated = [True] * len(p_29_generated_tests['input'])
+ for i, input in enumerate(p_29_generated_tests['input']):
+ for l in input.split():
+ l_n = np.array(list(map(int, l.split())))
+ if any(l_n < 0): # according to the description, they should be >=0
+ is_valid_arr_generated[i] = False
+ break
+ s = input.split('\n', 1)
+ n = int(s[0].strip())
+ a = s[1].strip().split('\n')
+ for j in range(n):
+ num_elements = int(a[2 * j].strip())
+ if num_elements != len(a[2 * j + 1].strip().split(' ')): # according to the description, they should be equal
+ is_valid_arr_generated[i] = False
+ break
+ dataset_dict['generated_tests'][ind_problem_test]['is_valid_test'] = is_valid_arr_generated
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = Dataset.from_dict(dataset_dict)
+ return data_provider
+def problem_92_test_fix(data_provider):
+ ind_problem_test = 92
+ split_name = 'test'
+ dataset_dict = data_provider.dataset[split_name].to_dict()
+ p_92 = data_provider.dataset[split_name][ind_problem_test]
+ p_92_private_tests = p_92['private_tests']
+ is_valid_arr_private = [True] * len(p_92_private_tests['input'])
+ for i, input in enumerate(p_92_private_tests['input']):
+ if len(set(
+ input)) != 4: # {'a', 'b', '1', '\n'} - according to the description, the string should contain only 'a' and 'b'
+ is_valid_arr_private[i] = False
+ p_92_generated_tests = p_92['generated_tests']
+ is_valid_arr_generated = [True] * len(p_92_generated_tests['input'])
+ for i, input in enumerate(p_92_generated_tests['input']):
+ if len(set(
+ input)) != 4: # {'a', 'b', '1', '\n'} - according to the description, the string should contain only 'a' and 'b'
+ is_valid_arr_generated[i] = False
+ dataset_dict['generated_tests'][ind_problem_test]['is_valid_test'] = is_valid_arr_generated
+ dataset_dict['private_tests'][ind_problem_test]['is_valid_test'] = is_valid_arr_private
+ data_provider.dataset[split_name] = Dataset.from_dict(dataset_dict)
+ return data_provider
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ preapare_and_clean_dataset()
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/provider.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/provider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee8b5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+import os
+import os.path
+from typing import Iterable
+import duckdb
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict, load_dataset, load_from_disk
+from datasets.features.features import Sequence, Value
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+problem_translations = ("source", "difficulty")
+solution_translations = ("solutions", "incorrect_solutions")
+class CodeContestDataProvider:
+ def __init__(self, dataset_location, connection=None):
+ self.private_datasets_root = os.path.expanduser(
+ get_settings().config.private_dataset_cache_dir
+ )
+ (
+ self.dataset_location,
+ self.dataset_name,
+ self.load_from_disk,
+ ) = self.parse_location(dataset_location)
+ self.dataset = self.load_dataset()
+ self.connection = connection or duckdb.connect()
+ self.connect(self.dataset)
+ @staticmethod
+ def find_problem(ds, problem_name, split_name=None, evaluation_test_type = None):
+ if split_name:
+ ds = ds[split_name]
+ example = None
+ if not problem_name:
+ for e in ds:
+ if evaluation_test_type:
+ tests = e.get(evaluation_test_type)
+ if tests and tests.get("input"):
+ example = e
+ break
+ else:
+ example = e
+ break
+ else:
+ problems = ds.filter(lambda example: example['name'] == problem_name)
+ if problems:
+ example = problems[0]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"problem with name {problem_name} doesn't exist in dataset {ds.info.dataset_name} in split {split_name}")
+ return example
+ @staticmethod
+ def prepare_for_evaluation(
+ predictions, source_of_truth, evaluation_test_type
+ ):
+ preds = predictions
+ sot = source_of_truth
+ sot = sot.select_columns(["name", evaluation_test_type])
+ sot = sot.rename_column("name", "task_name")
+ sot = sot.flatten()
+ sot = sot.rename_column(f"{evaluation_test_type}.input", "tests_inputs")
+ sot = sot.rename_column(f"{evaluation_test_type}.output", "tests_outputs")
+ joined = sot.to_pandas().merge(preds.to_pandas(), on="task_name", how="left")
+ joined["predictions"] = joined[["task_name", "solution_candidates"]].to_dict(
+ "records"
+ )
+ joined["references"] = joined[["tests_inputs", "tests_outputs"]].to_dict(
+ "records"
+ )
+ # Retain only the 'predictions' and 'references' columns
+ joined = joined[["predictions", "references"]]
+ restructured_dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(joined)
+ return restructured_dataset
+ def parse_location(self, dataset_location):
+ result_location = dataset_location
+ dataset_name = dataset_location.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
+ load_from_disk = True
+ if load_from_disk:
+ if not result_location.startswith(os.path.sep):
+ result_location = os.path.join(
+ self.private_datasets_root, result_location
+ )
+ return result_location, dataset_name, load_from_disk
+ @staticmethod
+ def prepare_code_contest_split_for_eval(
+ ds, evaluation_test_type="public_tests", task_name_column="name",
+ path_to_solutions_column="solutions.solution"
+ ):
+ solutions = ds.flatten()
+ solutions = solutions.rename_column(
+ path_to_solutions_column, "solution_candidates"
+ )
+ solutions = solutions.rename_column(task_name_column, "task_name")
+ solutions = solutions.select_columns(["task_name", "solution_candidates"])
+ return CodeContestDataProvider.prepare_for_evaluation(
+ predictions=solutions,
+ source_of_truth=ds,
+ evaluation_test_type=evaluation_test_type,
+ )
+ def show(self, ds, paths_to_python, paths_to_free_text):
+ result = ds.flatte()
+ def format_example(example):
+ for code_col in paths_to_python:
+ import black
+ example[code_col] = black.format_str(example[code_col])
+ for col in paths_to_free_text:
+ example[col] = example[col].replace("\\n", "\n")
+ pretty = result.map(format_example)
+ return pretty
+ def load_dataset(self):
+ if self.load_from_disk:
+ f = load_from_disk
+ else:
+ f = load_dataset
+ return f(self.dataset_location)
+ def connect(self, ds):
+ if hasattr(ds, "keys"):
+ for split in self.dataset.keys():
+ split_ds = self.dataset[split]
+ table = split_ds.data.table
+ self.connection.register(f"{split_ds.info.dataset_name}_{split}", table)
+ else:
+ self.connection.register(f"{ds.info.dataset_name}", ds.data.table)
+ def get_splits(self):
+ return self.dataset.keys()
+ @staticmethod
+ def sample(ds, fraction=0.1):
+ table = ds
+ sample_size = int(len(table) * fraction)
+ indices = np.random.choice(len(table), sample_size, replace=False)
+ sampled_table = table.select(indices)
+ return sampled_table
+ def query(self, query_string) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ return self.connection.query(query_string).df()
+ def translate_references(self, ds):
+ expand = False
+ if not isinstance(ds, DatasetDict):
+ to_translate = {"ds": ds}
+ expand = True
+ else:
+ to_translate = ds
+ for ds_name, ds_val in to_translate.items():
+ for col in problem_translations:
+ translated_col = ds_val.features[col].int2str(ds_val[col])
+ ds_val = ds_val.remove_columns([col])
+ ds_val = ds_val.add_column(col, translated_col)
+ def translate_sequence_references(example, ds):
+ for col in solution_translations:
+ translator = ds.features[col].feature["language"]
+ arr = example[col]["language"]
+ translated_solution = [translator.int2str(item) for item in arr]
+ example[col]["language"] = translated_solution
+ return example
+ new_features = ds_val.features.copy()
+ for col in solution_translations:
+ new_features[col] = Sequence(
+ feature={"language": Value("string"), "solution": Value("string")}
+ )
+ ds_val = ds_val.map(
+ lambda example, ds=ds_val: translate_sequence_references(
+ example=example, ds=ds
+ ),
+ features=new_features,
+ )
+ to_translate[ds_name] = ds_val
+ result = to_translate
+ if expand:
+ result = result[ds]
+ return result
+ def filter_solution_by_languages(self, ds, languages: Iterable[str], keep=True):
+ languages_set = set(languages)
+ def filter_solutions_by_languages(example):
+ for sol_col in solution_translations:
+ langs = example[sol_col]["language"]
+ sols = example[sol_col]["solution"]
+ filtered_languages = [
+ lang for lang in langs if (lang in languages_set) == keep
+ ]
+ filtered_solutions = [
+ s
+ for idx, s in enumerate(sols)
+ if (langs[idx] in languages_set) == keep
+ ]
+ example[sol_col] = {
+ "language": filtered_languages,
+ "solution": filtered_solutions,
+ }
+ return example
+ ds = ds.map(filter_solutions_by_languages)
+ return ds
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/yaml_vs_json.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/yaml_vs_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00c268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/data/yaml_vs_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import json
+import yaml
+s1 = 'print("double quote string")'
+s2 = "print('single quote string')"
+s3 = 'print("""triple quote string""")'
+s4 = f"{s1}\n{s2}\n{s3}"
+# Create a dictionary with keys as variable names and values as the strings
+data = {'s1': s1, 's2': s2, 's3': s3, 's4': s4}
+# Convert the dictionary to a JSON-formatted string
+json_data = json.dumps(data, indent=2)
+# Convert the dictionary to a YAML-formatted string, with block scalar style
+yaml_data = yaml.dump(data, indent=2, default_style='|')
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/code_contests_metric.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/code_contests_metric.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4004d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/code_contests_metric.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""The CodeContestsEval metric estimates the pass@k metric for code synthesis.
+This is an evaluation harness for the code_contests problem solving dataset
+described in the paper "Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code"
+import itertools
+import os
+import datasets
+import evaluate
+import numpy as np
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners import PythonTestsRunner
+local_runner = 'local'
+code_contests_runner = 'code_contests'
+_CITATION = """\
+This metric implements the evaluation harness for Deepmind's code_contests dataset.
+Calculates how good are predictions given some references, using certain scores
+ predictions: list of candidates to evaluate. Each candidates should be a list
+ of strings with several code candidates to solve the problem.
+ references: a list with a test for each prediction. Each test should evaluate the
+ correctness of a code candidate.
+ k: number of code candidates to consider in the evaluation (Default: [1, 10, 100])
+ num_workers: number of workers used to evaluate the canidate programs (Default: 4).
+ timeout:
+ pass_at_k: dict with pass rates for each k
+ results: dict with granular results of each unittest
+ >>> code_eval = evaluate.load("code_eval")
+ >>> test_cases = ["assert add(2,3)==5"]
+ >>> candidates = [["def add(a,b): return a*b", "def add(a, b): return a+b"]]
+ >>> pass_at_k, results = code_eval.compute(references=test_cases, predictions=candidates, k=[1, 2])
+ >>> print(pass_at_k)
+ {'pass@1': 0.5, 'pass@2': 1.0}
+_WARNING = """
+ !!!WARNING!!!
+The "code_eval" metric executes untrusted model-generated code in Python.
+Although it is highly unlikely that model-generated code will do something
+overtly malicious in response to this test suite, model-generated code may act
+destructively due to a lack of model capability or alignment.
+Users are strongly encouraged to sandbox this evaluation suite so that it
+does not perform destructive actions on their host or network. For more
+information on how OpenAI sandboxes its code, see the paper "Evaluating Large
+Language Models Trained on Code" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.03374).
+Once you have read this disclaimer and taken appropriate precautions,
+set the environment variable HF_ALLOW_CODE_EVAL="1". Within Python you can to this
+>>> import os
+>>> os.environ["HF_ALLOW_CODE_EVAL"] = "1"
+_LICENSE = """The MIT License
+Copyright (c) OpenAI (https://openai.com)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+os.environ["HF_ALLOW_CODE_EVAL"] = "1"
+@evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION)
+class CodeContestsEval(evaluate.Metric):
+ def _info(self):
+ if self.config_name not in [
+ local_runner, code_contests_runner
+ ]:
+ raise KeyError(
+ "You should supply a configuration name selected in "
+ f'[{code_contests_runner}, {local_runner}]'
+ )
+ return evaluate.MetricInfo(
+ # This is the description that will appear on the metrics page.
+ description=_DESCRIPTION,
+ citation=_CITATION,
+ inputs_description=_KWARGS_DESCRIPTION,
+ # This defines the format of each prediction and reference
+ features=datasets.Features(
+ {
+ "predictions": {
+ "task_name": datasets.Value("string"),
+ "solution_candidates": datasets.Sequence(
+ datasets.Value("string")
+ ),
+ },
+ "references": {
+ "tests_inputs": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
+ "tests_outputs": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
+ },
+ }
+ ),
+ homepage="",
+ codebase_urls=[""],
+ reference_urls=[""],
+ license=_LICENSE,
+ )
+ def _compute(
+ self,
+ predictions,
+ references,
+ k=[1, 10, 100], # noqa: B006
+ num_workers=10,
+ timeout=3.0,
+ ):
+ if os.getenv("HF_ALLOW_CODE_EVAL", 0) != "1":
+ raise ValueError(_WARNING)
+ if os.name == "nt":
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "This metric is currently not supported on Windows."
+ )
+ runner = PythonTestsRunner.factory(self.config_name)
+ inputs, results = runner.bulk_test(num_workers, predictions, references)
+ correct, total = self.pass_fail_ratio(results)
+ total = np.array(total)
+ correct = np.array(correct)
+ ks = k
+ pass_at_k = {
+ f"pass@{k}": estimate_pass_at_k(total, correct, k).mean()
+ for k in ks
+ if (total >= k).all()
+ }
+ return pass_at_k, inputs, results
+ def pass_fail_ratio(self, results):
+ total, correct = [], []
+ for task_id, all_candidates_test_results in results.items():
+ print(task_id)
+ print("======================================")
+ candidate_final_results = []
+ for candidate_id, test_results in enumerate(all_candidates_test_results):
+ _results = [
+ test_result.passed for test_result in test_results.test_results
+ ]
+ print(f"{candidate_id} test results: {_results}")
+ candidate_pass_fail = all(_results)
+ print(f"{candidate_id} final pass/fail: {candidate_pass_fail}")
+ candidate_final_results.append(candidate_pass_fail)
+ total.append(len(candidate_final_results))
+ correct.append(sum(candidate_final_results))
+ print(f"{task_id} candidates: {candidate_final_results}")
+ print("======================================")
+ return correct, total
+def estimate_pass_at_k(num_samples, num_correct, k):
+ """Estimates pass@k of each problem and returns them in an array."""
+ def estimator(n: int, c: int, k: int) -> float:
+ """Calculates 1 - comb(n - c, k) / comb(n, k)."""
+ if n - c < k:
+ return 1.0
+ return 1.0 - np.prod(1.0 - k / np.arange(n - c + 1, n + 1))
+ if isinstance(num_samples, int):
+ num_samples_it = itertools.repeat(num_samples, len(num_correct))
+ else:
+ assert len(num_samples) == len(num_correct)
+ num_samples_it = iter(num_samples)
+ return np.array(
+ [estimator(int(n), int(c), k) for n, c in zip(num_samples_it, num_correct)]
+ )
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/code_test_runners.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/code_test_runners.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a704e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/code_test_runners.py
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+import abc
+import traceback
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from collections import Counter, defaultdict
+from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
+from typing import List, Optional
+import tqdm
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.local_exec import (
+ ExecutionResult,
+ MultiTestResult,
+ ProgramStatus,
+ calculate_tests_pass_fail,
+ execute_candidate_code,
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class PythonTestsRunner(abc.ABC):
+ test_program = "x=input()\nprint(x)"
+ test_inputs = ["hello"]
+ test_outputs = test_inputs
+ @staticmethod
+ def factory(runner_type, *args, **kwargs):
+ if runner_type == 'local':
+ return LocalPythonTestsRunner(*args, **kwargs)
+ elif runner_type == 'code_contests':
+ return CodeContestsGeneralPythonTestsRunner(*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown method type: {runner_type}")
+ @abstractmethod
+ def test_interpreter(self):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def run_tests(self, test_id, candidate_id, candidate, test_inputs, tests_outputs, snoop=False):
+ pass
+ def format_exception(self, e):
+ formatted_lines = traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__)
+ return ("\n".join(formatted_lines[-3:]))
+ @abstractmethod
+ def create_executor(self):
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def remove_if_main(script: str):
+ new_content = script
+ if 'if __name__ ==' in script:
+ result_lines = script.split('\n')
+ start_dedent = False
+ for i, line in enumerate(result_lines):
+ if 'if __name__ ==' in line:
+ start_dedent = True
+ result_lines[i] = ''
+ if start_dedent:
+ result_lines[i] = result_lines[i][4:]
+ new_content = '\n'.join(result_lines)
+ return new_content
+ @staticmethod
+ def flatten_result_list_by_index(results_list):
+ result = {}
+ for task_name, candidate_results_list in results_list.items():
+ max_index = max(candidate_results_list, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] + 1
+ result_list = [None] * max_index
+ for index, value in candidate_results_list:
+ result_list[index] = value
+ result[task_name] = result_list
+ return result
+ def print_test_results(self, result: MultiTestResult, test_inputs: List[str] = None):
+ if result.compilation_result:
+ if get_settings().solve.reduce_verbose:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"compilation results:{result.compilation_result.program_status if result.compilation_result else ''}")
+ logger.debug(result.compilation_result.sandbox_result)
+ logger.debug(result.compilation_result.stderr)
+ else:
+ logger.info(
+ f"compilation results:{result.compilation_result.program_status if result.compilation_result else ''}")
+ logger.info(result.compilation_result.sandbox_result)
+ logger.info(result.compilation_result.stderr)
+ for i, test_res in enumerate(result.test_results):
+ if get_settings().solve.reduce_verbose:
+ logger.debug(f"input:\n{test_inputs[i]}")
+ logger.debug(f"expected vs code output:\n{test_res.expected_output}\n---\n{test_res.actual_output}")
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"input:\n{test_inputs[i]}")
+ logger.info(f"expected vs code output:\n{test_res.expected_output}\n---\n{test_res.actual_output}")
+ details = f"passed={test_res.passed}"
+ if not test_res.passed:
+ error = ""
+ if test_res.stderr.strip() != "":
+ error = f"strerror: {test_res.stderr}."
+ if test_res.sandbox_result:
+ error_lines = test_res.sandbox_result
+ error = f"{error} sandbox error: {error_lines}"
+ details = f"{details}. {error}"
+ if test_res.program_status == ProgramStatus.kTimeout:
+ details = f"runtime of {test_res.execution_duration} exceeded allowed runtime"
+ logger.info(f"test-{i} :: status={test_res.program_status}, passed={test_res.passed}")
+ if get_settings().solve.reduce_verbose:
+ logger.debug(f"{details}")
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"{details}")
+ logger.info("=====================================================================")
+ def bulk_test(self, num_workers, predictions, references):
+ executor_cls, kw = self.create_executor()
+ kw['max_workers'] = num_workers
+ with executor_cls(**kw) as executor:
+ futures = []
+ completion_id = Counter()
+ n_samples = 0
+ results = defaultdict(list)
+ inputs = defaultdict(dict)
+ for prediction, reference in zip(predictions, references):
+ task_name = prediction["task_name"]
+ candidates = prediction["solution_candidates"]
+ if not candidates:
+ print(f"skipping {task_name} - no solutions provided")
+ continue
+ tests_inputs = reference["tests_inputs"]
+ tests_outputs = reference["tests_outputs"]
+ if not tests_inputs:
+ print(f"ERROR: {task_name} - no inputs")
+ continue
+ if not tests_outputs:
+ print(f"ERROR: {task_name} - no outputs")
+ continue
+ print(f"submitting task {task_name} with {len(candidates)}")
+ print(f"test inputs: {tests_inputs}")
+ print(f"test outputs: {tests_outputs}")
+ inputs[task_name]["tests_inputs"] = tests_inputs
+ inputs[task_name]["tests_outputs"] = tests_inputs
+ inputs[task_name]["candidates"] = []
+ for candidate_id, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
+ print(f"\tsubmitting candidate {candidate_id}")
+ inputs[task_name]["candidates"].append(candidate)
+ args = (
+ task_name,
+ candidate_id,
+ candidate,
+ tests_inputs,
+ tests_outputs,
+ )
+ future = executor.submit(self.run_tests, *args)
+ futures.append(future)
+ completion_id[task_name] += 1
+ n_samples += 1
+ pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(futures), desc="Processing tasks", ncols=100) # create a progress bar
+ for future in as_completed(futures):
+ task_id, candidate_id, test_result = future.result()
+ print(task_id)
+ results[task_id].append((candidate_id, test_result))
+ pbar.update(1) # update the progress bar by one step
+ pbar.close()
+ flattened_results = self.flatten_result_list_by_index(results)
+ return inputs, flattened_results
+class LocalPythonTestsRunner(PythonTestsRunner):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.sandbox = get_settings().code_tester.sandbox
+ self.calc_trace = get_settings().code_tester.calc_trace
+ def test_interpreter(self):
+ _, _, result = self.run_tests(0, "test interpreter", PythonTestsRunner.test_program,
+ PythonTestsRunner.test_inputs, PythonTestsRunner.test_outputs, snoop=True)
+ super().print_test_results(result)
+ @staticmethod
+ def prepare_script(script: str):
+ script = LocalPythonTestsRunner.remove_if_main(script)
+ return script
+ ## nope - ast removes code comments. we dont want that
+ # if not script:
+ # return script
+ # try:
+ # tree = ast.parse(script)
+ # # Find the if __name__ == '__main__' condition and extract its body
+ # main_body = []
+ # other_nodes = []
+ # for node in tree.body:
+ # if (isinstance(node, ast.If) and
+ # isinstance(node.test, ast.Compare) and
+ # isinstance(node.test.left, ast.Name) and
+ # node.test.left.id == '__name__' and
+ # isinstance(node.test.ops[0], ast.Eq) and
+ # isinstance(node.test.comparators[0], ast.Str) and
+ # node.test.comparators[0].s == '__main__'):
+ # main_body.extend(node.body)
+ # else:
+ # other_nodes.append(node)
+ #
+ # # Construct a new module without the condition, appending the body of the if __name__ block
+ # new_tree = ast.Module(body=other_nodes + main_body, type_ignores=[])
+ #
+ # # Convert the new AST back to code
+ # new_content = ast.unparse(new_tree)
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # raise ValueError("Input is not a legal Python program") from e
+ def run_tests(self, test_id, candidate_id, candidate, test_inputs, tests_outputs, timeout=10, snoop=None, break_on_timeout=False):
+ try:
+ candidate = PythonTestsRunner.remove_if_main(candidate)
+ except: # noqa
+ logger.info(
+ "candidate program is not a valid Python program. Will attempt to run it anyway and collect as failure")
+ to_snoop = snoop if snoop is not None else self.calc_trace
+ multi_result = execute_candidate_code(candidate=candidate, inputs=test_inputs,
+ test_id=test_id, timeout=timeout, sandbox=self.sandbox,
+ snoop=to_snoop, break_on_timeout=break_on_timeout)
+ tests_results = calculate_tests_pass_fail(multi_result, expected_results=tests_outputs)
+ return test_id, candidate_id, tests_results
+ def create_executor(self):
+ return ProcessPoolExecutor, {} # {'initializer': reliability_guard}
+class CodeContestsGeneralPythonTestsRunner(PythonTestsRunner):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ path_to_python_bin: str = get_settings().get("code_contests_tester.path_to_python_bin"),
+ path_to_python_lib: List[str] = get_settings().get("code_contests_tester.path_to_python_lib"),
+ num_threads: int = 1,
+ stop_on_first_failure: bool = get_settings().get("code_contests_tester.stop_on_first_failure"),
+ timeout: int = get_settings().get("code_contests_tester.timeout")
+ ):
+ try:
+ from code_contests_tester import Py3TesterSandboxer, TestOptions # noqa: F401
+ except ImportError as e:
+ raise ValueError("Error: cannot import the test sandbox on your environment") from e
+ options = TestOptions()
+ options.num_threads = num_threads
+ options.stop_on_first_failure = stop_on_first_failure
+ def compare_func(a, b):
+ return a == b
+ self.tester = Py3TesterSandboxer(path_to_python_bin, path_to_python_lib)
+ self.options = options
+ self.compare_func = compare_func
+ self.test_interpreter()
+ def test_interpreter(self):
+ result=self.tester.test(
+ PythonTestsRunner.test_program,
+ PythonTestsRunner.test_inputs,
+ self.options,
+ PythonTestsRunner.test_outputs,
+ self.compare_func,
+ )
+ internal_results = self.cpp_to_python_results(result)
+ passed = internal_results.test_results[0].stdout == PythonTestsRunner.test_outputs
+ print(f"interpreter test {'did not' if not passed else ''} pass")
+ def cpp_to_python_results(self, cpp_results):
+ def cpp_exec_result_to_python(cpp_result):
+ python_result = ExecutionResult(
+ program_status=ProgramStatus[f"k{str(cpp_result.program_status.name)}"],
+ program_hash=cpp_result.program_hash,
+ stdout=cpp_result.stdout,
+ stderr=cpp_result.stderr,
+ #execution_duration=cpp_result.execution_duration,
+ sandbox_result=cpp_result.sandbox_result,
+ passed=cpp_result.passed,
+ trace=None # This field does not exist in the C++ class; set a default or derive as needed
+ )
+ return python_result
+ if cpp_results.compilation_result:
+ compilation_result = cpp_exec_result_to_python(cpp_results.compilation_result)
+ if cpp_results.test_results:
+ test_results = [cpp_exec_result_to_python(item) for item in cpp_results.test_results]
+ return MultiTestResult(test_results=test_results, compilation_result=compilation_result)
+ def run_tests(self, test_id, candidate_id, candidate, test_inputs, tests_outputs, timeout=10, snoop=None):
+ multi_result = self.tester.test(
+ candidate, test_inputs, self.options, tests_outputs, self.compare_func
+ )
+ internal_results = self.cpp_to_python_results(multi_result)
+ tests_results = calculate_tests_pass_fail(internal_results, expected_results=tests_outputs)
+ return test_id, candidate_id, tests_results
+ def create_executor(self):
+ return ThreadPoolExecutor, {}
+def eval_solution(evaluation_test_type: str = "private_tests",
+ example: dict = {}, # noqa # the code contest problem
+ prediction: str = '', # python code to be evaluated
+ test_inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ test_outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ silent=False,
+ break_on_timeout=False):
+ if not test_inputs:
+ test_inputs = example.get(evaluation_test_type).get("input") if example.get(evaluation_test_type) else None
+ if not test_outputs:
+ test_outputs = example.get(evaluation_test_type).get("output") if example.get(evaluation_test_type) else None
+ is_valid_test_list = example.get(evaluation_test_type).get("is_valid_test") if example.get(
+ evaluation_test_type) else None
+ if is_valid_test_list:
+ test_inputs = [test_inputs[i] for i, is_valid in enumerate(is_valid_test_list) if is_valid]
+ test_outputs = [test_outputs[i] for i, is_valid in enumerate(is_valid_test_list) if is_valid]
+ if test_inputs and test_outputs:
+ test_runner = PythonTestsRunner.factory(get_settings().code_tester.tester_type)
+ _, _, results = test_runner.run_tests(
+ test_id=example["name"],
+ candidate_id="id",
+ candidate=prediction,
+ test_inputs=test_inputs,
+ tests_outputs=test_outputs,
+ timeout=3,
+ break_on_timeout = break_on_timeout,
+ )
+ if not silent:
+ test_runner.print_test_results(results, test_inputs)
+ return test_inputs, results
+ else:
+ # logger.error(f"example '{example['name']}', type: '{evaluation_test_type}' doesn't have tests")
+ return test_inputs, []
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ runner = LocalPythonTestsRunner()
+ error_program = """
+x = input()
+def f1(val):
+ return f2(val)
+def f2(val):
+ return int(val)/0
+ program = """
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ x = input()
+ y=0
+ for i in range(10):
+ y = int(x) + i
+ print(y)
+ _, _, results = runner.run_tests("test", 1, program, ["1", "2"], ["1", "2"], snoop=True)
+ runner.print_test_results(results, ["1", "2"])
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/local_exec.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/local_exec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fbf7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/local_exec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+import contextlib
+import copy
+import datetime
+import faulthandler
+import io
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import platform
+import signal
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import List
+import numpy as np
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval import tracer
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.tracer import clean_trace, trace_code
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class ProgramStatus(Enum):
+ kUnknown = 0
+ kSuccess = 1
+ kFailed = 2
+ kTimeout = 3
+class ExecutionResult:
+ stdout: str = ''
+ stderr: str = ''
+ execution_duration: datetime.timedelta = 0
+ program_status: ProgramStatus = ProgramStatus.kUnknown
+ program_hash: int = 0
+ sandbox_result: str = ''
+ passed: bool = False
+ trace: str = None
+class MultiTestResult:
+ test_results: List[ExecutionResult] = None
+ compilation_result: ExecutionResult = None
+class DualModeStream(io.BytesIO):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.text_io = io.TextIOWrapper(self)
+ def readline(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.seek(self.text_io.tell()) # sync position
+ return self.text_io.readline(*args, **kwargs)
+def execute_candidate_code(candidate, inputs, test_id, timeout=1, sandbox=True, snoop=False, break_on_timeout=False):
+ if sandbox:
+ manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
+ result = manager.list()
+ p = multiprocessing.Process(target=unsafe_execute,
+ args=(test_id, candidate, inputs, result, timeout, sandbox, snoop, break_on_timeout))
+ p.start()
+ p.join(timeout=timeout + 1)
+ if p.is_alive():
+ p.kill()
+ else:
+ result = []
+ unsafe_execute(test_id=test_id, check_program=candidate, inputs=inputs,
+ result=result, timeout=timeout, sandbox=sandbox, snoop=snoop, break_on_timeout=break_on_timeout)
+ if not result:
+ multi_result = MultiTestResult()
+ exec_result = ExecutionResult(program_status=ProgramStatus.kTimeout)
+ multi_result.compilation_result = exec_result
+ else:
+ multi_result = result[0]
+ exec_result = ExecutionResult(program_status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess)
+ multi_result.compilation_result = exec_result
+ return multi_result
+def unsafe_execute(test_id, check_program, inputs, result, timeout, sandbox, snoop=False, break_on_timeout=False):
+ with create_tempdir():
+ # These system calls are needed when cleaning up tempdir.
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ rmtree = shutil.rmtree
+ rmdir = os.rmdir
+ chdir = os.chdir
+ # Disable functionalities that can make destructive changes to the test.
+ if sandbox:
+ reliability_guard()
+ exec_globals = {}
+ multi_results = MultiTestResult()
+ test_results_list = []
+ multi_results.test_results = test_results_list
+ if not check_program or not check_program.strip():
+ exec_result = ExecutionResult()
+ exec_result.sandbox_result = "Solution was empty"
+ exec_result.program_status = ProgramStatus.kFailed
+ multi_results.compilation_result = exec_result
+ result.append(multi_results)
+ else:
+ try:
+ for single_input in inputs:
+ exec_result = ExecutionResult()
+ test_results_list.append(exec_result)
+ input_stream = io.BytesIO(single_input.encode())
+ input_stream.seek(0)
+ tracing = io.StringIO()
+ tracing.seek(0)
+ try:
+ with swallow_io(input_stream=input_stream) as (stdout_stream, stderr_stream):
+ with time_limit(timeout):
+ if snoop:
+ trace_code(check_program, tracing)
+ else:
+ exec(check_program, exec_globals)
+ exec_result.program_status = ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+ except TimeoutException:
+ exec_result.program_status = ProgramStatus.kTimeout
+ if break_on_timeout:
+ break
+ except BaseException:
+ clean_exception = True
+ filtered_trace = traceback.format_exc()
+ if clean_exception:
+ filtered_trace = filtered_trace.splitlines()
+ filtered_trace = filtered_trace[min(len(filtered_trace) - 2, 3):]
+ filtered_trace = [line for line in filtered_trace if not
+ any(substring in line for substring in tracer.filter_out_lines)]
+ filtered_trace = '\n'.join(filtered_trace)
+ exec_result.sandbox_result = filtered_trace
+ exec_result.program_status = ProgramStatus.kFailed
+ finally:
+ captured_output = stdout_stream.getvalue().strip()
+ exec_result.stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
+ exec_result.stdout = captured_output
+ exec_result.trace = clean_trace(tracing.getvalue())
+ finally:
+ result.append(multi_results)
+ # Needed for cleaning up.
+ shutil.rmtree = rmtree
+ os.rmdir = rmdir
+ os.chdir = chdir
+def execute_inner(check_program, single_input, snoop, timeout, input_stream, globals, tracing=None):
+ input_stream = io.BytesIO(single_input.encode())
+ input_stream.seek(0)
+ with swallow_io(input_stream=input_stream) as (stdout_stream, stderr_stream):
+ with time_limit(timeout):
+ if snoop:
+ trace_code(check_program, globals, tracing)
+ else:
+ exec(check_program, globals, {})
+ std_output = stdout_stream.getvalue().strip()
+ str_error = stderr_stream.getvalue()
+ if tracing:
+ trace = tracing.getvalue().strip()
+ trace = clean_trace(trace)
+ else:
+ trace = ''
+ return std_output, str_error, trace
+def compare_func(a, b):
+ delta = get_settings().code_tester.delta
+ order_matters = get_settings().code_tester.order_matters
+ if a:
+ a = a.strip().lower()
+ if b:
+ b = b.strip().lower()
+ if a == b:
+ return True
+ elif a.replace(" ", "") == b.replace(" ", ""):
+ return True
+ if not order_matters:
+ try: # multi-answer, order-doesnt-matter-per-answer comparison
+ a_multi = a.replace('\n\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n').strip()
+ b_multi = b.replace('\n\n\n', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n').strip()
+ if a_multi == b_multi:
+ return True
+ else:
+ a_multi_split = a_multi.split('\n')
+ b_multi_split = b_multi.split('\n')
+ if set(a_multi_split) == set(b_multi_split):
+ return True
+ except:
+ pass
+ if delta:
+ try:
+ a = float(a)
+ b = float(b)
+ d = np.divide(np.abs(a - b), max(1.0, np.abs(b)))
+ if d <= delta:
+ # logger.info(f"delta={delta} a={a} b={b} d={d}")
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+def calculate_tests_pass_fail(multi_tests_results: MultiTestResult, expected_results: List[str]):
+ result = MultiTestResult()
+ result.compilation_result = copy.deepcopy(multi_tests_results.compilation_result)
+ result.test_results = []
+ if multi_tests_results.test_results and expected_results:
+ for exec_result, expected_result in zip(multi_tests_results.test_results, expected_results):
+ expected_result = copy.deepcopy(expected_result).rstrip()
+ validated_exec_result = copy.deepcopy(exec_result)
+ actual_output = validated_exec_result.stdout.rstrip()
+ passed = compare_func(actual_output, expected_result)
+ validated_exec_result.passed = passed
+ validated_exec_result.expected_output = expected_result
+ validated_exec_result.actual_output = actual_output
+ result.test_results.append(validated_exec_result)
+ return result
+def time_limit(seconds):
+ def signal_handler(signum, frame):
+ raise TimeoutException("Timed out!")
+ signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, seconds)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0)
+def redirect_stdin(stream):
+ old_stdin = sys.stdin
+ sys.stdin = stream
+ try:
+ yield stream
+ finally:
+ sys.stdin = old_stdin
+def swallow_io(input_stream=None, binary=False):
+ original_stdin = sys.stdin
+ original_stdout = sys.stdout
+ original_stderr = sys.stderr
+ sys.stdin = input_stream if binary else io.TextIOWrapper(input_stream)
+ sys.stdout = io.BytesIO() if binary else io.StringIO()
+ sys.stderr = io.BytesIO() if binary else io.StringIO()
+ try:
+ yield sys.stdout, sys.stderr
+ finally:
+ sys.stdin = original_stdin
+ sys.stdout = original_stdout
+ sys.stderr = original_stderr
+def create_tempdir():
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirname:
+ with chdir(dirname):
+ yield dirname
+class TimeoutException(Exception):
+ pass
+def chdir(root):
+ if root == ".":
+ yield
+ return
+ # cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(root)
+ try:
+ yield
+ except BaseException as exc:
+ raise exc
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # os.chdir(cwd)
+def reliability_guard(maximum_memory_bytes=None):
+ """
+ This disables various destructive functions and prevents the generated code
+ from interfering with the test (e.g. fork bomb, killing other processes,
+ removing filesystem files, etc.)
+ This function is NOT a security sandbox. Untrusted code, including, model-
+ generated code, should not be blindly executed outside of one. See the
+ Codex paper for more information about OpenAI's code sandbox, and proceed
+ with caution.
+ """
+ if maximum_memory_bytes is not None:
+ import resource
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (maximum_memory_bytes, maximum_memory_bytes))
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_DATA, (maximum_memory_bytes, maximum_memory_bytes))
+ if not platform.uname().system == "Darwin":
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (maximum_memory_bytes, maximum_memory_bytes))
+ faulthandler.disable()
+ import builtins
+ builtins.exit = None
+ builtins.quit = None
+ import os
+ os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
+ os.kill = None
+ os.system = None
+ os.putenv = None
+ os.remove = None
+ os.removedirs = None
+ os.rmdir = None
+ os.fchdir = None
+ os.setuid = None
+ os.fork = None
+ os.forkpty = None
+ os.killpg = None
+ os.rename = None
+ os.renames = None
+ os.truncate = None
+ os.replace = None
+ os.unlink = None
+ os.fchmod = None
+ os.fchown = None
+ os.chmod = None
+ os.chown = None
+ os.chroot = None
+ os.fchdir = None
+ os.lchflags = None
+ os.lchmod = None
+ os.lchown = None
+ os.getcwd = None
+ os.chdir = None
+ import shutil
+ shutil.rmtree = None
+ shutil.move = None
+ shutil.chown = None
+ import subprocess
+ subprocess.Popen = None # type: ignore
+ __builtins__["help"] = None
+ import sys
+ sys.modules["ipdb"] = None
+ sys.modules["joblib"] = None
+ sys.modules["resource"] = None
+ sys.modules["psutil"] = None
+ sys.modules["tkinter"] = None
+problem_2 = {"code" : """
+def main():
+ def orientation(p, q, r):
+ # Calculate the orientation of three points (p, q, r)
+ # Returns 0 if they are collinear, 1 if they make a left turn, -1 if they make a right turn
+ val = (q[1] - p[1]) * (r[0] - q[0]) - (q[0] - p[0]) * (r[1] - q[1])
+ if val == 0:
+ return 0
+ elif val > 0:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def convex_hull(points):
+ # Find the convex hull of a set of points
+ n = len(points)
+ if n < 3:
+ return []
+ # Find the leftmost point
+ leftmost = min(points, key=lambda p: p[0])
+ hull = []
+ p = leftmost
+ q = None
+ while True:
+ hull.append(p)
+ q = (p[0] + 1, p[1]) # Initialize q to a point outside the hull
+ for r in points:
+ if r == p:
+ continue
+ if q is None or orientation(p, q, r) == -1:
+ q = r
+ p = q
+ if p == leftmost:
+ break
+ return hull
+ def area(polygon):
+ # Calculate the area of a polygon using the Shoelace formula
+ n = len(polygon)
+ if n < 3:
+ return 0
+ area = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ j = (i + 1) % n
+ area += polygon[i][0] * polygon[j][1] - polygon[j][0] * polygon[i][1]
+ return abs(area) / 2
+ def count_enclosed_cows(polygon):
+ # Count the number of cows enclosed within a polygon
+ n = len(polygon)
+ if n < 3:
+ return 0
+ count = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ j = (i + 1) % n
+ count += (polygon[i][0] + polygon[j][0]) * (polygon[i][1] - polygon[j][1])
+ return abs(count) // 2
+ def count_interesting_fences(n, fence_posts):
+ # Count the number of interesting fences
+ count = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ for j in range(i + 1, n):
+ for k in range(j + 1, n):
+ points = [fence_posts[i], fence_posts[j], fence_posts[k]]
+ hull = convex_hull(points)
+ if len(hull) >= 3:
+ if count_enclosed_cows(hull) % 2 == 1 and area(hull) % 1 == 0:
+ count += 1
+ return count
+ n = int(input())
+ fence_posts = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ x, y = map(int, input().split())
+ fence_posts.append((x, y))
+ result = count_interesting_fences(n, fence_posts)
+ print(result)
+ ,
+ "input": '5\n0 0\n2 16\n30 14\n4 6\n2 10\n'}
+problem_1 = {"code":"x = input()\nprint(x)\n", "input":"hello\n"}
+problem_3_code = """
+def my_func(val):
+ for i in range(val):
+ print(i)
+x = int(input())
+problem_3 = {"code": problem_3_code, "input": '4\n'}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ res1, res2, res3 = execute_inner(problem_3['code'], problem_3['input'], snoop=True, timeout=10, exec_globals={})
+ print(res1)
+ print(res2)
+ print(res3)
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/pass_at_k_evaluator.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/pass_at_k_evaluator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1908818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/pass_at_k_evaluator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import os
+from evaluate import load as load_metric
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.data.provider import CodeContestDataProvider
+from alpha_codium.config_loader import get_settings
+def calculate_metrics(ds, k_values=[1, 10, 100]): # noqa: B006
+ metric_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "code_contests_metric.py"
+ )
+ metric = load_metric(metric_path, config_name=get_settings().code_tester.tester_type, module_type="metric")
+ pass_at_k, inputs, result = metric.compute(
+ predictions=ds["predictions"], references=ds["references"], k=k_values
+ )
+ return pass_at_k, inputs, result
+def evaluate_code_contest_dataset(
+ dataset_name,
+ split_name='valid',
+ k_values=[1, 10, 10], # noqa: B006
+ evaluation_test_type='private_tests',
+ path_to_solutions_column='solutions.solution',
+ task_name_column='name',
+ sample_rate=0.1,
+ cc = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_name)
+ ds = cc.dataset[split_name]
+ ds = cc.sample(ds, fraction=sample_rate)
+ ds = CodeContestDataProvider.prepare_code_contest_split_for_eval(ds=ds,
+ evaluation_test_type=evaluation_test_type,
+ task_name_column=task_name_column,
+ path_to_solutions_column=path_to_solutions_column)
+ pass_at_k, inputs, result = calculate_metrics(ds, k_values=k_values)
+ print(pass_at_k)
+def evaluate_gen_dataset(evaluation_test_type, ground_truth_dataset, ground_truth_split, k_values, solution_dataset):
+ evaluation_set = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_location=solution_dataset)
+ gt_set = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_location=ground_truth_dataset).dataset
+ if ground_truth_split:
+ gt_set = gt_set[ground_truth_split]
+ prepared_solutions = evaluation_set.prepare_for_evaluation(evaluation_set.dataset, gt_set,
+ evaluation_test_type=evaluation_test_type)
+ pass_at_k, inputs, evaluation_results = calculate_metrics(prepared_solutions, k_values)
+ print(pass_at_k)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ evaluate_code_contest_dataset("assaf_test", evaluation_test_type="private_tests", sample_rate=0.05)
diff --git a/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/tracer.py b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/tracer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f937e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/tracer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import pysnooper
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+filter_out_lines = ["Starting var:",
+ "exec(",
+ "Source path:",
+ "globals_dict",
+ "tracer.py",
+ "snooping_inner_function()",
+ "run_generated_code",
+ "return function(*args, **kwargs)",
+ "source_line = source[line_no - 1]"
+ "Elapsed time:",
+ "Return value:.. None"]
+snooper_kwargs = {
+ 'color': False,
+ 'relative_time': True,
+ 'normalize': True,
+ 'depth': get_settings().code_tester.trace_depth
+snooper_kwargs_string = ", ".join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in snooper_kwargs.items())
+class FilteringTracer(pysnooper.tracer.Tracer):
+ def trace(self, frame, event, arg):
+ if not frame.f_code.co_filename == '':
+ return None
+ return super().trace(frame, event, arg)
+class MockSourceLoader:
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ self.source = source
+ def get_source(self, module_name):
+ return self.source
+def wrap_solution(check_program):
+ import_str = "import pysnooper as pysnooper\n"
+ annotation = f"@custom_snoop(output=tracing, {snooper_kwargs_string})\n"
+ entrypoint = "def run_code_contests_solution():\n"
+ func_body = "\n".join([f"\t{line}" for line in check_program.split("\n")])
+ invocation = "\nrun_code_contests_solution()"
+ return (import_str + annotation + entrypoint + func_body + invocation).strip()
+def trace_code(check_program, tracing):
+ my_program = wrap_solution(check_program)
+ # __name__ must be unique otherwise the tracer uses caching mechanisms that break it's behavior
+ globals_dict = {'__loader__': MockSourceLoader(my_program),
+ 'tracing': tracing,
+ '__name__': hash(my_program),
+ 'custom_snoop': FilteringTracer}
+ exec(my_program, globals_dict, {})
+def clean_trace(trace_output):
+ trace_lines = trace_output.split("\n")
+ clean_lines = [line for line in trace_lines if not
+ any(substring in line for substring in filter_out_lines)]
+ clean_output = "\n".join(clean_lines)
+ return clean_output
diff --git a/alpha_codium/evaluate_dataset.py b/alpha_codium/evaluate_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a1a217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/evaluate_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import argparse
+import json
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.data.provider import CodeContestDataProvider
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+def evaluate_dataset_solution(dataset_name='valid_and_test_processed',
+ split_name='test',
+ solution_path_database='valid_database_solution.json'):
+ split_name = split_name
+ dataset_name = dataset_name
+ data_provider = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_location=dataset_name)
+ ds = data_provider.dataset[split_name]
+ solution_path_database = solution_path_database
+ with open(solution_path_database, 'r') as f:
+ database_solutions = json.load(f)
+ database_solutions[split_name] = OrderedDict(
+ sorted(database_solutions[split_name].items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])))
+ total_passed = 0
+ total_failed = 0
+ for sol in database_solutions[split_name]:
+ try:
+ key_str = sol
+ key_int = int(key_str)
+ problem = ds[key_int]
+ if problem.get('is_valid_problem', True) is False:
+ print(f"problem {key_int} is not valid")
+ continue
+ solution = database_solutions[split_name][sol]
+ passed_current = -1
+ # scanning the iterations
+ v_iter =[v for v in solution.values() if (v is not None and 'solution' in v)]
+ for v in v_iter:
+ if not v:
+ continue
+ test_failed_generate = v['test_failed_generate']
+ test_failed_private = v['test_failed_private']
+ test_passed_generate = v['test_passed_generate']
+ test_passed_private = v['test_passed_private']
+ if 'test_timeout_generate' in v:
+ test_timeout_generate = v['test_timeout_generate']
+ test_timeout_private = v['test_timeout_private']
+ else:
+ test_timeout_generate = 0
+ test_timeout_private = 0
+ if ((test_failed_generate + test_timeout_generate + test_failed_private + test_timeout_private) == 0 and
+ (test_passed_generate + test_passed_private) > 0):
+ print(f"problem {key_int} passed all tests")
+ passed_current=1
+ break
+ else:
+ passed_current = 0
+ if passed_current == 1:
+ total_passed += 1
+ elif passed_current == 0:
+ total_failed += 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Error: {e}")
+ pass
+ print(f"total_passed: {total_passed}, total_failed: {total_failed}")
+ print(f"pass rate: {total_passed/(total_passed+total_failed)}")
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--dataset_name", type=str, default="valid_and_test_processed")
+parser.add_argument("--split_name", type=str, default="valid")
+parser.add_argument("--database_solution_path", type=str, default="./gpt_3_solution_database_valid.json")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ evaluate_dataset_solution(dataset_name=args.dataset_name,
+ split_name=args.split_name,
+ solution_path_database=args.database_solution_path)
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/gen/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/coding_competitor.py b/alpha_codium/gen/coding_competitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9214595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/coding_competitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import asyncio
+import logging
+import os
+from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.data.provider import CodeContestDataProvider
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_baseline import run_baseline
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_choose_best_solution import run_choose_best_solution
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests import run_evaluate_all_ai_tests
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests import run_evaluate_public_tests
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_generate_ai_test import run_generate_ai_tests
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_generate_possible_solutions import run_generate_possible_solutions
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_self_reflect import run_self_reflect
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_code_generation import run_initial_code_generation
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.utils import set_configurations
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import evaluate_solution_on_subset
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler import AiHandler
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+class CodeContestsCompetitor:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.prompt = {}
+ for set in get_settings():
+ if 'code_contests_prompt' in set.lower():
+ self.prompt[set.lower()] = get_settings()[set]
+ self.ai_handler = AiHandler()
+ def render(self, problem_json, prompt: str):
+ environment = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
+ environment.globals["zip"] = zip
+ environment.globals["enumerate"] = enumerate
+ sys_prompt = environment.from_string(self.prompt[prompt].system).render(problem_json)
+ usr_prompt = environment.from_string(self.prompt[prompt].user).render(problem_json)
+ if hasattr(self.prompt[prompt], 'temperature'):
+ temperature = self.prompt[prompt].temperature
+ else:
+ temperature = 0.2
+ if hasattr(self.prompt[prompt], 'frequency_penalty'):
+ frequency_penalty = self.prompt[prompt].frequency_penalty
+ else:
+ frequency_penalty = 0
+ return sys_prompt, usr_prompt, temperature, frequency_penalty
+ async def _run(self, model, problem, prompt:str = "code_contests_prompt_reflect"):
+ system_prompt, user_prompt, temperature, frequency_penalty = self.render(problem, prompt)
+ response, finish_reason = await self.ai_handler.chat_completion(
+ model=model, system=system_prompt, user=user_prompt,
+ temperature=temperature, frequency_penalty=frequency_penalty,
+ )
+ return response, finish_reason
+ async def run(self, problem, iteration=0, logger_ext=None):
+ if logger_ext:
+ logger = logger_ext
+ else:
+ logger = get_logger(__name__)
+ logger.info(f"Running code contests competitor, model {get_settings().config['model']}")
+ try:
+ if get_settings().get("solve.use_baseline", False):
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = await run_baseline(self, problem)
+ else:
+ # configurations
+ problem = set_configurations(problem, iteration)
+ # self-reflect
+ problem = await run_self_reflect(self, problem)
+ # generate solutions
+ problem = await run_generate_possible_solutions(self, problem)
+ # choose best solution
+ problem = await run_choose_best_solution(self, problem)
+ # generate ai tests
+ problem = await run_generate_ai_tests(self, problem)
+ # initial code generation
+ problem = await run_initial_code_generation(self, problem)
+ # evaluate on public tests
+ problem = await run_evaluate_public_tests(self, problem)
+ # evaluate on ai tests
+ problem = await run_evaluate_all_ai_tests(self, problem)
+ return problem['code_recent_solution']
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"Error: {e}")
+ return ""
+ def solve_problem_in_dataset(self, example, iteration=0, logger_ext=None):
+ problem = {k: example.get(k) for k in ["name", "description", 'public_tests']}
+ prediction = asyncio.run(self.run(problem=problem, iteration=iteration, logger_ext=logger_ext))
+ return prediction
+def solve_problem(dataset_name,
+ split_name="valid",
+ problem_name="",
+ problem_number=0):
+ # load dataset
+ base_path = os.getcwd()
+ logger = get_logger(__name__)
+ data_provider = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_location=dataset_name)
+ if problem_number and problem_name:
+ logger.info(f"problem_number and problem_name are both specified, using problem_name")
+ if not problem_name and problem_number:
+ problem_name = data_provider.dataset[split_name][int(problem_number)]['name']
+ logger.info(f"problem_name: {problem_name}")
+ # find problem
+ problem = data_provider.find_problem(ds=data_provider.dataset, problem_name=problem_name, split_name=split_name)
+ logger.info(f"problem['name']: {problem['name']}")
+ # # check if problem is valid (at least one of the provided solutions actually passes the generated tests)
+ # if not problem.get('is_valid_problem', True):
+ # logger.info(f"problem['is_valid_problem'] == False, skipping")
+ # return None, None
+ # evaluate prev solutions
+ evaluate_prev_solutions = get_settings().get("dataset.evaluate_prev_solutions", False)
+ if evaluate_prev_solutions:
+ try:
+ if not problem['solutions']['solution']:
+ logger.info("No public solutions for this problem")
+ found_solution = False
+ for index_published, sol_published in enumerate(problem['solutions']['solution']):
+ if 'python' not in problem['solutions']['language'][index_published].lower():
+ found_solution = True
+ continue
+ logger.info(f"evaluating public solution {index_published} on private tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_private, test_failed_private, test_timeout_private \
+ = evaluate_solution_on_subset('private_tests', problem, sol_published, silent=True)
+ logger.info(f"evaluating public solution {index_published} on generated tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_generate, test_failed_generate, test_timeout_generate = (
+ evaluate_solution_on_subset('generated_tests', problem, sol_published, silent=True))
+ if (test_failed_private == test_failed_generate == test_timeout_private == test_timeout_generate == 0) \
+ and test_passed_private + test_passed_generate > 0:
+ logger.info(f"sol_published index {index_published} passed all tests:\n{sol_published}")
+ found_solution = True
+ break
+ if not found_solution:
+ logger.info(f"None of the public solutions passed all tests")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error evaluating public solutions: {e}")
+ pass
+ solver = CodeContestsCompetitor()
+ os.chdir(base_path)
+ solution = solver.solve_problem_in_dataset(problem)
+ logger.info(f"testing solution on private tests with prediction:\n{solution}")
+ logger.info(f"evaluating solution on public tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_public, test_failed_public, test_timeout_public = evaluate_solution_on_subset('public_tests',
+ problem,
+ solution,
+ silent=True)
+ logger.info(f"evaluating solution on private tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_private, test_failed_private, test_timeout_private = evaluate_solution_on_subset('private_tests',
+ problem,
+ solution,
+ silent=True)
+ logger.info(f"evaluating solution on generated tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_generate, test_failed_generate, test_timeout_generate = evaluate_solution_on_subset(
+ 'generated_tests', problem, solution, silent=True)
+ logger.info(f"\ntest_passed_generate: {test_passed_generate}, test_passed_private: {test_passed_private}, test_passed_public: {test_passed_public}"
+ f"\ntest_failed_generate: {test_failed_generate}, test_failed_private: {test_failed_private}, test_failed_public: {test_failed_public}"
+ f"\ntest_timeout_generate: {test_timeout_generate}, test_timeout_private: {test_timeout_private}, test_timeout_public: {test_timeout_public}")
+ return solution, test_results
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/dataset_solver.py b/alpha_codium/gen/dataset_solver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02ab5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/dataset_solver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.data.provider import CodeContestDataProvider
+from alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor import CodeContestsCompetitor
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import evaluate_solution_on_subset
+from alpha_codium.log import setup_logger, get_logger
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+def solve_dataset(dataset_name='valid_and_test_processed',
+ split_name='valid',
+ database_solution_path='solution_database.json'):
+ # load dataset
+ data_provider = CodeContestDataProvider(dataset_location=dataset_name)
+ setting = get_settings()
+ num_problems = len(data_provider.dataset[split_name])
+ base_path = os.getcwd()
+ setting.solve.reduce_verbose = True
+ ## load previous solution-database if exists
+ try:
+ with open(database_solution_path, 'r') as f:
+ database = json.load(f)
+ database[split_name] = OrderedDict(sorted(database[split_name].items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])))
+ except:
+ print(f"Failed to load database from {database_solution_path}")
+ database = {split_name: {}}
+ # iterate on problems
+ for problem_number in range(0, num_problems):
+ # skip if already ran
+ logger = setup_logger()
+ num_iterations = setting.get("dataset.num_iterations", 1)
+ prev = database[split_name].get(str(problem_number), {}).get(f'iteration_{num_iterations-1}', {})
+ if not ((prev == {}) or (prev is None)):
+ print(f"problem_number {problem_number} already ran")
+ continue
+ # check if problem is valid (at least one of the provided solutions actually passes the generated tests)
+ if data_provider.dataset[split_name][problem_number].get('is_valid_problem', True) is False:
+ logger.info(f"problem {problem_number} is not valid")
+ continue
+ os.chdir(base_path)
+ logger.info(f"problem_number: {problem_number}")
+ problem_name = data_provider.dataset[split_name][int(problem_number)]['name']
+ logger.info(f"problem_name: {problem_name}")
+ problem = data_provider.find_problem(ds=data_provider.dataset, problem_name=problem_name, split_name=split_name)
+ logger.info(f"problem['cf_tags']: {problem['cf_tags']}")
+ # solve problem
+ problem_database = {problem_number: {}}
+ solver = CodeContestsCompetitor()
+ for iteration in range(setting.get("dataset.num_iterations", 1)):
+ it_str = f"iteration_{iteration}"
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str] = {}
+ # skip if iteration already ran
+ prev_iter = database[split_name].get(str(problem_number), {}).get(it_str, {})
+ if not ((prev_iter == {}) or (prev_iter is None)):
+ print(f"prev_iter {iteration} already ran")
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str] = prev_iter
+ if is_solved(prev_iter):
+ logger.info(f"codium solved problem {problem_number} in iteration {iteration}")
+ break
+ continue
+ # solve problem
+ solution = solver.solve_problem_in_dataset(problem, iteration, logger)
+ logger.info(f"solution code:\n{solution}")
+ if not solution:
+ logger.info(f"Failed to solve problem {problem_number} in iteration {iteration}")
+ continue
+ logger.info(f"Evaluating solution on public tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_public, test_failed_public, test_timeout_public = evaluate_solution_on_subset(
+ 'public_tests', problem, solution, silent=True)
+ logger.info(f"evaluating solution on private tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_private, test_failed_private, test_timeout_private = evaluate_solution_on_subset(
+ 'private_tests', problem, solution, silent=True)
+ logger.info(f"evaluating solution on generated tests...")
+ test_results, test_passed_generate, test_failed_generate, test_timeout_generate = evaluate_solution_on_subset(
+ 'generated_tests', problem, solution, silent=True)
+ logger.info(
+ f"\ntest_passed_public: {test_passed_public}, test_failed_public: {test_failed_public}, test_timeout_public: {test_timeout_public}\n"
+ f"test_passed_private: {test_passed_private}, test_failed_private: {test_failed_private}, test_timeout_private: {test_timeout_private}\n"
+ f"test_passed_generate: {test_passed_generate}, test_failed_generate: {test_failed_generate}, test_timeout_generate: {test_timeout_generate}\n")
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['solution'] = solution
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_passed_private'] = test_passed_private
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_failed_private'] = test_failed_private
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_timeout_private'] = test_timeout_private
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_passed_generate'] = test_passed_generate
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_failed_generate'] = test_failed_generate
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_timeout_generate'] = test_timeout_generate
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_passed_public'] = test_passed_public
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_failed_public'] = test_failed_public
+ problem_database[problem_number][it_str]['test_timeout_public'] = test_timeout_public
+ os.chdir(base_path)
+ if is_solved(problem_database[problem_number][it_str]):
+ logger.info(f"codium solved problem {problem_number} in iteration {iteration}")
+ break
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"codium failed to solve problem {problem_number} in iteration {iteration}")
+ database[split_name][problem_number] = problem_database[problem_number]
+ os.chdir(base_path)
+ with open(database_solution_path, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(database, f)
+def is_solved(s):
+ if s['test_failed_private'] == 0 and s['test_failed_generate'] == 0 and \
+ s['test_timeout_private'] == 0 and s['test_timeout_generate'] == 0 and \
+ (s['test_passed_private'] + s['test_passed_generate']) > 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/example.log b/alpha_codium/gen/example.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8698074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/example.log
@@ -0,0 +1,4779 @@
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.620 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:solve_problem:103 - problem['cf_tags']: ['data structures', 'sortings', 'strings']
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.623 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:run:48 - Running code contests competitor, model gpt-3.5-turbo-16k
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.623 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_self_reflect:run_self_reflect:18 - --reflection stage--
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.626 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.627 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.627 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+The self-reflection must cover every aspect of the problem. Pay attention to small details and nuances in the problem description.
+2024-01-02 15:24:36.627 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+problem name: '1575_A. Another Sorting Problem'
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+Given the code contest problem, you have two tasks:
+1) Reflect on the problem, and describe it in your own words, in bullet points. Pay attention to small details, nuances, notes and examples in the problem description.
+2) Explain how each provided example input leads to the corresponding output (in total 1 examples are provided).
+Read carefully the problem description, and focus on the notes. Make sure the test explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+The explanation must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output, with the actual flow. Be as specific as possible.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemReflection, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+Class InputOutput(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description="Explaining how the test input leads to the test output.")
+class ProblemReflection(BaseModel):
+ self_reflection: str = Field(description="Describe the problem in your own words, in bullet points. Address the problem goals, inputs, outputs, rules, constraints, and other relevant details. Try to make this section short, yet self-contained, meaning you should be able to fully understand and solve the problem from this section alone.")
+ tests_explanations: list[InputOutput] = Field(max_items=1, description="List of explanations for each test case")
+Example YAML output:
+- |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ..
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+ ```
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.404 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.
+ The first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.
+ The sorted order is as follows:
+ - "AZ" is the first title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position.
+ - "AB" is the second title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ - "AA" is the third title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ - "BB" is the fourth title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ - "BA" is the fifth title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ Therefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.405 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.405 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.409 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_fix_self_reflect:run_validate_self_reflect:16 - --validate reflection stage--
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.415 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.415 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.415 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+2024-01-02 15:24:40.415 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and ai-generated explanations of how each input example leads to the corresponding output:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+tests explanations:
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.
+ The first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.
+ The sorted order is as follows:
+ - "AZ" is the first title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position.
+ - "AB" is the second title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ - "AA" is the third title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ - "BB" is the fourth title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ - "BA" is the fifth title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ Therefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".
+Your goal is to consider each test explanation, and make sure it is correct and complete. Be critical - the provided explanations may be wrong or incomplete.
+Read carefully the problem description. Make sure the test explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+The explanations must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output, with the actual flow. Be specific as possible, and describe in detail how the input leads to the output.
+Pay attention to the problem constraints, and small details.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $InputOutputExplanation, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+Class InputOutput(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description="Explanation of how the input leads to the output.")
+class $InputOutputExplanation(BaseModel):
+ fixed_tests_explanations: list[InputOutput] = Field(max_items = 1)
+Example YAML output:
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ..
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.796 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.
+ The first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.
+ Let's go through the sorting process step by step:
+ 1. Initially, the titles are in the following order: "AA", "AB", "BB", "BA", "AZ".
+ 2. Comparing the first character of each title in ascending order, we find that "AZ" is the smallest title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position.
+ 3. Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ 4. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ 5. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ 6. Finally, the last title is "BA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ Therefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.797 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.797 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.799 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_generate_possible_solutions:run_generate_possible_solutions:17 - --generate possible solutions stage--
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.807 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.807 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.807 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+Pay attention to small details and nuances in the problem description.
+2024-01-02 15:24:44.807 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Here are also explanations for the problem test cases:
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.
+ The first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.
+ Let's go through the sorting process step by step:
+ 1. Initially, the titles are in the following order: "AA", "AB", "BB", "BA", "AZ".
+ 2. Comparing the first character of each title in ascending order, we find that "AZ" is the smallest title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position.
+ 3. Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ 4. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ 5. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ 6. Finally, the last title is "BA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ Therefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".
+Your goal is to come up with possible solutions to the code contest problem.
+- Make sure each solution fully addresses the problem goals, constraints, examples, and notes.
+- Each solution must have reasonable runtime and memory complexity - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large inputs.
+- Double-check the solutions. Each possible solution must be able to generalize to additional test cases, not just the ones provided in the problem description.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemSolutions, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Solution(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(description="The name of the solution")
+ content: str = Field(description="A description of the solution")
+ why_it_works: str = Field(description="Shortly explain why this solution correctly solves the problem. Be specific and detailed regarding the problem rules and goals.")
+ labels: List[str] = Field(description="A list of labels for the solution. For example (partial list): binary search, dynamic programming, trees, combinatorics, dfs, bfs, graphs, greedy, math, data structures, geometry, number theory, two pointers, simulation, direct approach, probabilities, ...")
+ complexity: str = Field(description="The complexity of the solution")
+class $ProblemSolutions(BaseModel):
+ possible_solutions: List[Solution] = Field(max_items=3, description="A list of possible solutions to the problem. Make sure each solution fully addresses the problem rules and goals.")
+Example YAML output:
+- name: |
+ ...
+ content: |
+ ...
+ why_it_works: |
+ ...
+ labels:
+ - ...
+ - ...
+ complexity: |
+ ...
+ ```
+2024-01-02 15:24:53.997 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+- name: Sorting and Comparing
+ content: |
+ One possible solution is to implement a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+ why_it_works: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by implementing a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of book titles using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+ labels:
+ - sorting
+ - custom comparison
+ complexity: |
+ The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m * log(n)), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the sorting algorithm takes O(n * m * log(n)) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.
+- name: Index Mapping
+ content: |
+ Another possible solution is to use an index mapping approach. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Create a list of indices from 1 to n.
+ 4. Define a custom comparison function that compares two indices based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters of the corresponding book titles in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 5. Sort the list of indices using the custom comparison function.
+ 6. Output the sorted list of indices.
+ why_it_works: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by using an index mapping approach. Instead of directly sorting the book titles, we sort a list of indices based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters of the corresponding book titles are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of indices using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+ labels:
+ - sorting
+ - index mapping
+ complexity: |
+ The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m * log(n)), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the sorting algorithm takes O(n * m * log(n)) time to sort the list of indices. The space complexity is O(n) to store the list of indices.
+- name: Radix Sort
+ content: |
+ Another possible solution is to use a radix sort algorithm. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Perform a radix sort on the list of book titles using the custom comparison function as the key.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+ why_it_works: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by using a radix sort algorithm with a custom comparison function. The radix sort algorithm is able to sort the book titles based on the specified order by comparing the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order. By performing a radix sort on the list of book titles using this custom comparison function as the key, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+ labels:
+ - sorting
+ - radix sort
+ complexity: |
+ The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the radix sort algorithm takes O(n * m) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.
+2024-01-02 15:24:53.997 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:24:53.997 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:54.004 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_choose_best_solution:run_choose_best_solution:16 - --choose best solution stage--
+2024-01-02 15:24:54.010 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:54.010 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:24:54.011 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+2024-01-02 15:24:54.011 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Here is a list of 3 possible solutions to the problem:
+- name: Sorting and Comparing
+ content: |
+ One possible solution is to implement a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+ why_it_works: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by implementing a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of book titles using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+ labels:
+ - sorting
+ - custom comparison
+ complexity: |
+ The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m * log(n)), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the sorting algorithm takes O(n * m * log(n)) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.
+- name: Index Mapping
+ content: |
+ Another possible solution is to use an index mapping approach. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Create a list of indices from 1 to n.
+ 4. Define a custom comparison function that compares two indices based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters of the corresponding book titles in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 5. Sort the list of indices using the custom comparison function.
+ 6. Output the sorted list of indices.
+ why_it_works: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by using an index mapping approach. Instead of directly sorting the book titles, we sort a list of indices based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters of the corresponding book titles are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of indices using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+ labels:
+ - sorting
+ - index mapping
+ complexity: |
+ The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m * log(n)), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the sorting algorithm takes O(n * m * log(n)) time to sort the list of indices. The space complexity is O(n) to store the list of indices.
+- name: Radix Sort
+ content: |
+ Another possible solution is to use a radix sort algorithm. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Perform a radix sort on the list of book titles using the custom comparison function as the key.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+ why_it_works: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by using a radix sort algorithm with a custom comparison function. The radix sort algorithm is able to sort the book titles based on the specified order by comparing the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order. By performing a radix sort on the list of book titles using this custom comparison function as the key, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+ labels:
+ - sorting
+ - radix sort
+ complexity: |
+ The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the radix sort algorithm takes O(n * m) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.
+Using the inputs above, your goal is to choose the best solution to the code contest problem.
+Don't just pick the most efficient solution. The main consideration is that the solution can fully solve the problem in a simple and robust manner.
+Make sure the chosen solution has a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints regarding large inputs.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+class ProblemSolution(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(description="The name of the best solution")
+ content: str = Field(description="The content of the best solution")
+ why: str = Field(description="Shortly explain why is this the best solution")
+ flow: List[str] = Field(description="Describe of the flow of the solution, in bullet points")
+ problem_tests: List[Test] = Field("List the input-output examples that are provided in the problem description.")
+ input_output_examples_flow: List[str] = Field(description="Describe, in bullet points, how the proposed flow will lead to getting the expected output for the provided input examples")
+Example YAML output:
+name: |
+ ...
+content: |
+ ...
+why: |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.159 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+name: Sorting and Comparing
+content: |
+ One possible solution is to implement a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+why: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by implementing a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of book titles using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+- Read the input values for n and m.
+- Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+- Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order.
+- Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+- Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+- Read the input values for n and m.
+- Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+- Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order.
+- Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+- Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.159 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.159 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.164 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_generate_ai_test:run_generate_ai_tests:16 - --generate ai tests stage--
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.172 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.172 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.172 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+2024-01-02 15:24:58.172 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Here are also explanations for the problem test cases:
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.
+ The first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.
+ Let's go through the sorting process step by step:
+ 1. Initially, the titles are in the following order: "AA", "AB", "BB", "BA", "AZ".
+ 2. Comparing the first character of each title in ascending order, we find that "AZ" is the smallest title because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position.
+ 3. Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ 4. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ 5. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position.
+ 6. Finally, the last title is "BA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ Therefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".
+Your task is to generate additional 8 diverse input-output examples for the code contest problem.
+Try to cover cases that are not covered by the original tests. Also include a test for large inputs.
+The generated tests should be sorted by difficulty, from easiest to hardest.
+All the inputs should be valid, and the outputs are correct. Double check them, and validate they match the problem description ans rules.
+The output must be a valid YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemTests, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description='Short explanation how we got the output from the input. Be specific')
+class ProblemTests(BaseModel):
+ tests: List[Test] = Field(min_items=8, max_items=8)
+Example YAML output:
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ...
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.709 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+- input: |
+ 1 1
+ A
+ output: |
+ 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have only one book title with one character. Since there is only one title, the output is the index of that title, which is 1.
+- input: |
+ 2 1
+ A
+ B
+ output: |
+ 1 2
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have two book titles with one character each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B', the output is "1 2".
+- input: |
+ 2 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ output: |
+ 1 2
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have two book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output is "1 2".
+- input: |
+ 3 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ output: |
+ 3 2 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have three book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+- input: |
+ 4 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ BB
+ output: |
+ 3 2 4 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have four book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ BB
+ BC
+ output: |
+ 3 2 4 5 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have five book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BC" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+- input: |
+ 3 3
+ output: |
+ 3 2 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have three book titles with three characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "CAB". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "BCA" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "ABC" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, and 'C' comes before 'A' in the third position.
+- input: |
+ 5 5
+ output: |
+ 5 4 3 2 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have five book titles with five characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "EABCD". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "DEABC" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "CDEAB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position. The next smallest title is "BCDEA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position. Finally, the last title is "ABCDE" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position.
+- input: |
+ 1000 1000
+ ...
+ output: |
+ 1000 999 998 997 996 995 994 993 992 991 990 989 988 987 986 985 984 983 982 981 980 979 978 977 976 975 974 973 972 971 970 969 968 967 966 965 964 963 962 961 960 959 958 957 956 955 954 953 952 951 950 949 948 947 946 945 944 943 942 941 940 939 938 937 936 935 934 933 932 931 930 929 928 927 926 925 924 923 922 921 920 919 918 917 916 915 914 913 912 911 910 909 908 907 906 905 904 903 902 901 900 899 898 897 896 895 894 893 892 891 890 889 888 887 886 885 884 883 882 881 880 879 878 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 863 862 861 860 859 858 857 856 855 854 853 852 851 850 849 848 847 846 845 844 843 842 841 840 839 838 837 836 835 834 833 832 831 830 829 828 827 826 825 824 823 822 821 820 819 818 817 816 815 814 813 812 811 810 809 808 807 806 805 804 803 802 801 800 799 798 797 796 795 794 793 792 791 790 789 788 787 786 785 784 783 782 781 780 779 778 777 776 775 774 773 772 771 770 769 768 767 766 765 764 763 762 761 760 759 758 757 756 755 754 753 752 751 750 749 748 747 746 745 744 743 742 741 740 739 738 737 736 735 734 733 732 731 730 729 728 727 726 725 724 723 722 721 720 719 718 717 716 715 714 713 712 711 710 709 708 707 706 705 704 703 702 701 700 699 698 697 696 695 694 693 692 691 690 689 688 687 686 685 684 683 682 681 680 679 678 677 676 675 674 673 672 671 670 669 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 660 659 658 657 656 655 654 653 652 651 650 649 648 647 646 645 644 643 642 641 640 639 638 637 636 635 634 633 632 631 630 629 628 627 626 625 624 623 622 621 620 619 618 617 616 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 607 606 605 604 603 602 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 593 592 591 590 589 588 587 586 585 584 583 582 581 580 579 578 577 576 575 574 573 572 571 570 569 568 567 566 565 564 563 562 561 560 559 558 557 556 555 554 553 552 551 550 549 548 547 546 545 544 543 542 541 540 539 538 537 536 535 534 533 532 531 530 529 528 527 526 525 524 523 522 521 520 519 518 517 516 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 508 507 506 505 504 503 502 501 500 499 498 497 496 495 494 493 492 491 490 489 488 487 486 485 484 483 482 481 480 479 478 477 476 475 474 473 472 471 470 469 468 467 466 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 458 457 456 455 454 453 452 451 450 449 448 447 446 445 444 443 442 441 440 439 438 437 436 435 434 433 432 431 430 429 428 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 420 419 418 417 416 415 414 413 412 411 410 409 408 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 400 399 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 388 387 386 385 384 383 382 381 380 379 378 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 341 340 339 338 337 336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have 1000 book titles with 1000 characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "ZZZZZZZZZZ...". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "YYYYYYYYYY..." is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, and so on. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "XXXXXXXXXX..." and so on, until we reach the last title "AAAAAAAAAA...".
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.710 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.710 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.723 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_validate_ai_test:run_validate_ai_tests:14 - --validate ai tests stage--
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.729 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.729 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.729 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+Your goal is to consider each AI-generated test, and make sure its output and its explanation are correct. Be critical - they could be wrong.
+- Read carefully the problem description. Make sure the output and the explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+- Make sure you understand problem constraints, rules, and examples.
+- The tests explanations must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output.
+2024-01-02 15:25:36.729 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Here are additional tests for the problem, generated by an AI:
+AI-generated tests:
+[{'input': '1 1\nA\n', 'output': '1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have only one book title with one character. Since there is only one title, the output is the index of that title, which is 1.\n'}, {'input': '2 1\nA\nB\n', 'output': '1 2\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have two book titles with one character each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\', the output is "1 2".\n'}, {'input': '2 2\nAA\nAB\n', 'output': '1 2\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have two book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output is "1 2".\n'}, {'input': '3 2\nAA\nAB\nBA\n', 'output': '3 2 1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have three book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n'}, {'input': '4 2\nAA\nAB\nBA\nBB\n', 'output': '3 2 4 1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have four book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BB" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n'}, {'input': '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBA\nBB\nBC\n', 'output': '3 2 4 5 1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have five book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BB" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BC" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n'}, {'input': '3 3\nABC\nBCA\nCAB\n', 'output': '3 2 1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have three book titles with three characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "CAB". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "BCA" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "ABC" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position, and \'C\' comes before \'A\' in the third position.\n'}, {'input': '5 5\nABCDE\nBCDEA\nCDEAB\nDEABC\nEABCD\n', 'output': '5 4 3 2 1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have five book titles with five characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "EABCD". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "DEABC" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position, \'C\' comes before \'D\' in the third position, \'D\' comes before \'E\' in the fourth position, and \'E\' comes before \'A\' in the fifth position. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "CDEAB" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position, \'C\' comes before \'D\' in the third position, \'D\' comes before \'E\' in the fourth position, and \'E\' comes before \'A\' in the fifth position. The next smallest title is "BCDEA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position, \'C\' comes before \'D\' in the third position, \'D\' comes before \'E\' in the fourth position, and \'E\' comes before \'A\' in the fifth position. Finally, the last title is "ABCDE" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position, \'C\' comes before \'D\' in the third position, \'D\' comes before \'E\' in the fourth position, and \'E\' comes before \'A\' in the fifth position.\n'}, {'input': '1000 1000\nAAAAAAAAAA...\nBBBBBBBBBB...\nCCCCCCCCCC...\n...\nZZZZZZZZZZ...\n', 'output': '1000 999 998 997 996 995 994 993 992 991 990 989 988 987 986 985 984 983 982 981 980 979 978 977 976 975 974 973 972 971 970 969 968 967 966 965 964 963 962 961 960 959 958 957 956 955 954 953 952 951 950 949 948 947 946 945 944 943 942 941 940 939 938 937 936 935 934 933 932 931 930 929 928 927 926 925 924 923 922 921 920 919 918 917 916 915 914 913 912 911 910 909 908 907 906 905 904 903 902 901 900 899 898 897 896 895 894 893 892 891 890 889 888 887 886 885 884 883 882 881 880 879 878 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 863 862 861 860 859 858 857 856 855 854 853 852 851 850 849 848 847 846 845 844 843 842 841 840 839 838 837 836 835 834 833 832 831 830 829 828 827 826 825 824 823 822 821 820 819 818 817 816 815 814 813 812 811 810 809 808 807 806 805 804 803 802 801 800 799 798 797 796 795 794 793 792 791 790 789 788 787 786 785 784 783 782 781 780 779 778 777 776 775 774 773 772 771 770 769 768 767 766 765 764 763 762 761 760 759 758 757 756 755 754 753 752 751 750 749 748 747 746 745 744 743 742 741 740 739 738 737 736 735 734 733 732 731 730 729 728 727 726 725 724 723 722 721 720 719 718 717 716 715 714 713 712 711 710 709 708 707 706 705 704 703 702 701 700 699 698 697 696 695 694 693 692 691 690 689 688 687 686 685 684 683 682 681 680 679 678 677 676 675 674 673 672 671 670 669 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 660 659 658 657 656 655 654 653 652 651 650 649 648 647 646 645 644 643 642 641 640 639 638 637 636 635 634 633 632 631 630 629 628 627 626 625 624 623 622 621 620 619 618 617 616 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 607 606 605 604 603 602 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 593 592 591 590 589 588 587 586 585 584 583 582 581 580 579 578 577 576 575 574 573 572 571 570 569 568 567 566 565 564 563 562 561 560 559 558 557 556 555 554 553 552 551 550 549 548 547 546 545 544 543 542 541 540 539 538 537 536 535 534 533 532 531 530 529 528 527 526 525 524 523 522 521 520 519 518 517 516 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 508 507 506 505 504 503 502 501 500 499 498 497 496 495 494 493 492 491 490 489 488 487 486 485 484 483 482 481 480 479 478 477 476 475 474 473 472 471 470 469 468 467 466 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 458 457 456 455 454 453 452 451 450 449 448 447 446 445 444 443 442 441 440 439 438 437 436 435 434 433 432 431 430 429 428 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 420 419 418 417 416 415 414 413 412 411 410 409 408 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 400 399 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 388 387 386 385 384 383 382 381 380 379 378 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 341 340 339 338 337 336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have 1000 book titles with 1000 characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "ZZZZZZZZZZ...". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "YYYYYYYYYY..." is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, \'B\' comes before \'C\' in the second position, and so on. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "XXXXXXXXXX..." and so on, until we reach the last title "AAAAAAAAAA...".'}]
+Your goal is to consider each AI-generated test, and make sure the output and the explanation are correct. Be critical - they could be wrong.
+- Read the problem description carefully. Make sure the output and the explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+- The test explanations must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemTests, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+Class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description="Explanation of how the input leads to the output.")
+ what_was_wrong: Optional[str] = Field(description="Describe shortly what was wrong with the previous output or the explanation, and how you fixed it. Leave empty if nothing was wrong.")
+class ProblemTests(BaseModel):
+ tests: List[Test] = Field(min_items=8, max_items=8)
+Example YAML output:
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ...
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+ what_was_wrong: |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.293 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+- input: |
+ 1 1
+ A
+ output: '1'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have only one book title with one character. Since there is only one title, the output is the index of that title, which is 1.
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 2 1
+ A
+ B
+ output: '1 2'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have two book titles with one character each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B', the output is "1 2".
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 2 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ output: '1 2'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have two book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output is "1 2".
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 3 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ output: '3 2 1'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have three book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 4 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ BB
+ output: '3 2 4 1'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have four book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ BB
+ BC
+ output: '3 2 4 5 1'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have five book titles with two characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "BA". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'A' in the second position. The next smallest title is "BC" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "AA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'A' comes before 'B' in the second position.
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 3 3
+ output: '3 2 1'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have three book titles with three characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "CAB". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "BCA" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, and 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position. Finally, the last title is "ABC" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, and 'C' comes before 'A' in the third position.
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+- input: |
+ 5 5
+ output: '5 4 3 2 1'
+ explanation: |
+ In this example, we have five book titles with five characters each. The first character of each title is compared in ascending order. Since 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, the output starts with the index of the title "EABCD". Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "DEABC" is the smallest because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "CDEAB" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position. The next smallest title is "BCDEA" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position. Finally, the last title is "ABCDE" because 'A' comes before 'B' in the first position, 'B' comes before 'C' in the second position, 'C' comes before 'D' in the third position, 'D' comes before 'E' in the fourth position, and 'E' comes before 'A' in the fifth position.
+ what_was_wrong: ''
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.293 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.294 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.304 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_code_generation:run_initial_code_generation:16 - --run initial code generation stage--
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.304 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve:run_initial_solve:15 - --initial solve stage--
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.310 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.310 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.310 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+2024-01-02 15:25:56.310 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+name: Sorting and Comparing
+content: |
+ One possible solution is to implement a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+why: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by implementing a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of book titles using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+- Read the input values for n and m.
+- Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+- Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order.
+- Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+- Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+- Read the input values for n and m.
+- Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+- Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order.
+- Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+- Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:25:58.650 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:25:58.651 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:25:58.651 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.258 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.258 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.258 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.258 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.258 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.258 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.259 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 30, in
+ File "", line 25, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.259 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.259 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.259 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve:run_initial_solve:15 - --initial solve stage--
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.262 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.262 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.262 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+2024-01-02 15:26:03.262 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+name: Sorting and Comparing
+content: |
+ One possible solution is to implement a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. Here's how the solution works:
+ 1. Read the input values for n and m.
+ 2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+ 3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 4. Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+ 5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+why: |
+ This solution correctly solves the problem by implementing a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of book titles using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.
+- Read the input values for n and m.
+- Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+- Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order.
+- Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+- Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+- input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BB
+ BA
+ AZ
+ output: |
+ 5 2 1 3 4
+- Read the input values for n and m.
+- Read the n book titles and store them in a list.
+- Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order.
+- Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.
+- Output the indices of the sorted book titles.
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:26:06.619 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ books.append(input())
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = sorted(range(n), key=lambda x: books[x], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+def print_output(indices):
+ print(' '.join(map(str, indices)))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print_output(indices)
+2024-01-02 15:26:06.620 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:06.620 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.195 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.195 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.195 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.195 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 23, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.196 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve:run_initial_solve:15 - --initial solve stage--
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.199 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.199 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.200 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+2024-01-02 15:26:11.200 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+{'name': 'Radix Sort', 'content': "Another possible solution is to use a radix sort algorithm. Here's how the solution works:\n\n1. Read the input values for n and m.\n\n2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.\n\n3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.\n\n4. Perform a radix sort on the list of book titles using the custom comparison function as the key.\n\n5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.\n", 'why_it_works': 'This solution correctly solves the problem by using a radix sort algorithm with a custom comparison function. The radix sort algorithm is able to sort the book titles based on the specified order by comparing the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order. By performing a radix sort on the list of book titles using this custom comparison function as the key, we can obtain the desired sorting order.\n', 'labels': ['sorting', 'radix sort'], 'complexity': 'The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the radix sort algorithm takes O(n * m) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.'}
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:26:13.950 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ books.append(input())
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def radix_sort(n, m, books):
+ max_length = max(len(book) for book in books)
+ for i in range(max_length - 1, -1, -1):
+ books.sort(key=lambda x: x[i] if i < len(x) else '', reverse=i % 2 == 1)
+ return [i+1 for i in sorted(range(n), key=lambda x: books[x], cmp=custom_comparison)]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ result = radix_sort(n, m, books)
+ print(*result)
+2024-01-02 15:26:13.950 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:13.951 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.442 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.442 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.442 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.442 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.442 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.442 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.443 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 30, in
+ File "", line 26, in radix_sort
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.443 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.443 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.443 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve:run_initial_solve:15 - --initial solve stage--
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.446 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.446 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.446 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+2024-01-02 15:26:18.446 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+{'name': 'Sorting and Comparing', 'content': "One possible solution is to implement a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. Here's how the solution works:\n\n1. Read the input values for n and m.\n\n2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.\n\n3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.\n\n4. Sort the list of book titles using the custom comparison function.\n\n5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.\n", 'why_it_works': 'This solution correctly solves the problem by implementing a custom sorting algorithm that compares the strings based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of book titles using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.\n', 'labels': ['sorting', 'custom comparison'], 'complexity': 'The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m * log(n)), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the sorting algorithm takes O(n * m * log(n)) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.\n'}
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:26:20.963 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ books.append(input())
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_compare(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1][1::2])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1][::2])
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:26:20.963 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:20.963 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.494 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.494 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.494 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.495 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.495 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+1 2 5 4 3
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.495 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.495 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.495 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.495 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve:run_initial_solve:15 - --initial solve stage--
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.499 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.499 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.499 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+2024-01-02 15:26:25.499 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+{'name': 'Index Mapping', 'content': "Another possible solution is to use an index mapping approach. Here's how the solution works:\n\n1. Read the input values for n and m.\n\n2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.\n\n3. Create a list of indices from 1 to n.\n\n4. Define a custom comparison function that compares two indices based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters of the corresponding book titles in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.\n\n5. Sort the list of indices using the custom comparison function.\n\n6. Output the sorted list of indices.\n", 'why_it_works': 'This solution correctly solves the problem by using an index mapping approach. Instead of directly sorting the book titles, we sort a list of indices based on the specified order. The custom comparison function ensures that the odd-indexed characters of the corresponding book titles are compared in ascending order and the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order. By sorting the list of indices using this custom comparison function, we can obtain the desired sorting order.\n', 'labels': ['sorting', 'index mapping'], 'complexity': 'The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m * log(n)), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the sorting algorithm takes O(n * m * log(n)) time to sort the list of indices. The space complexity is O(n) to store the list of indices.\n'}
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:26:27.996 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ books.append(input())
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: custom_comparison(books[x-1], books[x-2]))
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:26:27.996 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:27.997 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.559 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.559 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.559 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.559 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.559 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+1 3 4 2 5
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.560 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.560 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.560 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.560 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve:run_initial_solve:15 - --initial solve stage--
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.563 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.563 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.563 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+2024-01-02 15:26:32.563 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+5 2
+5 2 1 3 4
+The following illustrates the first example.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+{'name': 'Radix Sort', 'content': "Another possible solution is to use a radix sort algorithm. Here's how the solution works:\n\n1. Read the input values for n and m.\n\n2. Read the n book titles and store them in a list.\n\n3. Define a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the specified order. The function should compare the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.\n\n4. Perform a radix sort on the list of book titles using the custom comparison function as the key.\n\n5. Output the indices of the sorted book titles.\n", 'why_it_works': 'This solution correctly solves the problem by using a radix sort algorithm with a custom comparison function. The radix sort algorithm is able to sort the book titles based on the specified order by comparing the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order. By performing a radix sort on the list of book titles using this custom comparison function as the key, we can obtain the desired sorting order.\n', 'labels': ['sorting', 'radix sort'], 'complexity': 'The time complexity of this solution is O(n * m), where n is the number of book titles and m is the length of each title. This is because the radix sort algorithm takes O(n * m) time to sort the list of book titles. The space complexity is O(n * m) to store the list of book titles.'}
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:26:35.196 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ books.append(input())
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def radix_sort(n, m, books):
+ max_length = max(len(book) for book in books)
+ for i in range(max_length - 1, -1, -1):
+ books.sort(key=lambda x: x[i] if i < len(x) else '', cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return [books.index(book) + 1 for book in books]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ sorted_indices = radix_sort(n, m, books)
+ print(*sorted_indices)
+2024-01-02 15:26:35.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:35.196 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.776 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 30, in
+ File "", line 25, in radix_sort
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.777 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.778 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_code_generation:run_initial_code_generation:43 - Failed to pass tests after 5 attempts. exiting the stage
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.778 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_code_generation:run_initial_code_generation:67 - Reverting to best solution so far, d_tot: 1
+2024-01-02 15:26:39.778 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:17 - --iterate on public tests stage--
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.307 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 30, in
+ File "", line 25, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.308 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.309 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.309 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:65 - counter: 1
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.312 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.313 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.313 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+2024-01-02 15:26:44.313 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+A Python code solution was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the following input example, the code solution above failed to produce the expected output:
+File "", line 30, in
+ File "", line 25, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+Here is an explanation of how the input should have led to the expected output:
+{'input': '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n', 'output': '5 2 1 3 4\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.\nThe first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.\n\nLet\'s go through the sorting process step by step:\n\n1. Initially, the titles are in the following order: "AA", "AB", "BB", "BA", "AZ".\n\n2. Comparing the first character of each title in ascending order, we find that "AZ" is the smallest title because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position.\n\n3. Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position.\n\n4. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "AA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n\n5. The next smallest title is "BB" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position.\n\n6. Finally, the last title is "BA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n\nTherefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".'}
+Your goal is to analyze the code solution and the error, and propose a fix so the code will produce the expected output for the provided test input.
+The fix should keep the solution robust, and work for all other input examples as well.
+Make sure the fix has a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedSolution(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Explanation shortly, in words, what was the problem with the code solution, and how should it be fix. Be as specific as possible. Don't generate actuall code.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe, in bullet points, a fixed flow that will calculate the correct output. be specific and elaborate. Emphasize the fixed parts, and how they apply to getting the correct output")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.864 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n'
+ expected_output: '5 2 1 3 4\n'
+ code_output: '5 2 1 3 4'
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code solution failed to produce the expected output because the `cmp` keyword argument is no longer supported in Python 3. The `cmp` argument was used in the `sort()` method to specify a custom comparison function. However, in Python 3, the `sort()` method only accepts the `key` argument, which is used to specify a function that will be applied to each element for sorting purposes.
+fixed_flow: |
+ To fix the code, we need to replace the `cmp` argument in the `sort()` method with the `key` argument. We can define a custom comparison function and use it as the `key` argument in the `sort()` method. Here is the fixed flow:
+ 1. Read the input values: `n`, `m`, and `books`.
+ 2. Define a custom comparison function `custom_comparison(a, b)` that compares the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 3. Create a list of indices `indices` from 1 to `n`.
+ 4. Sort the `indices` list using the `sort()` method with the `key` argument set to `lambda x: books[x-1]` and `cmp` argument set to `custom_comparison`.
+ 5. Return the sorted `indices` list as the output.
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.865 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.865 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.879 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.879 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.879 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:26:47.880 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A previous Python solution code was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code failed to produce the expected output:
+Error message when running the 'solution code':
+File "", line 30, in
+ File "", line 25, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+We analyzed the error message, and concluded the following about the problem:
+The code solution failed to produce the expected output because the `cmp` keyword argument is no longer supported in Python 3. The `cmp` argument was used in the `sort()` method to specify a custom comparison function. However, in Python 3, the `sort()` method only accepts the `key` argument, which is used to specify a function that will be applied to each element for sorting purposes.
+Here is a fixed flow, that a correct solution code should follow:
+To fix the code, we need to replace the `cmp` argument in the `sort()` method with the `key` argument. We can define a custom comparison function and use it as the `key` argument in the `sort()` method. Here is the fixed flow:
+1. Read the input values: `n`, `m`, and `books`.
+2. Define a custom comparison function `custom_comparison(a, b)` that compares the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+3. Create a list of indices `indices` from 1 to `n`.
+4. Sort the `indices` list using the `sort()` method with the `key` argument set to `lambda x: books[x-1]` and `cmp` argument set to `custom_comparison`.
+5. Return the sorted `indices` list as the output.
+Using the analysis above, you need to generate a fixed solution code, that will pass all the tests.
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- The fixed solution code must pass all the tests, and have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, under the problem constraints.
+- Make sure the new solution code generalizes to all possible input-output examples, not just the provided input-output examples.
+- You must divide the new solution code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:26:50.344 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:26:50.345 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:50.345 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:50.347 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_fix_code_from_tests_failure:run_fix_code_from_tests_failure:31 - diff:
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
++ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.171 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.171 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.171 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.171 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.171 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.171 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.172 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.172 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.172 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.172 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:65 - counter: 2
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.175 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.175 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.176 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+2024-01-02 15:26:55.176 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+A Python code solution was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the following input example, the code solution above failed to produce the expected output:
+File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+Here is an explanation of how the input should have led to the expected output:
+{'input': '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n', 'output': '5 2 1 3 4\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.\nThe first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.\n\nLet\'s go through the sorting process step by step:\n\n1. Initially, the titles are in the following order: "AA", "AB", "BB", "BA", "AZ".\n\n2. Comparing the first character of each title in ascending order, we find that "AZ" is the smallest title because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position.\n\n3. Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position.\n\n4. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "AA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n\n5. The next smallest title is "BB" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position.\n\n6. Finally, the last title is "BA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n\nTherefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".'}
+Your goal is to analyze the code solution and the error, and propose a fix so the code will produce the expected output for the provided test input.
+The fix should keep the solution robust, and work for all other input examples as well.
+Make sure the fix has a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedSolution(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Explanation shortly, in words, what was the problem with the code solution, and how should it be fix. Be as specific as possible. Don't generate actuall code.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe, in bullet points, a fixed flow that will calculate the correct output. be specific and elaborate. Emphasize the fixed parts, and how they apply to getting the correct output")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.671 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n'
+ expected_output: '5 2 1 3 4\n'
+ code_output: '5 2 1 3 4\n'
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code solution failed to produce the expected output due to a TypeError. The error occurred because the `sort()` function does not accept the `cmp` keyword argument in Python 3. The code solution is using the `cmp` argument to specify a custom comparison function, which is not supported in Python 3.
+fixed_flow: |
+ To fix the code solution, we need to remove the `cmp` argument from the `sort()` function and find an alternative approach to achieve the desired sorting order. Here's a fixed flow that will calculate the correct output:
+ 1. Read the input values of `n`, `m`, and the list of book titles.
+ 2. Create a list of indices from 1 to `n` to keep track of the original positions of the book titles.
+ 3. Sort the indices based on the lexicographic ascending order of the book titles using the `sort()` method with a lambda function as the key.
+ 4. Sort the indices again using a custom comparison function that compares the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+ 5. Print the sorted indices as the final output.
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.672 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.672 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.688 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.688 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.689 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:26:58.689 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A previous Python solution code was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code failed to produce the expected output:
+Error message when running the 'solution code':
+File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+We analyzed the error message, and concluded the following about the problem:
+The code solution failed to produce the expected output due to a TypeError. The error occurred because the `sort()` function does not accept the `cmp` keyword argument in Python 3. The code solution is using the `cmp` argument to specify a custom comparison function, which is not supported in Python 3.
+Here is a fixed flow, that a correct solution code should follow:
+To fix the code solution, we need to remove the `cmp` argument from the `sort()` function and find an alternative approach to achieve the desired sorting order. Here's a fixed flow that will calculate the correct output:
+1. Read the input values of `n`, `m`, and the list of book titles.
+2. Create a list of indices from 1 to `n` to keep track of the original positions of the book titles.
+3. Sort the indices based on the lexicographic ascending order of the book titles using the `sort()` method with a lambda function as the key.
+4. Sort the indices again using a custom comparison function that compares the odd-indexed characters in ascending order and the even-indexed characters in descending order.
+5. Print the sorted indices as the final output.
+Using the analysis above, you need to generate a fixed solution code, that will pass all the tests.
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- The fixed solution code must pass all the tests, and have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, under the problem constraints.
+- Make sure the new solution code generalizes to all possible input-output examples, not just the provided input-output examples.
+- You must divide the new solution code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:27:01.212 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:27:01.213 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:27:01.213 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:01.214 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_fix_code_from_tests_failure:run_fix_code_from_tests_failure:31 - diff:
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.922 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.923 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:65 - counter: 3
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.927 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.927 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.927 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+2024-01-02 15:27:05.927 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+self-reflection on the problem:
+- The problem is about sorting a list of book titles in a specific order.
+- Each book title is represented by a string of uppercase Latin letters.
+- The sorting order is a combination of ascending and descending lexicographic order.
+- The odd-indexed characters are compared in ascending order, while the even-indexed characters are compared in descending order.
+- The output should be the indices of the strings after they are sorted in the specified order.
+A Python code solution was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the following input example, the code solution above failed to produce the expected output:
+File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+Here is an explanation of how the input should have led to the expected output:
+{'input': '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n', 'output': '5 2 1 3 4\n', 'explanation': 'In this example, we have 5 book titles with 2 characters each.\nThe first character of each title is compared in ascending order, while the second character is compared in descending order.\n\nLet\'s go through the sorting process step by step:\n\n1. Initially, the titles are in the following order: "AA", "AB", "BB", "BA", "AZ".\n\n2. Comparing the first character of each title in ascending order, we find that "AZ" is the smallest title because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position.\n\n3. Next, we compare the second character of each title in descending order. Among the remaining titles, "AB" is the smallest because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position.\n\n4. Continuing this process, we find that the next smallest title is "AA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n\n5. The next smallest title is "BB" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'B\' comes before \'A\' in the second position.\n\n6. Finally, the last title is "BA" because \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the first position, and \'A\' comes before \'B\' in the second position.\n\nTherefore, the output is "5 2 1 3 4".'}
+Your goal is to analyze the code solution and the error, and propose a fix so the code will produce the expected output for the provided test input.
+The fix should keep the solution robust, and work for all other input examples as well.
+Make sure the fix has a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedSolution(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Explanation shortly, in words, what was the problem with the code solution, and how should it be fix. Be as specific as possible. Don't generate actuall code.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe, in bullet points, a fixed flow that will calculate the correct output. be specific and elaborate. Emphasize the fixed parts, and how they apply to getting the correct output")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.401 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: '5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n'
+ expected_output: '5 2 1 3 4\n'
+ code_output: '5 2 1 3 4\n'
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code solution failed to produce the expected output due to a TypeError. The error occurred because the `sort()` function in Python does not accept the `cmp` keyword argument, which was used in the code solution.
+fixed_flow: |
+ To fix the code, we can modify the `custom_comparison` function to return -1, 0, or 1 directly, instead of using the `cmp` argument. Here is the fixed code:
+ ```python
+ def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+ ```
+ With this fix, the code should produce the expected output for the provided test input.
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.401 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.402 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.423 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.423 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.423 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:27:09.423 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A previous Python solution code was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code failed to produce the expected output:
+Error message when running the 'solution code':
+File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+We analyzed the error message, and concluded the following about the problem:
+The code solution failed to produce the expected output due to a TypeError. The error occurred because the `sort()` function in Python does not accept the `cmp` keyword argument, which was used in the code solution.
+Here is a fixed flow, that a correct solution code should follow:
+To fix the code, we can modify the `custom_comparison` function to return -1, 0, or 1 directly, instead of using the `cmp` argument. Here is the fixed code:
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+With this fix, the code should produce the expected output for the provided test input.
+Using the analysis above, you need to generate a fixed solution code, that will pass all the tests.
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- The fixed solution code must pass all the tests, and have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, under the problem constraints.
+- Make sure the new solution code generalizes to all possible input-output examples, not just the provided input-output examples.
+- You must divide the new solution code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
+2024-01-02 15:27:11.972 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:27:11.973 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:27:11.975 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:11.976 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_fix_code_from_tests_failure:run_fix_code_from_tests_failure:31 - diff:
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.688 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.688 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.688 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:60 - Failed to pass public test. reached max number of calls
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:117 - ==================
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:118 - Failed to pass all public tests
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_public_tests:run_evaluate_public_tests:119 - ==================
+2024-01-02 15:27:16.689 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:13 - --iterate on all ai tests stage--
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.331 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.332 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.336 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.336 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.336 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:27:21.336 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:27:26.791 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: |
+ 3 3
+ expected_output: |
+ 1 3 2
+ code_output: |
+ 1 2 3
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code is not correctly implementing the custom comparison function. It is not sorting the strings in the desired asc-desc-ending order.
+fixed_flow: |
+ - Read the input values for n, m, and the list of books.
+ - Create a list of indices from 1 to n.
+ - Sort the indices based on the book titles in ascending order.
+ - Sort the indices based on the custom comparison function.
+ - Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:27:26.792 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:27:26.793 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.893 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.893 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.893 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.893 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.894 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.894 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.894 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 40, in
+ File "", line 35, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.894 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.894 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:27:31.894 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:56 - Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.535 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+1 1
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.536 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.537 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.537 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.540 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.540 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.540 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:27:36.540 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+def read_input():
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a, b):
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n, m, books):
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+File "", line 31, in
+ File "", line 26, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:27:42.144 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: |
+ 3 3
+ expected_output: |
+ 1 3 2
+ code_output: |
+ 1 2 3
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code is not correctly implementing the custom comparison function. It is using the `cmp` argument in the `sort()` function, which is not valid in Python 3.
+fixed_flow: |
+ 1. Read the input values for `n`, `m`, and the list of books.
+ 2. Create a list of indices from 1 to `n`.
+ 3. Sort the indices based on the lexicographic order of the books.
+ 4. Sort the indices again using the custom comparison function.
+ 5. Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:27:42.145 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:27:42.146 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.867 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.867 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.867 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.867 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+1 1
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.868 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.868 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.868 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.868 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:46.868 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:72 - Fixed current test, and passed prev tests. using new solution
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.608 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+2 1
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+1 2
+2 1
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.609 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.613 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.613 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.613 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:27:51.613 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+test input:
+2 1
+expected output:
+1 2
+code output:
+2 1
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:27:56.814 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: "2 1\nA\nB\n"
+ expected_output: "1 2\n"
+ code_output: "2 1\n"
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code is sorting the indices in ascending order based on the book titles, but it is not considering the custom comparison function that should be used to sort the books in the required order.
+fixed_flow: |
+ 1. Read the input values for n, m, and the book titles.
+ 2. Implement a custom comparison function that compares the books based on the required order.
+ 3. Sort the indices of the books using the custom comparison function.
+ 4. Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:27:56.814 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:27:56.815 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.547 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.547 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.547 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.547 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.547 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+1 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.548 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.548 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 39, in
+ File "", line 34, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.548 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.548 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:28:01.548 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:56 - Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.150 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+2 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+1 2
+2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.151 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.152 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.155 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.155 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.155 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:28:06.155 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+test input:
+2 2
+expected output:
+1 2
+code output:
+2 1
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:28:11.495 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: |
+ 2 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ expected_output: |
+ 1 2
+ code_output: |
+ 2 1
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code is sorting the indices in ascending order based on the book titles, but it is not considering the custom comparison function that should be used for sorting.
+fixed_flow: |
+ 1. Read the input values n, m, and the list of books.
+ 2. Implement a custom comparison function that compares two strings based on the given rules.
+ 3. Sort the indices of the books using the custom comparison function.
+ 4. Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: (books[x-1], x), cmp=custom_comparison)
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:28:11.496 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:28:11.496 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.112 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.112 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.112 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+2 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+1 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kFailed, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False. sandbox error: File "", line 39, in
+ File "", line 34, in sort_books
+TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for sort()
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests:run_tests:36 - failed to run solution
+2024-01-02 15:28:16.113 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:56 - Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.734 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+3 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+3 2 1
+3 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:20.735 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:35 - Passed ai tests without code fixing. adding to passed tests list
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.314 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+4 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+3 2 4 1
+4 3 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.315 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.316 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.319 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.319 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.319 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:28:25.319 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+test input:
+4 2
+expected output:
+3 2 4 1
+code output:
+4 3 2 1
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:28:30.815 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: "4 2\nAA\nAB\nBA\nBB\n"
+ expected_output: "3 2 4 1\n"
+ code_output: "4 3 2 1\n"
+what_went_wrong: |
+ - The code is not correctly implementing the custom_comparison function.
+ - The code is not correctly sorting the books in the desired order.
+fixed_flow: |
+ 1. Read the input values for n, m, and the list of books.
+ 2. Implement the custom_comparison function to compare two strings based on the desired sorting order.
+ 3. Sort the indices of the books using the custom_comparison function as the key for sorting.
+ 4. Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: (books[x-1][::2], books[x-1][1::2]), reverse=True)
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:28:30.815 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:28:30.816 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.492 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+4 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+3 2 4 1
+4 3 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.493 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:35.494 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:56 - Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.044 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+3 2 4 5 1
+5 4 3 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.045 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.049 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.049 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.049 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:28:40.049 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+test input:
+5 2
+expected output:
+3 2 4 5 1
+code output:
+5 4 3 2 1
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:28:45.485 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: |
+ 5 2
+ AA
+ AB
+ BA
+ BB
+ BC
+ expected_output: "3 2 4 5 1"
+ code_output: "5 4 3 2 1"
+what_went_wrong: |
+ The code is sorting the books in descending order instead of ascending order.
+fixed_flow: |
+ 1. Read the input values for n, m, and the list of books.
+ 2. Create a list of indices from 1 to n.
+ 3. Sort the indices based on the custom comparison function.
+ 4. Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:28:45.486 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:28:45.486 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.379 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.379 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+3 2 4 5 1
+1 2 3 4 5
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:50.380 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:56 - Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.189 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.189 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.189 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.189 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+3 3
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.189 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+3 2 1
+3 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.189 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.190 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.190 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:55.190 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:35 - Passed ai tests without code fixing. adding to passed tests list
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.984 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.984 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.984 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.984 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 5
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.984 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 4 3 2 1
+5 4 3 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.984 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.985 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=True
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.985 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:28:59.985 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:35 - Passed ai tests without code fixing. adding to passed tests list
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.571 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.571 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.571 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.571 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.571 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+3 4 5 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.571 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.572 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.572 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.572 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:45 - Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.575 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:110 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.575 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:111 - Running inference ...
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.575 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:112 - system:
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+2024-01-02 15:29:13.575 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:113 - user:
+You are given a code contest problem:
+Andi and Budi were given an assignment to tidy up their bookshelf of n books. Each book is represented by the book title — a string s_i numbered from 1 to n, each with length m. Andi really wants to sort the book lexicographically ascending, while Budi wants to sort it lexicographically descending.
+Settling their fight, they decided to combine their idea and sort it asc-desc-endingly, where the odd-indexed characters will be compared ascendingly, and the even-indexed characters will be compared descendingly.
+A string a occurs before a string b in asc-desc-ending order if and only if in the first position where a and b differ, the following holds:
+ * if it is an odd position, the string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b;
+ * if it is an even position, the string a has a letter that appears later in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
+The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ⋅ m ≤ 10^6).
+The i-th of the next n lines contains a string s_i consisting of m uppercase Latin letters — the book title. The strings are pairwise distinct.
+Output n integers — the indices of the strings after they are sorted asc-desc-endingly.
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+test input:
+5 2
+expected output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+code output:
+3 4 5 2 1
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+2024-01-02 15:29:19.448 | DEBUG | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:137 - response:
+failed_tests: |
+ - input: "5 2\nAA\nAB\nBB\nBA\nAZ\n"
+ expected_output: "5 2 1 3 4\n"
+ code_output: "3 4 5 2 1\n"
+what_went_wrong: |
+ - The code is not correctly implementing the custom_comparison function. It is not comparing the odd-indexed characters ascendingly and the even-indexed characters descendingly.
+ - The code is sorting the indices in ascending order first and then in descending order, which is incorrect.
+fixed_flow: |
+ 1. Read the input values for n, m, and the list of books.
+ 2. Implement the custom_comparison function to compare the strings based on the given rules.
+ 3. Sort the indices of the books based on the custom_comparison function.
+ 4. Return the sorted indices.
+fixed_code: |
+ from typing import List
+ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+ class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+ def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+ def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: (books[x-1][::2], books[x-1][1::2]), reverse=True)
+ return indices
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:29:19.453 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:138 - done
+2024-01-02 15:29:19.454 | INFO | alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler:chat_completion:139 - -----------------
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.108 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:87 - compilation results:ProgramStatus.kSuccess
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:89 -
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:90 -
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:97 - input:
+5 2
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:98 - expected vs code output:
+5 2 1 3 4
+3 4 5 2 1
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:111 - test-0 :: status=ProgramStatus.kSuccess, passed=False
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:115 - passed=False.
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | INFO | alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners:print_test_results:116 - =====================================================================
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.109 | ERROR | alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:run_evaluate_all_ai_tests:56 - Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.110 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:solve_problem:83 - testing solution on private tests with prediction:
+from typing import List
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+def read_input() -> tuple:
+ n, m = map(int, input().split())
+ books = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ book = input()
+ books.append(book)
+ return n, m, books
+def custom_comparison(a: str, b: str) -> int:
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ if a[i] < b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] > b[i]:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ if a[i] > b[i]:
+ return -1
+ elif a[i] < b[i]:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def sort_books(n: int, m: int, books: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+ indices = list(range(1, n+1))
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1])
+ indices.sort(key=lambda x: books[x-1], reverse=True)
+ return indices
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ n, m, books = read_input()
+ indices = sort_books(n, m, books)
+ print(*indices)
+2024-01-02 15:29:24.111 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:solve_problem:145 - evaluating solution on public tests...
+2024-01-02 15:29:28.826 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:solve_problem:152 - evaluating solution on private tests...
+2024-01-02 15:29:28.827 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:solve_problem:158 - evaluating solution on generated tests...
+2024-01-02 15:29:33.693 | INFO | alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor:solve_problem:162 -
+test_passed_generate: 117, test_passed_private: 0, test_passed_public: 0
+test_failed_generate: 83, test_failed_private: 0, test_failed_public: 1
+test_timeout_generate: 0, test_timeout_private: 0, test_timeout_public: 0
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/generators.py b/alpha_codium/gen/generators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de003a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/generators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import asyncio
+import functools
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_handler import AiHandler
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+class SimplePrompt:
+ def __init__(self, system_prompt="", temperature=0.2, frequency_penalty=0):
+ self.system_prompt = system_prompt
+ self.temperature = temperature
+ self.frequency_penalty = frequency_penalty
+ self.ai_handler = AiHandler()
+ async def _run(self, model, user_prompt):
+ response, finish_reason = await self.ai_handler.chat_completion(
+ model=model,
+ temperature=self.temperature,
+ frequency_penalty=self.frequency_penalty,
+ system=self.system_prompt,
+ user=user_prompt,
+ )
+ return response
+ async def run(self, user_prompt):
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, user_prompt=user_prompt)
+ response = await send_inference(f)
+ return response
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ p = SimplePrompt()
+ asyncio.run(p.run("what is the capital city of Israel"))
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f5ee90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import ast
+import difflib
+import functools
+import logging
+import yaml
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure(self, problem, error_str):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ problem['error_str'] = error_str
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt=choose_prompt())
+ response_analyze_failure, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ problem['error_str'] = ''
+ response_analyze_failure = response_analyze_failure.rstrip("'` \n") # remove trailing spaces and newlines from yaml response
+ response_analyze_failure_yaml = yaml.safe_load(response_analyze_failure)
+ problem['response_analyze_failure'] = response_analyze_failure
+ code_recent_solution = response_analyze_failure_yaml['fixed_code'].rstrip("'` \n")
+ # some cleaning
+ if code_recent_solution .startswith("```python"):
+ code_recent_solution= code_recent_solution[10:]
+ elif code_recent_solution.startswith("python"):
+ code_recent_solution = code_recent_solution[6:]
+ try:
+ ast.parse(code_recent_solution)
+ except:
+ code_recent_solution_fallback = '\n'.join(code_recent_solution.splitlines()[:-1]).rstrip("'` \n")
+ try:
+ ast.parse(code_recent_solution_fallback)
+ code_recent_solution = code_recent_solution_fallback
+ except:
+ logger.error(f"Invalid code:\n{code_recent_solution}")
+ return problem
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = code_recent_solution
+ # diff patch
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(problem['code_prev_solution'].splitlines(keepends=True),
+ problem['code_recent_solution'].splitlines(keepends=True))
+ # patch = ''.join(diff)
+ # if get_settings().solve.reduce_verbose:
+ # logger.debug(f"diff:\n{patch}")
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f"diff:\n{patch}")
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'analyze_and_fix_test_failure' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
+def choose_prompt():
+ if get_settings().get("solve.use_direct_solutions", False):
+ return "code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix_direct"
+ else:
+ return "code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix"
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_analyze_tests_failure.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_analyze_tests_failure.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab6602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_analyze_tests_failure.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import difflib
+import functools
+import logging
+import yaml
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_analyze_test_failure(self, problem,error_str):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ problem['error_str'] = error_str
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompt_analyze_failure")
+ response_analyze_failure, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ problem['error_str'] = ''
+ response_analyze_failure = response_analyze_failure.rstrip("'` \n") # remove trailing spaces and newlines from yaml response
+ if response_analyze_failure.startswith("```yaml"):
+ response_analyze_failure = response_analyze_failure[8:]
+ problem['response_analyze_failure'] = response_analyze_failure
+ response_analyze_failure_yaml = yaml.safe_load(response_analyze_failure)
+ problem['what_went_wrong'] = response_analyze_failure_yaml['what_went_wrong']
+ problem['fixed_flow'] = response_analyze_failure_yaml['fixed_flow']
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'analyze_test_failure' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_fix_code_from_tests_failure.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_fix_code_from_tests_failure.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51d4e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_fix_code_from_tests_failure.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import difflib
+import functools
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_fix_code_from_tests_failure(self, problem,error_str):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ problem['error_str'] = error_str
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompt_fix_solution")
+ response_fixed_code, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ problem['error_str'] = ''
+ # some cleaning
+ response_fixed_code = response_fixed_code.rstrip("'` \n") # remove trailing spaces and newlines from yaml response
+ if response_fixed_code.startswith("```python"):
+ response_fixed_code = response_fixed_code[10:]
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = response_fixed_code
+ # diff patch
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(problem['code_prev_solution'].splitlines(keepends=True),
+ response_fixed_code.splitlines(keepends=True))
+ # patch = ''.join(diff)
+ # if get_settings().solve.reduce_verbose:
+ # logger.debug(f"diff:\n{patch}")
+ # else:
+ # logger.info(f"diff:\n{patch}")
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"fix_code_from_tests_failure' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_fix_self_reflect.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_fix_self_reflect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3626dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_fix_self_reflect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import copy
+import functools
+import logging
+import yaml
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import postprocess_response
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_validate_self_reflect(self, problem):
+ try:
+ logger.info("--validate reflection stage--")
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompts_validate_reflection")
+ # inference
+ response_validate_reflect, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ response_validate_reflect = response_validate_reflect.rstrip("` \n")
+ try:
+ response_validate_reflect_yaml = yaml.safe_load(response_validate_reflect)
+ except yaml.YAMLError:
+ response_validate_reflect = postprocess_response(response_validate_reflect) # try to include only the yaml part
+ response_validate_reflect_yaml = yaml.safe_load(response_validate_reflect)
+ # check number of tests
+ actual_number_of_tests = len(problem['public_tests']['input'])
+ calculated_number_of_tests = len(response_validate_reflect_yaml['fixed_tests_explanations'])
+ if actual_number_of_tests != calculated_number_of_tests:
+ raise (f"Error: number of tests in validate self-reflection ({calculated_number_of_tests}) "
+ f"does not match the actual number of tests ({actual_number_of_tests})")
+ problem['response_validate_self_reflect'] = response_validate_reflect
+ problem['tests_explanations'] = response_validate_reflect_yaml['fixed_tests_explanations']
+ problem['tests_explanations_str'] = response_validate_reflect.split('tests_explanations:')[1]
+ # re-order the public tests from easiest to hardest
+ problem['public_tests']['original'] = copy.deepcopy(problem['public_tests'])
+ problem['public_tests']['input'] = [t['input'] for t in problem['tests_explanations']]
+ problem['public_tests']['output'] = [t['output'] for t in problem['tests_explanations']]
+ problem['public_tests']['explanation'] = [t['explanation'] for t in problem['tests_explanations']]
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"Failed 'run_validate_self_reflect', Error: {e}")
+ return problem
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_validate_ai_test.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_validate_ai_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e2a32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/indirect/run_validate_ai_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import load_yaml
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_validate_ai_tests(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--validate ai tests stage--")
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompts_validate_ai_tests")
+ response_problem_tests, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ problem['problem_ai_tests'] = load_yaml(response_problem_tests,
+ keys_fix_yaml=["input:", "output:", "explanation", "what_was_wrong:"])['tests']
+ # clean up and parse the response
+ for p in problem['problem_ai_tests']:
+ p['input'] = str(p['input']).replace('\\n', '\n')
+ p['output'] = str(p['output']).replace('\\n', '\n')
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'validate ai tests' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ # raise e
+ return problem
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_baseline.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_baseline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e3e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_baseline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import postprocess_response
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_baseline(self, problem):
+ try:
+ logging.info("Using baseline prompt")
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompts_baseline")
+ response_baseline, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ recent_solution = postprocess_response(response_baseline)
+ return recent_solution
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"Error: {e}")
+ exit(-1)
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_choose_best_solution.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_choose_best_solution.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df49456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_choose_best_solution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import load_yaml
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_choose_best_solution(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--choose best solution stage--")
+ # get settings
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt=choose_prompt())
+ # inference
+ response_best_solution, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ response_best_solution_yaml = load_yaml(response_best_solution,
+ keys_fix_yaml=["name:", "content:", "why:", "- "])
+ # update best solution
+ problem['s_best_solution'] = response_best_solution
+ if 's_possible_solutions' in problem:
+ problem['s_other_solutions'] = []
+ for solution in problem['s_possible_solutions']:
+ if solution['name'] != response_best_solution_yaml['name']:
+ problem['s_other_solutions'].append(solution)
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'run_choose_best_solution' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
+def choose_prompt():
+ if get_settings().get("solve.use_direct_solutions", False):
+ return "code_contests_prompts_choose_best_solution_direct"
+ else:
+ return "code_contests_prompts_choose_best_solution"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_evaluate_all_ai_tests.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_evaluate_all_ai_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a1d08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_evaluate_all_ai_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import copy
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.indirect.run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure import run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests import run_tests
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_evaluate_all_ai_tests(self, problem):
+ try:
+ logger.info("--iterate on all ai tests stage--")
+ ai_tests = problem['problem_ai_tests']
+ max_allowed_calls = get_settings().get("ai_tests.max_allowed_calls", 6)
+ # evaluate ai tests
+ actual_number_of_calls = 0
+ for i, test in enumerate(ai_tests):
+ counter = 0
+ test_inputs = test['input']
+ test_outputs = test['output']
+ if not isinstance(test_inputs, list):
+ test_inputs = [test_inputs]
+ test_outputs = [test_outputs]
+ # run the solution on the tests
+ problem, test_passed, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter, test_inputs, test_outputs)
+ # we passed without changing the code. Add the test to the passed tests list
+ if test_passed:
+ if test_inputs not in problem['passed_tests']['inputs']:
+ logger.info(f"Passed ai tests without code fixing. adding to passed tests list")
+ problem['passed_tests']['inputs'] += test_inputs
+ problem['passed_tests']['outputs'] += test_outputs
+ else:
+ # cap the number of calls to the ai
+ if actual_number_of_calls >= max_allowed_calls:
+ if i < len(ai_tests) - len(problem['public_tests']['input']): # don't skip public tests
+ logger.error(f"Failed to pass ai test. reached max number of calls")
+ continue
+ logger.error(f"Failed to pass ai tests. trying to fix code")
+ last_code_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ # run 'analyze_and_fix_test_failure' stage
+ problem = await run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure(self, problem, error_str)
+ actual_number_of_calls += 1
+ problem, test_passed2, non_empty_output2, error_str2, trace_str2, tests_timeout2, d_tot2 \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter, test_inputs, test_outputs)
+ if not test_passed2 and (not 'sandbox error: ' in error_str):
+ logger.error(f"Failed to pass ai tests with fixed code.")
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = last_code_solution
+ else: # we passed the test after fixing the code
+ # running previous passed tests again to make sure we didn't break anything
+ if problem['passed_tests']['inputs']:
+ problem, all_passed_prev, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter,
+ problem['passed_tests']['inputs'],
+ problem['passed_tests']['outputs'])
+ if not all_passed_prev:
+ logger.error(f"The fix broke prev passed tests. reverting to last solution")
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = last_code_solution
+ continue
+ if test_passed2:
+ logger.info(f"Fixed current test, and passed prev tests. using new solution")
+ if test_inputs not in problem['passed_tests']['inputs']:
+ problem['passed_tests']['inputs'] += test_inputs
+ problem['passed_tests']['outputs'] += test_outputs
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"Code doesnt crash, but still fails the test. using new solution")
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"Error in 'run_evaluate_all_ai_tests': {e}")
+ return problem
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_evaluate_public_tests.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_evaluate_public_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6785d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_evaluate_public_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import copy
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.indirect.run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure import run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.indirect.run_analyze_tests_failure import run_analyze_test_failure
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.indirect.run_fix_code_from_tests_failure import run_fix_code_from_tests_failure
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests import run_tests
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_evaluate_public_tests(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--iterate on public tests stage--")
+ # configurations
+ problem['use_self_reflection_public'] = get_settings().get('public_tests.use_self_reflection', False)
+ max_allowed_fixes = get_settings().get("public_tests.max_allowed_calls", 6)
+ max_fixes_per_test = get_settings().get("public_tests.max_fixes_per_test", 3)
+ if len(problem['public_tests']['input']) == 1:
+ max_fixes_per_test += 1
+ # evaluate on public tests one by one
+ test_inputs_all = problem['public_tests']['input']
+ test_outputs_all = problem['public_tests']['output']
+ test_explanations_all = problem['tests_explanations']
+ all_passed_public = True
+ number_of_llm_fixes = 0
+ for test_inputs, test_outputs, test_explanation in zip(test_inputs_all, test_outputs_all,
+ test_explanations_all):
+ if not isinstance(test_inputs, list):
+ test_inputs = [test_inputs]
+ test_outputs = [test_outputs]
+ problem['test_explanation_current'] = test_explanation
+ problem['use_test_explanations_public'] = get_settings().get('public_tests.use_test_explanations', False)
+ # loop to fix specific test
+ counter_test = 0
+ passed_specific_test = False
+ last_code_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ best_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ best_d = float('inf')
+ while not passed_specific_test:
+ # run the code on the test
+ problem, passed_specific_test, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter_test, test_inputs, test_outputs)
+ # save the best solution so far
+ if -1 < d_tot < best_d:
+ if counter_test > 0:
+ logger.info(f"Found better solution, d_tot: {d_tot}")
+ best_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ best_d = d_tot
+ # cap the number of calls to the ai
+ if not passed_specific_test and number_of_llm_fixes >= max_allowed_fixes:
+ logger.debug(f"Failed to pass public test. reached max number of calls")
+ break
+ # analyze the tests results
+ counter_test += 1
+ logger.info(f"counter: {counter_test}")
+ if passed_specific_test:
+ logger.info(f"Passed a public test after {counter_test-1} attempts")
+ if test_inputs not in problem['passed_tests']['inputs']:
+ problem['passed_tests']['inputs'] += test_inputs
+ problem['passed_tests']['outputs'] += test_outputs
+ break
+ elif counter_test > max_fixes_per_test:
+ logger.debug(f"Failed to pass public tests after {max_fixes_per_test} attempts")
+ break
+ elif not non_empty_output:
+ logging.debug("Failed to pass public tests. actual_output is empty")
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = last_code_solution
+ continue
+ else:
+ # tests run. save the last solution
+ problem['code_prev_solution'] = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ if not get_settings().get("public_tests.single_stage_fix", False):
+ # run 'analyze_and_fix_test_failure' stage
+ problem = await run_analyze_and_fix_test_failure(self, problem, error_str)
+ else:
+ # run 'analyze_test_failure' stage
+ problem = await run_analyze_test_failure(self, problem, error_str)
+ # run 'fix_code_from_tests_failure' stage
+ problem = await run_fix_code_from_tests_failure(self, problem, error_str)
+ number_of_llm_fixes += 1
+ # evaluate previous tests that passed. if they fail, revert to last solution
+ if problem['passed_tests']['inputs']:
+ problem, passed_prev_test, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter_test,
+ problem['passed_tests']['inputs'],
+ problem['passed_tests']['outputs'])
+ if not passed_prev_test:
+ logger.error(f"The fix broke prev passed tests. reverting to last solution")
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = last_code_solution
+ continue
+ # if not passed_specific_test:
+ # if problem['passed_tests']['inputs']:
+ # logger.error(f"Public test - reverting to initial solution, where: '{problem['passed_tests']['inputs']}' passed")
+ # problem['code_recent_solution'] = last_code_solution
+ # else: # no solution passed so far.
+ # pass
+ # logger.error("No solution passed so far. continuing to next test")
+ # # logger.error(f'Public test - Reverting to best solution so far, d_tot: {best_d}')
+ # # problem['code_recent_solution'] = best_solution
+ all_passed_public = all_passed_public and passed_specific_test
+ if all_passed_public:
+ logger.info(f"==================")
+ logger.info(f"Passed all public tests")
+ logger.info(f"==================")
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"==================")
+ logger.info(f"Failed to pass all public tests")
+ logger.info(f"==================")
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'public tests' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_generate_ai_test.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_generate_ai_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3acb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_generate_ai_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.indirect.run_validate_ai_test import run_validate_ai_tests
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import load_yaml
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_generate_ai_tests(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--generate ai tests stage--")
+ # get settings
+ validate_ai_tests = get_settings().get('generate_ai_tests.validate_ai_tests', False)
+ problem['number_of_ai_tests'] = get_settings().get("generate_ai_tests.number_of_ai_tests", 8)
+ problem['use_test_explanations_possible_solutions'] = get_settings().get('generate_ai_tests.use_test_explanations')
+ # get prompt
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompts_generate_ai_tests")
+ # inference
+ response_problem_tests, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ problem['problem_ai_tests'] = load_yaml(response_problem_tests,
+ keys_fix_yaml=["input:", "output:", "explanation:"])['tests']
+ problem['problem_ai_simple_test'] = problem['problem_ai_tests'][0]
+ if validate_ai_tests:
+ problem = await run_validate_ai_tests(self, problem)
+ # adding public tests to the beginning and end of the list, for the ai-iterate stage
+ if get_settings().get('generate_ai_tests.add_public_tests_to_ai_tests', False):
+ for public_input, public_output in zip(problem['public_tests']['input'],
+ problem['public_tests']['output']):
+ # to the beginning of the list
+ problem['problem_ai_tests'].insert(0, {'input': public_input, 'output': public_output})
+ # to the end of the list
+ problem['problem_ai_tests'].append({'input': public_input, 'output': public_output})
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'generate ai tests' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_generate_possible_solutions.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_generate_possible_solutions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dc06b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_generate_possible_solutions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import copy
+import functools
+import logging
+import yaml
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import load_yaml
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_generate_possible_solutions(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--generate possible solutions stage--")
+ if get_settings().get("solve.use_direct_solutions", False):
+ return problem
+ # get settings
+ problem['max_num_of_possible_solutions'] = get_settings().get('possible_solutions.max_num_of_possible_solutions')
+ problem['use_test_explanations_possible_solutions'] = get_settings().get('possible_solutions.use_test_explanations')
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompt_generate_possible_solutions")
+ # inference
+ response_possible_solutions, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ response_possible_solutions_yaml = load_yaml(response_possible_solutions)
+ if get_settings().get('possible_solutions.remove_bruce_force_solutions'):
+ for i, s in enumerate(response_possible_solutions_yaml['possible_solutions']):
+ if 'brute' in s['name'].lower():
+ response_possible_solutions_yaml['possible_solutions'].pop(i)
+ response_possible_solutions = yaml.dump(response_possible_solutions_yaml, sort_keys=False, line_break="\n")
+ break
+ problem['s_possible_solutions'] = response_possible_solutions_yaml['possible_solutions']
+ problem['s_possible_solutions_str'] = response_possible_solutions.split('possible_solutions:')[1].strip()
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'possible solutions' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_initial_code_generation.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_initial_code_generation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05a81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_initial_code_generation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import copy
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_initial_solve import run_initial_solve
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.run_tests import run_tests
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_initial_code_generation(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--run initial code generation stage--")
+ max_attempts = get_settings().get('initial_code_generation.max_attempts', 5)
+ counter = 0
+ # set the public tests as input
+ test_input = problem['public_tests']['input']
+ test_output = problem['public_tests']['output']
+ # generate an initial code, using the top solution from the previous stage
+ problem = await run_initial_solve(self, problem)
+ # run the solution on the selected tests
+ problem, passed_tests, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter, test_input, test_output)
+ best_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ best_d = float('inf') # distance to the correct solution
+ # set the distance to the correct solution
+ if -1 < d_tot < best_d:
+ best_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ best_d = d_tot
+ while not passed_tests:
+ counter += 1
+ if counter > max_attempts:
+ logger.error(f"Failed to pass tests after {counter - 1} attempts. exiting the stage")
+ break
+ s_best_solution_original = problem['s_best_solution']
+ if counter > 1 and 's_possible_solutions' in problem:
+ # give two attempts to the highest ranked solution
+ problem['s_best_solution'] = problem['s_possible_solutions'][
+ counter % len(problem['s_possible_solutions'])]
+ problem = await run_initial_solve(self, problem)
+ problem['s_best_solution'] = s_best_solution_original
+ problem, passed_tests, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot \
+ = run_tests(self, problem, counter, test_input, test_output)
+ if passed_tests:
+ logger.info(f"Passed tests after {counter} attempts")
+ break
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"Failed to pass tests after {counter} attempts, d: {d_tot}, best_d so far: {best_d}")
+ # save the best solution so far
+ if -1 < d_tot < best_d:
+ best_solution = copy.deepcopy(problem['code_recent_solution'])
+ best_d = d_tot
+ # set the best solution
+ if not passed_tests and best_d < float('inf'):
+ logger.error(f'Reverting to best solution so far, d_tot: {best_d}')
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = best_solution
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'initial code generation' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_initial_solve.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_initial_solve.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e91a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_initial_solve.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_initial_solve(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--initial solve stage--")
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt=choose_prompt())
+ response_solve, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ # clean up the response
+ response_solve = response_solve.rstrip("` \n")
+ if response_solve.startswith("```python"):
+ response_solve = response_solve[10:]
+ elif response_solve.startswith("python"):
+ response_solve = response_solve[6:]
+ # save the response
+ problem['code_recent_solution'] = response_solve
+ problem['code_prev_solution'] = response_solve
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'initial solve' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
+def choose_prompt():
+ if get_settings().get("solve.use_direct_solutions", False):
+ return "code_contests_prompts_solve_direct"
+ else:
+ return "code_contests_prompts_solve"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_self_reflect.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_self_reflect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39d6f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_self_reflect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+import yaml
+from alpha_codium.gen.stages.indirect.run_fix_self_reflect import run_validate_self_reflect
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import postprocess_response
+from alpha_codium.llm.ai_invoker import send_inference
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+async def run_self_reflect(self, problem):
+ counter_retry = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ logger.info("--reflection stage--")
+ # get settings
+ validate_self_reflection = get_settings().get('self_reflection.validate_self_reflection', False)
+ actual_number_of_tests = len(problem['public_tests']['input'])
+ problem['actual_number_of_tests'] = actual_number_of_tests
+ f = functools.partial(self._run, problem=problem, prompt="code_contests_prompt_reflect")
+ # inference
+ response_reflect, _ = await send_inference(f)
+ response_reflect = response_reflect.rstrip("` \n")
+ try:
+ response_reflect_yaml = yaml.safe_load(response_reflect)
+ except yaml.YAMLError:
+ response_reflect = postprocess_response(response_reflect) # try to include only the yaml part
+ response_reflect_yaml = yaml.safe_load(response_reflect)
+ # check number of tests
+ actual_number_of_tests = len(problem['public_tests']['input'])
+ calculated_number_of_tests = len(response_reflect_yaml['tests_explanations'])
+ if actual_number_of_tests != calculated_number_of_tests:
+ raise (f"Error: number of tests in self-reflection ({calculated_number_of_tests}) "
+ f"does not match the actual number of tests ({actual_number_of_tests})")
+ problem['response_reflect'] = response_reflect
+ try:
+ problem['self_reflection'] = '- ' + '\n- '.join(response_reflect_yaml['self_reflection'])
+ if problem['self_reflection'].startswith('- - '):
+ problem['self_reflection'] = problem['self_reflection'][2:]
+ except:
+ problem['self_reflection'] = response_reflect_yaml['self_reflection']
+ problem['tests_explanations'] = response_reflect_yaml['tests_explanations']
+ problem['tests_explanations_str'] = response_reflect.split('tests_explanations:')[1]
+ # double validation self-reflection
+ if validate_self_reflection:
+ problem = await run_validate_self_reflect(self, problem)
+ for s in problem['tests_explanations']:
+ s['input'] = s['input'].replace('\\n', '\n')
+ s['output'] = s['output'].replace('\\n', '\n')
+ s['explanation'] = s['explanation'].replace('\\n', '\n')
+ return problem
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"'run_self_reflect' stage, counter_retry {counter_retry}, Error: {e}")
+ counter_retry += 1
+ if counter_retry > 2:
+ raise e
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_tests.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533f296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/run_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import functools
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners import eval_solution
+from alpha_codium.gen.utils import render_trace
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+def run_tests(self, problem, counter, test_inputs, test_outputs):
+ try:
+ # run the solution on the public tests
+ logging.info(f"evaluating public tests. attempt {counter}")
+ test_inputs, results = eval_solution(example=problem,
+ prediction=problem['code_recent_solution'],
+ test_inputs=test_inputs,
+ test_outputs=test_outputs, )
+ # analyze the tests results
+ error_str = trace_str = ""
+ all_passed = True
+ non_empty_output = True
+ tests_timeout = False
+ if str(results.compilation_result.program_status) == 'ProgramStatus.kTimeout':
+ tests_timeout = True
+ all_passed = False
+ for i, t in enumerate(results.test_results):
+ error_str += f"test input:\n{test_inputs[i]}\n" \
+ f"expected output:\n{t.expected_output}\n"
+ if t.actual_output:
+ error_str += f"code output:\n{t.actual_output}\n'Timeout, took too long to run next test'\n"
+ else:
+ error_str += f"code output:\n'Timeout, took too long to run the test'\n"
+ elif str(results.test_results[0].program_status) == 'ProgramStatus.kFailed':
+ logger.error("failed to run solution")
+ error_str = results.test_results[0].sandbox_result
+ trace_str = f"trace information:\n{render_trace(results.test_results[0].trace)}\n\n"
+ all_passed = False
+ else: # ProgramStatus.passed
+ # initially assume all tests passed
+ all_passed = True
+ non_empty_output = True
+ # build the error string
+ error_str = ""
+ trace_str = ""
+ for i, t in enumerate(results.test_results):
+ if str(t.program_status) == 'ProgramStatus.kTimeout':
+ if t.actual_output.strip():
+ t.actual_output += "\nTimeout, took too long to run the next test"
+ else:
+ t.actual_output = 'Timeout, took too long to run'
+ t.passed = False
+ elif str(t.program_status) == 'ProgramStatus.kFailed':
+ t.actual_output = t.sandbox_result
+ t.passed = False
+ error_str += f"test input:\n{test_inputs[i]}\n" \
+ f"expected output:\n{t.expected_output}\n" \
+ f"code output:\n{t.actual_output}\n" \
+ # f"====================\n====================\n"
+ trace_str += f"trace:\n{render_trace(t.trace)}\n" \
+ f"====================\n====================\n"
+ # if get_settings().code_tester.calc_trace:
+ # logger.debug(f"trace_str:\n{trace_str}")
+ # is_all_passed_public = actual_output == expected_output
+ all_passed = all_passed and t.passed
+ non_empty_output = non_empty_output and t.actual_output
+ # calculate the distance between the expected and actual output
+ d_tot = calc_distance_between_results(non_empty_output, tests_timeout, test_outputs, results)
+ return problem, all_passed, non_empty_output, error_str, trace_str, tests_timeout, d_tot
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"Error: {e}")
+ exit(-1)
+def calc_distance_between_results(non_empty_output, tests_timeout, test_outputs, results):
+ try:
+ d_tot = float('inf')
+ if non_empty_output and not tests_timeout:
+ d_tot = 0
+ for i in range(len(test_outputs)):
+ # logger.info(f"test_outputs[i]:\n{test_outputs[i]}")
+ # logger.info(f"results.test_results[i].stdout:\n{results.test_results[i].stdout}")
+ expected = test_outputs[i].rstrip().split('\n')
+ actual = results.test_results[i].stdout.rstrip().split('\n')
+ try:
+ t1 = np.array(list(map(float, actual)))
+ t2 = np.array(list(map(float, expected)))
+ if t1.size == 0:
+ return float('inf')
+ d_tot += np.sum(np.abs(t1 - t2))
+ except:
+ t1 = np.array(actual)
+ t2 = np.array(expected)
+ if t1.size == 0:
+ return float('inf')
+ d_tot += np.sum(t1 != t2)
+ except:
+ d_tot = float('inf')
+ return d_tot
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/stages/utils.py b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/stages/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+def set_configurations(problem, iteration=0):
+ # configurations
+ problem = {k: problem.get(k) for k in ["name", "description", "public_tests"]}
+ problem['iteration'] = iteration
+ # initialize passed tests field
+ problem['passed_tests'] = {}
+ problem['passed_tests']['inputs'] = []
+ problem['passed_tests']['outputs'] = []
+ # shorter description, without the input-output examples
+ if '\nExample\n' in problem['description']:
+ problem['description_short'] = problem['description'].split('\nExample\n')[0].strip()
+ elif '\nExamples\n' in problem['description']:
+ problem['description_short'] = problem['description'].split('\nExamples\n')[0].strip()
+ else:
+ logger.info(f"could not split description to short description, description: {problem['description']}")
+ problem['description_short'] = problem['description']
+ return problem
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/gen/utils.py b/alpha_codium/gen/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b9af67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/gen/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import re
+from typing import List
+import yaml
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.code_test_runners import eval_solution
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+def clip_string(s: str, max_lines: int = None):
+ lines = s.split("\n")
+ if max_lines is not None and 0 < max_lines < len(lines):
+ logger.debug(f"clipping string from {len(lines)} to {max_lines}")
+ half_lines = int(max_lines / 2)
+ lines = (
+ lines[:half_lines] +
+ [f"\n.... {len(lines) - max_lines} omitted lines ....\n"] +
+ lines[-half_lines:]
+ )
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ else:
+ return s
+def render_trace(trace_data):
+ if not trace_data:
+ return ''
+ max_trace_lines = get_settings().code_tester.get("max_trace_lines")
+ trace_data = clip_string(trace_data, max_trace_lines)
+ return trace_data
+def postprocess_response(response):
+ response = str(response)
+ if response.endswith("stop"):
+ response = response[:-4]
+ pattern = r'```\w*\n(.*?)```'
+ matches = re.findall(pattern, response, re.DOTALL)
+ if matches:
+ response = matches[0]
+ return response
+def evaluate_solution_on_subset(evaluation_test_type, problem, solution, silent=False, break_on_timeout=True):
+ # evaluate solution
+ test_results = None
+ if evaluation_test_type:
+ test_results = eval_solution(evaluation_test_type=evaluation_test_type, example=problem, prediction=solution,
+ silent=silent, break_on_timeout=break_on_timeout)
+ if test_results[1] == []:
+ if not silent:
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ logger.info("No tests")
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ return test_results, 0, 0, 0
+ if (hasattr(test_results[1], 'compilation_result') and
+ test_results[1].compilation_result.program_status.name == 'kTimeout'):
+ if not silent:
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ logger.info("Timeout")
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ return test_results, 0, 0, len(test_results[0])
+ test_passed = 0
+ test_failed = 0
+ test_timeout = 0
+ if not problem[evaluation_test_type]['input']:
+ logger.info(f"No {evaluation_test_type} for this problem")
+ else:
+ for test in test_results[1].test_results:
+ if (hasattr(test, 'program_status') and test.program_status.name == 'kTimeout'):
+ test_timeout += 1
+ elif not test.passed:
+ test_failed += 1
+ else:
+ test_passed += 1
+ if not silent:
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ logger.info(f"test_passed: {test_passed}, test_failed: {test_failed}, test_timeout: {test_timeout}")
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ return test_results, test_passed, test_failed, test_timeout
+def evaluate_on_private_tests(evaluation_test_type, problem, solution, silent=True):
+ # evaluate solution
+ test_results = None
+ if evaluation_test_type:
+ test_results = eval_solution(evaluation_test_type=evaluation_test_type, example=problem, prediction=solution, silent=silent)
+ test_passed = 0
+ test_failed = 0
+ test_timeout = 0
+ if not test_results[1]:
+ logger.info("No tests were run")
+ return test_results, 0, 0
+ for test in test_results[1].test_results:
+ if test.program_status.name=='kTimeout':
+ test_timeout += 1
+ elif not test.passed:
+ test_failed += 1
+ else:
+ test_passed += 1
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ logger.info(f"test_passed: {test_passed}, test_failed: {test_failed}, test_timeout: {test_timeout}")
+ logger.info("=====================================")
+ return test_results, test_passed, test_failed, test_timeout
+def load_yaml(response_text: str, keys_fix_yaml: List[str] = []) -> dict:
+ response_text = response_text.rstrip("` \n")
+ response_text = response_text.removeprefix('```yaml').rstrip('`')
+ try:
+ data = yaml.safe_load(response_text)
+ except Exception as e:
+ data = try_fix_yaml(response_text, keys_fix_yaml=keys_fix_yaml)
+ if not data:
+ get_logger().info(f"Failed to parse AI YAML prediction: {e}")
+ return data
+def try_fix_yaml(response_text: str, keys_fix_yaml: List[str] = []) -> dict:
+ response_text_lines = response_text.split('\n')
+ keys = keys_fix_yaml
+ response_text_lines_copy = response_text_lines.copy()
+ for i in range(0, len(response_text_lines_copy)):
+ for key in keys:
+ if response_text_lines_copy[i].strip().startswith(key) and not '|' in response_text_lines_copy[i]:
+ response_text_lines_copy[i] = response_text_lines_copy[i].replace(f'{key}',
+ f'{key} |-\n ')
+ try:
+ data = yaml.safe_load('\n'.join(response_text_lines_copy))
+ get_logger().info(f"Successfully parsed AI prediction after adding |-\n")
+ return data
+ except:
+ raise "yaml parsing error"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/llm/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/llm/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/alpha_codium/llm/ai_handler.py b/alpha_codium/llm/ai_handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a22e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/llm/ai_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import litellm
+import openai
+from aiolimiter import AsyncLimiter
+from litellm import acompletion
+from litellm import RateLimitError
+from litellm.exceptions import APIError
+# from openai.error import APIError, RateLimitError, Timeout, TryAgain
+from retry import retry
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class AiHandler:
+ """
+ This class handles interactions with the OpenAI API for chat completions.
+ It initializes the API key and other settings from a configuration file,
+ and provides a method for performing chat completions using the OpenAI ChatCompletion API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initializes the OpenAI API key and other settings from a configuration file.
+ Raises a ValueError if the OpenAI key is missing.
+ """
+ self.limiter = AsyncLimiter(get_settings().config.max_requests_per_minute)
+ try:
+ openai.api_key = get_settings().openai.key
+ litellm.openai_key = get_settings().openai.key
+ self.azure = False
+ if "deepseek" in get_settings().get("config.model"):
+ litellm.register_prompt_template(
+ model="huggingface/deepseek-ai/deepseek-coder-33b-instruct",
+ roles={
+ "system": {
+ "pre_message": "",
+ "post_message": "\n"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "pre_message": "### Instruction:\n",
+ "post_message": "\n### Response:\n"
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ raise ValueError("OpenAI key is required") from e
+ @property
+ def deployment_id(self):
+ """
+ Returns the deployment ID for the OpenAI API.
+ """
+ return get_settings().get("OPENAI.DEPLOYMENT_ID", None)
+ @retry(
+ exceptions=(AttributeError, RateLimitError),
+ delay=2,
+ backoff=2,
+ jitter=(1, 3),
+ )
+ async def chat_completion(
+ self, model: str,
+ system: str,
+ user: str,
+ temperature: float = 0.2,
+ frequency_penalty: float = 0.0,
+ ):
+ try:
+ deployment_id = self.deployment_id
+ if get_settings().config.verbosity_level >= 2:
+ logging.debug(
+ f"Generating completion with {model}"
+ f"{(' from deployment ' + deployment_id) if deployment_id else ''}"
+ )
+ async with self.limiter:
+ logger.info("-----------------")
+ logger.info("Running inference ...")
+ logger.debug(f"system:\n{system}")
+ logger.debug(f"user:\n{user}")
+ if "deepseek" in get_settings().get("config.model"):
+ response = await acompletion(
+ model="huggingface/deepseek-ai/deepseek-coder-33b-instruct",
+ messages=[
+ {"role": "system", "content": system},
+ {"role": "user", "content": user},
+ ],
+ api_base=get_settings().get("config.model"),
+ temperature=temperature,
+ repetition_penalty=frequency_penalty+1, # the scale of TGI is different from OpenAI
+ force_timeout=get_settings().config.ai_timeout,
+ max_tokens=2000,
+ stop=['<|EOT|>'],
+ )
+ response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].rstrip()
+ if response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].endswith("<|EOT|>"):
+ response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"][:-7]
+ else:
+ response = await acompletion(
+ model=model,
+ deployment_id=deployment_id,
+ messages=[
+ {"role": "system", "content": system},
+ {"role": "user", "content": user},
+ ],
+ temperature=temperature,
+ frequency_penalty=frequency_penalty,
+ force_timeout=get_settings().config.ai_timeout,
+ )
+ except (APIError) as e:
+ logging.error("Error during OpenAI inference")
+ raise
+ except RateLimitError as e:
+ logging.error("Rate limit error during OpenAI inference")
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Unknown error during OpenAI inference: ", e)
+ raise APIError from e
+ if response is None or len(response["choices"]) == 0:
+ raise APIError
+ resp = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
+ finish_reason = response["choices"][0]["finish_reason"]
+ logger.debug(f"response:\n{resp}")
+ logger.info('done')
+ logger.info("-----------------")
+ return resp, finish_reason
diff --git a/alpha_codium/llm/ai_invoker.py b/alpha_codium/llm/ai_invoker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f192068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/llm/ai_invoker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import logging
+import traceback
+from typing import Callable, List
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+async def send_inference(f: Callable):
+ all_models = _get_all_models()
+ all_deployments = _get_all_deployments(all_models)
+ # try each (model, deployment_id) pair until one is successful, otherwise raise exception
+ for i, (model, deployment_id) in enumerate(zip(all_models, all_deployments)):
+ try:
+ get_settings().set("openai.deployment_id", deployment_id)
+ return await f(model)
+ except Exception:
+ logging.warning(
+ f"Failed to generate prediction with {model}"
+ f"{(' from deployment ' + deployment_id) if deployment_id else ''}: "
+ f"{traceback.format_exc()}"
+ )
+ if i == len(all_models) - 1: # If it's the last iteration
+ raise # Re-raise the last exception
+def _get_all_models() -> List[str]:
+ model = get_settings().config.model
+ fallback_models = get_settings().config.fallback_models
+ if not isinstance(fallback_models, list):
+ fallback_models = [m.strip() for m in fallback_models.split(",")]
+ all_models = [model] + fallback_models
+ return all_models
+def _get_all_deployments(all_models: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ deployment_id = get_settings().get("openai.deployment_id", None)
+ fallback_deployments = get_settings().get("openai.fallback_deployments", [])
+ if not isinstance(fallback_deployments, list) and fallback_deployments:
+ fallback_deployments = [d.strip() for d in fallback_deployments.split(",")]
+ if fallback_deployments:
+ all_deployments = [deployment_id] + fallback_deployments
+ if len(all_deployments) < len(all_models):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The number of deployments ({len(all_deployments)}) "
+ f"is less than the number of models ({len(all_models)})"
+ )
+ else:
+ all_deployments = [deployment_id] * len(all_models)
+ return all_deployments
diff --git a/alpha_codium/llm/token_handler.py b/alpha_codium/llm/token_handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db70ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/llm/token_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from jinja2 import Environment, StrictUndefined
+from tiktoken import encoding_for_model, get_encoding
+from alpha_codium.config_loader import get_settings
+def get_token_encoder():
+ return (
+ encoding_for_model(get_settings().config.model)
+ if "gpt" in get_settings().config.model
+ else get_encoding("cl100k_base")
+ )
+class TokenHandler:
+ """
+ A class for handling tokens in the context of a pull request.
+ Attributes:
+ - encoder: An object of the encoding_for_model class from the tiktoken module. Used to encode strings and count the
+ number of tokens in them.
+ - limit: The maximum number of tokens allowed for the given model, as defined in the MAX_TOKENS dictionary in the
+ pr_agent.algo module.
+ - prompt_tokens: The number of tokens in the system and user strings, as calculated by the _get_system_user_tokens
+ method.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message=None, vars: dict = {}, system="", user=""): # noqa: B006
+ """
+ Initializes the TokenHandler object.
+ Args:
+ - pr: The pull request object.
+ - vars: A dictionary of variables.
+ - system: The system string.
+ - user: The user string.
+ """
+ self.encoder = get_token_encoder()
+ if message is not None:
+ self.prompt_tokens = self._get_system_user_tokens(
+ message, self.encoder, vars, system, user
+ )
+ def _get_system_user_tokens(self, message, encoder, vars: dict, system, user):
+ """
+ Calculates the number of tokens in the system and user strings.
+ Args:
+ - message: The pull request object.
+ - encoder: An object of the encoding_for_model class from the tiktoken module.
+ - vars: A dictionary of variables.
+ - system: The system string.
+ - user: The user string.
+ Returns:
+ The sum of the number of tokens in the system and user strings.
+ """
+ environment = Environment(undefined=StrictUndefined)
+ system_prompt = environment.from_string(system).render(vars)
+ user_prompt = environment.from_string(user).render(vars)
+ system_prompt_tokens = len(encoder.encode(system_prompt))
+ user_prompt_tokens = len(encoder.encode(user_prompt))
+ return system_prompt_tokens + user_prompt_tokens
+ def count_tokens(self, patch: str) -> int:
+ """
+ Counts the number of tokens in a given patch string.
+ Args:
+ - patch: The patch string.
+ Returns:
+ The number of tokens in the patch string.
+ """
+ return len(self.encoder.encode(patch, disallowed_special=()))
diff --git a/alpha_codium/log/__init__.py b/alpha_codium/log/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bbe5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/log/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import json
+import logging
+import sys
+from enum import Enum
+from loguru import logger
+class LoggingFormat(str, Enum):
+def json_format(record: dict) -> str:
+ return record["message"]
+def setup_logger(logger_path: str = "./example.log",
+ level: str = "INFO",
+ fmt: LoggingFormat = LoggingFormat.CONSOLE):
+ level: int = logging.getLevelName(level.upper())
+ if type(level) is not int:
+ level = logging.INFO
+ fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(logger_path, mode='w')
+ if fmt == LoggingFormat.JSON:
+ logger.remove(None)
+ logger.add(
+ sys.stdout,
+ level=level,
+ format="{message}",
+ colorize=False,
+ serialize=True,
+ )
+ elif fmt == LoggingFormat.CONSOLE:
+ logger.remove(None)
+ logger.add(sys.stdout, level=level, colorize=True)
+ logger.add(fileHandler, level=logging.DEBUG)
+ return logger
+def get_logger(*args, **kwargs):
+ return logger
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/.secrets_template.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/.secrets_template.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5399ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/.secrets_template.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#key = "..."
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/choose_best_solution_direct.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/choose_best_solution_direct.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bfffc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/choose_best_solution_direct.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+system = """\
+To solve the problem, utilize an exhaustive high-computational approach like simulation, recursion, brute-force or other direct approach. Ignore the problem constraints regarding large input size.
+You are given a code contest problem, self-reflection on the problem, and a solution concept.
+problem description:
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+solution concept:
+'To solve the problem, utilize an exhaustive high-computational approach like simulation, recursion, brute-force or other direct approach. Ignore the problem constraints regarding large input size.'
+Using the inputs above, your goal is to present a full exhaustive solution to the code contest problem.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ExhaustiveProblemSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+class ExhaustiveProblemSolution(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(description="The name of the best solution")
+ content: str = Field(description="Describe in words content of the solution")
+ problem_rules: str = Field(description="Describe the problem rules, in bullet points")
+ problem_stopping_criteria: str = Field(description="Describe the stopping criteria problem")
+ pseudo_code: str = Field(description="Describe a pseudo code of the solution. Be specific and detailed")
+Example YAML output:
+name: |
+ ...
+content: |
+ ...
+problem_rules: |
+ ...
+problem_stopping_criteria: |
+ ...
+pseudo_code: |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d8ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+system = """\
+- You must divide the fixed code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+- The fixed should be different from the original code, and not just a copy-paste of the original code.
+{%- if use_self_reflection_public %}
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+{{ description|trim }}
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+{%- else %}
+You are given a code contest problem:
+{{ description_short|trim }}
+{%- endif %}
+A Python code solution was generated for the problem:
+{{ code_recent_solution|trim }}
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+{{ error_str|trim }}
+Using all the information above, your goal is generate a fixed code solution, that will pass the test.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Describe shortly, in bullet points, what went wrong with the previous solutions.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe a fixed flow leading to the correct solution, in pseudo-code. Be specific and detailed.")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide the code itself, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
+fixed_code: |
+ ...
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- Divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Keep the code simple and short.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well
+- Double-check the new solution code, and make sure it is correct and complete.
+- The fixed code must have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix_direct.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix_direct.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9d5bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_and_fix_direct.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+system = """\
+- You must divide the new code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variable names should also be meaningful.
+- The new code still needs to utilize an exhaustive approach like simulation, recursion, brute-force or direct solution. Ignore the problem constraints regarding large input size.
+- The new code should be different from the original code, and not just a copy-paste of the original code.
+You are given a code contest problem.
+problem description:
+{{ description_short|trim }}
+A code solution was generated for the problem:
+{{ code_recent_solution|trim }}
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code solution failed to produce the expected output, and gave the following error message:
+{{ error_str|trim }}
+Using the information above, your goal is to generate a fixed Python code, that will correctly solve the problem.
+- The fixed code still needs to utilize an exhaustive approach like simulation, recursion, brute-force or direct solution. Ignore the problem constraints regarding large input size.
+- If possible, provide minor optimizations to the code, but this is not required.
+- Make sure the fixed code covers relevant edge cases of the problem.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedCode, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedCode(BaseModel):
+ failed_test: str = Field(description="list the input-output test that failed. use the format {input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="explain what went wrong with the code solution")
+ fixed_code: str = Field(description="A fixed code solution. Don't explain your answer. Just provide a fixed code, and nothing else")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_test: |-
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |-
+ ...
+fixed_code: |-
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|-').
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_failure.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_failure.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4006f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompt_analyze_failure.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+system = """\
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+{{ description_short|trim }}
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+A Python code solution was generated for the problem:
+{{ code_recent_solution|trim }}
+However, when running the following input example, the code solution above failed to produce the expected output:
+{{ error_str|trim }}
+{%- if use_test_explanations_public %}
+Here is an explanation of how the input should have led to the expected output:
+{{ test_explanation_current|trim }}
+{%- endif %}
+Your goal is to analyze the code solution and the error, and propose a fix so the code will produce the expected output for the provided test input.
+The fix should keep the solution robust, and work for all other input examples as well.
+Make sure the fix has a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large input.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $FixedSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class FixedSolution(BaseModel):
+ failed_tests: str = Field(description="List the input-output tests that failed. use the format [{input: .., expected_output: .., code_output: ..}, ...]")
+ what_went_wrong: str = Field(description="Explanation shortly, in words, what was the problem with the code solution, and how should it be fix. Be as specific as possible. Don't generate actuall code.")
+ fixed_flow: str = Field(description="Describe, in bullet points, a fixed flow that will calculate the correct output. be specific and elaborate. Emphasize the fixed parts, and how they apply to getting the correct output")
+Example YAML output:
+failed_tests: |
+ ...
+what_went_wrong: |
+ ...
+fixed_flow: |
+ ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_baseline.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_baseline.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a3d0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_baseline.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+system= """\
+You are given a code contest problem:
+problem description:
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the problem.
+Make sure to fully address the problem goals, rules and constraints.
+The code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well, not just the one given in the problem description.
+- Generate only code, without any additional explanations or comments.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_choose_best_solution.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_choose_best_solution.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ec6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_choose_best_solution.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+frequency_penalty = 0.1
+system = """\
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+Here is a list of {{ s_possible_solutions|length }} possible solutions to the problem:
+{{ s_possible_solutions_str|trim }}
+Using the inputs above, your goal is to choose the best solution to the code contest problem.
+Don't just pick the most efficient solution. The main consideration is that the solution can fully solve the problem in a simple and robust manner.
+Make sure the chosen solution has a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints regarding large inputs.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemSolution, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+class ProblemSolution(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(description="The name of the best solution")
+ content: str = Field(description="The content of the best solution")
+ why: str = Field(description="Shortly explain why is this the best solution")
+ flow: List[str] = Field(description="Describe of the flow of the solution, in bullet points")
+ problem_tests: List[Test] = Field("List the input-output examples that are provided in the problem description.")
+ input_output_examples_flow: List[str] = Field(description="Describe, in bullet points, how the proposed flow will lead to getting the expected output for the provided input examples")
+Example YAML output:
+name: |
+ ...
+content: |
+ ...
+why: |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_fix_solution.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_fix_solution.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a0456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_fix_solution.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+- You must divide the fixed code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The fixed code should be robust and general, and work for other input examples as well.
+- The fixed should be different from the original code, and not just a copy-paste of the original code.
+You are given a code contest problem:
+{{ description_short|trim }}
+A previous Python solution code was generated for the problem:
+{{ code_recent_solution|trim }}
+However, when running the input-output example test, the code failed to produce the expected output:
+Error message when running the 'solution code':
+{{ error_str|trim }}
+We analyzed the error message, and concluded the following about the problem:
+{{ what_went_wrong|trim }}
+Here is a fixed flow, that a correct solution code should follow:
+{{ fixed_flow|trim }}
+Using the analysis above, you need to generate a fixed solution code, that will pass all the tests.
+Additional guidelines for generating the fixed code:
+- The fixed solution code must pass all the tests, and have a reasonable runtime - less than three seconds on a modern computer, under the problem constraints.
+- Make sure the new solution code generalizes to all possible input-output examples, not just the provided input-output examples.
+- You must divide the new solution code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_generate_ai_tests.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_generate_ai_tests.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac249e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_generate_ai_tests.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+system = """\
+You are given a code contest problem and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+{{ description|trim }}
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+{%- if use_test_explanations_possible_solutions %}
+Here are also explanations for the problem test cases:
+{{ tests_explanations_str|trim }}
+{%- endif %}
+Your task is to generate additional {{ number_of_ai_tests }} diverse input-output examples for the code contest problem.
+Try to cover cases that are not covered by the original tests. Also include a test for large inputs.
+The generated tests should be sorted by difficulty, from easiest to hardest.
+All the inputs should be valid, and the outputs are correct. Double check them, and validate they match the problem description ans rules.
+The output must be a valid YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemTests, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description='Short explanation how we got the output from the input. Be specific')
+class ProblemTests(BaseModel):
+ tests: List[Test] = Field(min_items={{number_of_ai_tests}}, max_items={{number_of_ai_tests}})
+Example YAML output:
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ...
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_generate_possible_solutions.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_generate_possible_solutions.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfbe995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_generate_possible_solutions.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+system= """\
+Pay attention to small details and nuances in the problem description.
+user="""You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+{%- if use_test_explanations_possible_solutions %}
+Here are also explanations for the problem test cases:
+{{ tests_explanations_str|trim }}
+{%- endif %}
+Your goal is to come up with possible solutions to the code contest problem.
+- Make sure each solution fully addresses the problem goals, constraints, examples, and notes.
+- Each solution must have reasonable runtime and memory complexity - less than three seconds on a modern computer, given the problem constraints for large inputs.
+- Double-check the solutions. Each possible solution must be able to generalize to additional test cases, not just the ones provided in the problem description.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemSolutions, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+class Solution(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(description="The name of the solution")
+ content: str = Field(description="A description of the solution")
+ why_it_works: str = Field(description="Shortly explain why this solution correctly solves the problem. Be specific and detailed regarding the problem rules and goals.")
+ labels: List[str] = Field(description="A list of labels for the solution. For example (partial list): binary search, dynamic programming, trees, combinatorics, dfs, bfs, graphs, greedy, math, data structures, geometry, number theory, two pointers, simulation, direct approach, probabilities, ...")
+ complexity: str = Field(description="The complexity of the solution")
+class $ProblemSolutions(BaseModel):
+ possible_solutions: List[Solution] = Field(max_items={{max_num_of_possible_solutions}}, description="A list of possible solutions to the problem. Make sure each solution fully addresses the problem rules and goals.")
+Example YAML output:
+- name: |
+ ...
+ content: |
+ ...
+ why_it_works: |
+ ...
+ labels:
+ - ...
+ - ...
+ complexity: |
+ ...
+ ```
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_reflect.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_reflect.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf10be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_reflect.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+frequency_penalty = 0.1
+system= """\
+The self-reflection must cover every aspect of the problem. Pay attention to small details and nuances in the problem description.
+user="""You are given a code contest problem:
+problem name: '{{name}}'
+problem description:
+Given the code contest problem, you have two tasks:
+1) Reflect on the problem, and describe it in your own words, in bullet points. Pay attention to small details, nuances, notes and examples in the problem description.
+2) Explain how each provided example input leads to the corresponding output (in total {{ actual_number_of_tests }} examples are provided).
+Read carefully the problem description. Make sure the test explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+The explanation must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output. Be as specific as possible.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemReflection, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+Class InputOutput(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description="Short explanation how the test input leads to the test output.")
+class ProblemReflection(BaseModel):
+ self_reflection: str = Field(description="Describe the problem in your own words, in bullet points. Address the problem goals, inputs, outputs, rules, constraints, and other relevant details.")
+ tests_explanations: list[InputOutput] = Field(max_items={{ actual_number_of_tests }}, description="List of explanations for each test case")
+Example YAML output:
+- |
+ ...
+- |
+ ...
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ..
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+ ```
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_solve.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_solve.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b5f94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_solve.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+system= """\
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- Double-check the solution code. The generated solution must generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+{{ description|trim }}
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+{{ s_best_solution|trim }}
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the generated code. It should generalize to any valid input, and not just the provided examples.
+- Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is.
+The generated code must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_solve_direct.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_solve_direct.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8c20cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_solve_direct.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+temperature = 0.3
+system= """\
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Each function should be no longer than 10 lines of code.
+- The code should ignore the problem constraints for large inputs.
+You are given a code contest problem, and a self-reflection on the problem.
+problem description:
+{{ description|trim }}
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+Your goal is to generate a valid Python code that correctly solves the code contest problem, using the following algorithm:
+{{ s_best_solution|trim }}
+- You must divide the generated code into small sub-functions, with meaningful names and functionality. Variables names should also be meaningful.
+- Double-check the solution code. Make sure to include all the necessary module imports, properly initialize the variables, and address the problem constraints.
+- The code needs to be self-contained, and executable as-is. Output only code, without any explanations or comments.
+The code output must follow this structure:
+def f1(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+def f2(...):
+ ...
+ return ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ...
+The code should read the input using the 'input()' method. Make sure to properly parse the input, according to the problem description.
+The output should be printed without additional words using the 'print()' method.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_validate_ai_tests.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_validate_ai_tests.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f137af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_validate_ai_tests.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+frequency_penalty = 0.1
+system = """\
+Your goal is to consider each AI-generated test, and make sure its output and its explanation are correct. Be critical - they could be wrong.
+- Read carefully the problem description. Make sure the output and the explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+- Make sure you understand problem constraints, rules, and examples.
+- The tests explanations must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output.
+You are given a code contest problem and a self-reflection on the problem:
+problem description:
+{{ description|trim }}
+self-reflection on the problem:
+{{ self_reflection|trim }}
+Here are additional tests for the problem, generated by an AI:
+AI-generated tests:
+{{ problem_ai_tests|trim }}
+Your goal is to consider each AI-generated test, and make sure the output and the explanation are correct. Be critical - they could be wrong.
+- Read the problem description carefully. Make sure the output and the explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+- The test explanations must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $ProblemTests, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+Class Test(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description="Short explanation of how the input leads to the output.")
+class ProblemTests(BaseModel):
+ tests: List[Test] = Field(min_items={{number_of_ai_tests}}, max_items={{number_of_ai_tests}})
+Example YAML output:
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ...
+ explanation: |
+ ...
+Each YAML output MUST be after a newline, indented, with block scalar indicator ('|').
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_validate_reflection.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_validate_reflection.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc070d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/code_contests_prompts_validate_reflection.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+temperature = 0.2
+frequency_penalty = 0.1
+system = """\
+You are given a code contest problem, and ai-generated explanations of how each input example leads to the corresponding output:
+problem description:
+tests explanations:
+{{ tests_explanations_str|trim }}
+Your goal is to consider each test explanation, and make sure it is correct and complete. Be critical - the provided explanations may be wrong or incomplete.
+Read carefully the problem description. Make sure the test explanations are consistent with them, and between themselves.
+The explanations must coherently and logically lead from the input to the output, with the actual flow. Be specific as possible, and describe in detail how the input leads to the output.
+Pay attention to the problem constraints, and small details.
+The output must be a YAML object equivalent to type $InputOutputExplanation, according to the following Pydantic definitions:
+Class InputOutput(BaseModel):
+ input: str
+ output: str
+ explanation: str = Field(description="Short explanation of how the input leads to the output. Be specific as possible.")
+class $InputOutputExplanation(BaseModel):
+ fixed_tests_explanations: list[InputOutput] = Field(max_items = {{ actual_number_of_tests }})
+Example YAML output:
+- input: |
+ ...
+ output: |
+ ..
+ explanation: |
+ ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/config_loader.py b/alpha_codium/settings/config_loader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75ed3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/config_loader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import pathlib
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import abspath, dirname, join, isfile
+import glob
+from dynaconf import Dynaconf
+PR_AGENT_TOML_KEY = "pr-agent"
+current_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
+# setting_dir = join(current_dir, "settings")
+setting_dir = current_dir
+toml_files = list(pathlib.Path(join(setting_dir)).glob('*.toml')) # includes hidden files
+global_settings = Dynaconf(
+ envvar_prefix=False,
+ merge_enabled=True,
+ settings_files=toml_files,
+def get_settings():
+ return global_settings
diff --git a/alpha_codium/settings/configuration.toml b/alpha_codium/settings/configuration.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f74b9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/settings/configuration.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
+ai_timeout=90 # seconds
+fallback_models =[]
+verbosity_level=0 # 0,1,2
+num_iterations=1 # X iterations to try to solve the problem
+reduce_verbose = false
+use_baseline = false
+tester_type="local" # local, code_contests
+# trace
+stop_on_first_failure = false
+timeout = 3
+path_to_python_bin = "/usr/bin/python3.9"
+path_to_python_lib = ["/usr/lib", "/usr/lib/python3.9"]
diff --git a/alpha_codium/solve_dataset.py b/alpha_codium/solve_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ebb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/solve_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import argparse
+from alpha_codium.gen.dataset_solver import solve_dataset
+from alpha_codium.log import get_logger, setup_logger
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--dataset_name", type=str, default="valid_and_test_processed")
+parser.add_argument("--split_name", type=str, default="valid")
+parser.add_argument("--database_solution_path", type=str, default="")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ setup_logger()
+ # set default database_solution_path
+ args.database_solution_path = args.database_solution_path
+ if not args.database_solution_path:
+ args.database_solution_path = f"./{args.dataset_name}_{args.split_name}_solution_database.json"
+ logger.info(f"args.database_solution_path: {args.database_solution_path}")
+ solve_dataset(dataset_name=args.dataset_name,
+ split_name=args.split_name,
+ database_solution_path=args.database_solution_path)
diff --git a/alpha_codium/solve_problem.py b/alpha_codium/solve_problem.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..579e13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha_codium/solve_problem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import argparse
+from alpha_codium.gen.coding_competitor import solve_problem
+from alpha_codium.log import setup_logger
+from alpha_codium.settings.config_loader import get_settings
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--dataset_name", type=str, default="valid_and_test_processed")
+parser.add_argument("--split_name", type=str, default="valid")
+parser.add_argument("--problem_number", type=int, default=0)
+parser.add_argument("--problem_name", type=str, default="")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ setup_logger()
+ solve_problem(dataset_name=args.dataset_name,
+ split_name=args.split_name,
+ problem_number=args.problem_number,
+ problem_name=args.problem_name)
diff --git a/pics/example_problem.png b/pics/example_problem.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7d527
Binary files /dev/null and b/pics/example_problem.png differ
diff --git a/pics/iterations.png b/pics/iterations.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f5f21
Binary files /dev/null and b/pics/iterations.png differ
diff --git a/pics/proposed_flow.png b/pics/proposed_flow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d86639
Binary files /dev/null and b/pics/proposed_flow.png differ
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ac6c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# uninstall ipython to catch breakpoints on debug with sandbox==false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/alpha_codium/__init__.py b/tests/alpha_codium/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/__init__.py b/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/__init__.py b/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/test_local_exec.py b/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/test_local_exec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b36bed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/alpha_codium/code_contests/eval/test_local_exec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+import ast
+import inspect
+import io
+import math
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from functools import partial
+from typing import Callable, List
+import pytest as pytest
+from pysnooper import snoop
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.local_exec import MultiTestResult, ProgramStatus, execute_candidate_code
+from alpha_codium.code_contests.eval.tracer import snooper_kwargs
+timeout = 3
+def mock_input_output(mock_input_value):
+ new_out = io.StringIO()
+ new_in = io.StringIO(mock_input_value + '\n')
+ old_out = sys.stdout
+ old_in = sys.stdin
+ sys.stdout = new_out
+ sys.stdin = new_in
+ yield new_out
+ sys.stdout = old_out
+ sys.stdin = old_in
+class SandboxCaseContainer:
+ def __init__(self, f: Callable):
+ self.f = f
+ def execute_as_string(self, input: str, sandbox=False):
+ return self.execute_as_str_inner([input], trace=False, sandbox=sandbox)
+ def execute_as_string_with_tracing(self, input: str, sandbox=False):
+ return self.execute_as_str_inner([input], trace=True, sandbox=sandbox)
+ def execute_as_str_inner(self, inputs: List[str], trace=False, sandbox=False):
+ check_program = self.get_body()
+ f = partial(execute_candidate_code, candidate=check_program, inputs=inputs, test_id=self.f.__name__,
+ timeout=timeout, sandbox=sandbox, snoop=trace)
+ if sandbox:
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ os.chdir(temp_dir)
+ result = f()
+ else:
+ result = f()
+ return result
+ def get_body(self):
+ function_body = inspect.getsource(self.f)
+ func_ast = ast.parse(function_body)
+ func_def = [node for node in ast.walk(func_ast) if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)][0]
+ body = func_def.body
+ lines = [ast.unparse(node).strip() for node in body]
+ result = "\n".join(lines).strip()
+ print(result)
+ return result
+def io_solution():
+ x = input()
+ print(x)
+def one_level_and_loop_solution():
+ def my_func(val):
+ for i in range(val):
+ print(i)
+ x = int(input())
+ my_func(x)
+def multi_level_and_loop_solution():
+ def printer_inner(val):
+ print(val)
+ def printer(val):
+ print("p")
+ printer_inner(val)
+ def my_func(val):
+ for i in range(val):
+ printer(i)
+ x = int(input())
+ my_func(x)
+def recursion_solution():
+ def fibonacci(n):
+ if n <= 0:
+ return 0
+ elif n == 1:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
+ x = int(input())
+ fib = fibonacci(x)
+ print(fib)
+def timeout_solution():
+ def sleeper(timeout):
+ import time
+ print(f"sleeping for {timeout + 1}")
+ time.sleep(timeout + 1)
+ timeout = int(input())
+ sleeper(timeout)
+def exception_solution():
+ def excepter(n):
+ raise ValueError(f"test run cannot accept {n}")
+ x = int(input())
+ excepter(x)
+def bad_import_solution():
+ print(math.sqrt(int(input())))
+test_data = [
+ (io_solution, 'hello', 'hello'), # (function, input, expected output)
+ (one_level_and_loop_solution, '4', '0\n1\n2\n3'),
+ (multi_level_and_loop_solution, '4', 'p\n0\np\n1\np\n2\np\n3'),
+ (recursion_solution, '4', '3'),
+run_types = ['regular', 'regular_with_tracing', 'as_string', 'as_string_with_tracing']
+def data_id(test_case):
+ f, input_, output_ = test_case
+ return f"{f.__name__}-{hash(str(input_) + str(output_))}"
+sandbox_ids=["not-sandboxed", "sandboxed"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("run_type", run_types)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("sandbox", [False, True], ids=sandbox_ids)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, input, expected", test_data, ids=[data_id(case) for case in test_data])
+def test_happy_paths(monkeypatch, func, input, expected, run_type, sandbox):
+ def assert_passed_and_output(expected, result: MultiTestResult):
+ assert len(result.test_results) == 1
+ my_result = result.test_results[0]
+ assert my_result.stdout == expected
+ assert my_result.stderr == ''
+ print("trace\n")
+ print(my_result.trace)
+ my_case = SandboxCaseContainer(func)
+ if 'regular' in run_type:
+ with mock_input_output(input) as captured_output:
+ if 'regular_with_tracing' == run_type:
+ with snoop(**snooper_kwargs):
+ my_case.f()
+ else:
+ my_case.f()
+ result = captured_output.getvalue().strip()
+ assert expected == result
+ elif run_type == 'as_string':
+ res = my_case.execute_as_string(input, sandbox=sandbox)
+ assert_passed_and_output(expected, res)
+ elif run_type == 'as_string_with_tracing':
+ res = my_case.execute_as_string_with_tracing(input, sandbox=sandbox)
+ assert_passed_and_output(expected, res)
+test_exception_data = [
+ (timeout_solution, str(timeout), ProgramStatus.kTimeout, ''),
+ (exception_solution, '1', ProgramStatus.kFailed, 'test run cannot accept 1'),
+ (bad_import_solution, '1', ProgramStatus.kFailed, "NameError: name 'math' is not defined"),
+def exception_data_id(test_case):
+ f, input_, status, _ = test_case
+ return f"{f.__name__}-{str(status)}-{hash(input_)}"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("run_type", run_types)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("sandbox", [False, True], ids=sandbox_ids)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, input, status, error_string", test_exception_data,
+ ids=[exception_data_id(case) for case in test_exception_data])
+def test_runtime_issues(monkeypatch, func, input, status, error_string, run_type, sandbox):
+ def assert_status_and_error(result: MultiTestResult, status, err):
+ assert len(result.test_results) == 1
+ my_result = result.test_results[0]
+ assert my_result.program_status == status
+ assert err in my_result.sandbox_result
+ print("trace")
+ print(my_result.trace)
+ print("=============")
+ print("stack trace")
+ print(my_result.sandbox_result)
+ my_case = SandboxCaseContainer(func)
+ if run_type == 'as_string':
+ res = my_case.execute_as_string(input)
+ assert_status_and_error(res, status, error_string)
+ elif run_type == 'as_string_with_tracing':
+ res = my_case.execute_as_string_with_tracing(input)
+ assert_status_and_error(res, status, error_string)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ timeout_solution()