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CSS Layout Properties Reference

Flexbox and CSS Grid are powerful layout systems in CSS that allow for flexible, responsive designs. Flexbox is ideal for one-dimensional layouts, where alignment and space distribution between items along a single axis are key. CSS Grid, on the other hand, excels in two-dimensional layouts, allowing for precise control over both rows and columns. The tables below summarize the essential properties of each system, providing a quick reference for their various layout capabilities.

Flexbox Properties Table

For more information and usage please visit:

Property Description Values
display Defines a flex container. flex, inline-flex
flex-direction Defines the direction of flex items in the container. row (default), row-reverse, column, column-reverse
flex-wrap Controls whether flex items wrap onto multiple lines. nowrap (default), wrap, wrap-reverse
justify-content Aligns flex items along the main axis (horizontally in row). flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly
align-items Aligns flex items along the cross axis (vertically in row). stretch (default), flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline
align-self Overrides align-items for a single item. auto, flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline, stretch
align-content Aligns multiple lines of flex items. stretch (default), flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around
order Changes the order of flex items. Any integer (default is 0)
flex-grow Defines the ability for a flex item to grow. Any number (default is 0)
flex-shrink Defines the ability for a flex item to shrink. Any number (default is 1)
flex-basis Defines the initial size of a flex item. auto (default), length (e.g., 20%, 300px)
gap Specifies the spacing between flex items. Length value (e.g., 10px, 1rem)

CSS Grid Properties Table

For more information and usage please visit:

Property Description Values
display Defines a grid container. grid, inline-grid
grid-template-columns Defines the number and size of columns in the grid. Length (e.g., 1fr, 100px), repeat(), auto-fill, auto-fit, minmax()
grid-template-rows Defines the number and size of rows in the grid. Length (e.g., 1fr, 100px), repeat(), minmax()
grid-template-areas Defines named grid areas. Custom named areas (e.g., "header header header" "sidebar content content")
grid-column Shorthand for grid-column-start and grid-column-end. Span across columns (e.g., span 2)
grid-row Shorthand for grid-row-start and grid-row-end. Span across rows (e.g., span 2)
grid-area Shorthand for positioning an item in a grid. grid-row-start / grid-column-start / grid-row-end / grid-column-end
grid-auto-flow Controls how auto-placed items are inserted. row (default), column, row dense, column dense
grid-auto-columns Defines the size of implicitly created columns. Length (e.g., 100px, min-content, max-content, minmax())
grid-auto-rows Defines the size of implicitly created rows. Length (e.g., 100px, min-content, max-content, minmax())
gap Specifies the space between grid items. Length (e.g., 10px, 1rem)
justify-items Aligns grid items along the inline (horizontal) axis. stretch (default), start, end, center
align-items Aligns grid items along the block (vertical) axis. stretch (default), start, end, center
justify-content Aligns the entire grid along the inline (horizontal) axis. start, end, center, stretch, space-between, space-around, space-evenly
align-content Aligns the entire grid along the block (vertical) axis. start, end, center, stretch, space-between, space-around, space-evenly
place-items Shorthand for align-items and justify-items. Combines both properties (e.g., place-items: center stretch)
place-content Shorthand for align-content and justify-content. Combines both properties (e.g., place-content: center stretch)