diff --git a/blogs/AWS_Paper/index.qmd b/blogs/AWS_Paper/index.qmd
index ec7fa5b..0a873ad 100644
--- a/blogs/AWS_Paper/index.qmd
+++ b/blogs/AWS_Paper/index.qmd
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: "AWS instances"
+title: "AWS instances Gigabyte Journal Article"
 date: 2024/09/23
 author: Sarah Dowsland
@@ -34,13 +34,5 @@ They provide a step by step guide on how to set up and use an AWS account and th
 -  **Time efficient** There isn’t any queuing for resources as the instances run on borrowed resources. This can save a lot of time for large analyses, and is especially useful for teaching.
-## Learn how
--  to configure and run the scripts to create and manage instances for workshops, manage late registrations and cancellations, and troubleshooting
--  to create, manage and configure AMI templates (from which instances are created) with your own data and software analysis tools
--  the scripts work so you can customise them.
 ![.](aws-admin-card-narrow.png){fig-alt="Logo for AWS instances." width="600"}