diff --git a/DaSH.qmd b/DaSH.qmd index 19a6c45..b80f968 100644 --- a/DaSH.qmd +++ b/DaSH.qmd @@ -13,13 +13,8 @@ The project teams have fulfilled UKRI’s brief to deliver innovative training p The training opportunities were very accessible with a range of delivery modes and styles. Nearly 5900 person-training episodes have occurred over 108 events. All projects have enhanced community engagement using innovative technology or approaches and several had dedicated Community leads. Some successful examples include development around a metaverse training centre (L2D), code retreats, hackathons and mentoring (IDEAS, ELIXIR-UK DaSH, Cloud-SPAN), live coding (IDEAS, Ed-DaSH, Cloud-SPAN, L2D) and deployment on the FutureLearn platform (DataCAMPP & KCL Enabling the big data revolution through skills training).* -![.](../../images/project_themes_final.png){fig-alt="A graphic showing the themes." width="600"} - ![Project Themes](project_themes_final.png){width=600} -A dumbbell plot with themes Command Line, Genomics and Project Organisation each having two dumbbells, one representing Genomics without Prenomics and one representing Genomics with Prenomics. The graph indicates the rating given before the course was taken and the score after, with a line joining the two. For all themes the score increases, usually by two or so points. The increase is greater for the 'with prenomics' dumbbells. - - # Learn more about the projects [Data CAMPP](https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/cvl/projects/data-cammp/data-cammp.aspx)