- none
File format:
Project | Sector | Objective | Partner | Donor | Outcome | Status | Timelines
"project":"long string",
"objective":"long string",
"outcome":"long string",
- none
File format:
Title | Position | Mitigation sector | Created at | Updated at
"title": "Diversification of energy resources (Electricity generation and liquid fuels)",
"position": 1,
"flagship_programmes": []
- none
File format:
Name | Description | Position | Created at | Updated at
"name": "Energy",
"description": "test",
"mitigation_themes": [
"title": "Diversification of energy resources (Electricity generation and liquid fuels)",
"position": 1
- none
File format:
Mitigation theme | Name | Objectives | Mitigation type | Status | Actor | Time horizon | Ghg | Estimated emission reduction | Cobenefits | Bur1 | Created at | Updated at
"name": "Eskom Open Cycle Gas Turbines (OCGT)",
"objectives": "Between 2007 and 2014 a total of 7,827 net GWh of electricity was generated from Eskom’s OCGT plants",
"mitigation_type": "Economic",
"status": "Existing measure",
"actor": "Eskom",
"time_horizon": null,
"ghg": "CO2, CH4, N2O",
"estimated_emission_reduction": "0.9 MtCO2e. (2006-2014), 7,827 GWh electricity generated.",
"mitigation_theme": {
"title": "Electricity generation",
"position": 4
- none
"data": [{
"id": 1,
"category": "Financial",
"focusArea": "Renewable energy, including off-grid and mini grid",
"reference": "Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management Municipality Programme",
"supportType": "general",
"scheme": "grant"
}, ...]
"meta": [
"code": "Domestic funds_9",
"indicator": "Domestic funds (2008-2014)",
"category": "Disaster relief funds",
"indicatorType": "Grant",
"unit": "amount (USD)"
- none
- none
File format:
theme | Name | Coordinator | Effects1 ... Effects12 | Created at | Updated at
"data": [
"id": 1,
"financeFlow": "Additional support received",
"amountZar": 20,
"amountUsd": 2,
"timeframes": null,
"focusArea1": false,
"focusArea2": false,
"focusArea3": true,
"focusArea4": false,
"focusArea5": false,
"focusArea6": false,
"focusArea7": true,
"focusArea8": false,
"cofinancing": null,
"purposeFunds": "South Africa-Norway Research Cooperation on Climate, the Environment and Clean Energy (SANCOOP) aims to contribute to expanded research opportunities and improve research cooperation based on equal partnership between South African and Norwegian researchers within the selected thematic areas, and the implementing agency is South Africa National Research Foundation.",
"programFunds": null,
"outcomeFunds": null,
"typeFunds": "Grant",
"donor": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Norway",
"description": null
"meta": [{
"code": "finance_flow",
"indicator": "Support recived",
"category": null,
"indicatorType": null,
"unit": null
}, ...]
"data": [{
"theme": "Green Transport",
"name": "Biofuels",
"coordinator": "Biofuel producers",
"effects1": "0.3-3",
"effects2": "0.7-3",
"effects3": "0.1-2",
"effects4": "not estimated",
"effects5": "not applicable",
"effects6": "not estimated",
"effects7": "not estimated",
"effects8": "not estimated",
"effects9": "not estimated",
"effects10": "not estimated",
"effects11": "not estimated",
"effects12": "not estimated"
"meta": [{
"id": null,
"code": "theme",
"indicator": "Theme",
"unit": null,
"cautions": null
- none
data: [
"id": 1
"description": "South Africa’s location, geography and size all play a role in providing the country with multiple renewable energy (RE)...",
"position": 1,
"subPrograms": "\"*Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) Programme *National Solar Water Heating Programme *Eskom renewable energy projects *Off-grid household electrification *Green industries development *Green Energy Accord *Strategic environmental assessment for Renewable Energy Development Zones \"",
"workPackage": "\"*Public Sector RE Programme *Transnet PV Programme (real estate) *Transnet Wayside Energy Storage Programme (freight rail) *Public Sector RE Procurement *NERSA SSEG Registration and Tracking System Development *Integrated RE GCF Proposal and Programme Development *Establishment of Inter- governmental co-ordination mechanism for embedded generation *Embedded RE knowledge products (information web portal/resources) and capacity building *Enhancing grid management and capacity at local government level *Enhancing grid performance through appropriate refurbishment and maintenance of distribution level grids *Embedded RE funding (revenue and tariff modelling, market- based incentives and credit lines) *Distribution-scale renewable energy generation market development *Implementation of Integrated fuel cell technologies, energy storage and renewable energy \"",
"outcomes": "Widespread development, integration, use, and affordable access to South Africa’s abundant renewable energy (RE) resources through the large-scale and deployment of appropriate technologies at all scales, driving innovation; localisation of RE goods, services and technologies; energy security and economic growth",
"flagshipTheme": {
"id": 1,
"name": "The Climate Change Response Public Works Flagship Program",
"position": 1
"flagshipComponents": [
"id": 33,
"name": "Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Programme",
"mainActivities": "\"*Preparation of detailed business case and implementation plan *Municipal engagements *Operationalisation of programme \"",
"lead": "DOE,DPW,NBI",
"status": "Appraisal is being finalized",
"milestone": "\"*Implementation preparation *Operationalisation/ Rollout \"",
"barriers": null,
"nextSteps": "\"*Finalisation DEA contribution *Finalisation of appraisal *DPW, DEA, DOE DDG trilateral *Formalisation of institutional Arrangements *Establishment of an EE NDC Implementation and Investment Working Group (including municipalities) *Analysis of current available resources *Integration of DPW work with the ECCS and harmonise the implementation approach of both DPW and DOE *Finalization of pre-commissioning implementation plan *Prepare for engagements with this municipalities to guide the spending of the municipalities in current financial year \"",
"timeframe": "Dec-17",
"support": "GIZ CSP III"
}, ...
Reads the data from the DataSource model.
- none
data: [
"shortTitle": "STAT2017",
"title": "Environmental Economic Accounts Compendium - EEA Compendium Tables 2017",
"sourceOrganization": "Statistics South Africa",
"learnMoreLink": "http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=1854&PPN=Report-04-05-20",
"citation": "Stats-SA. (2017). Environmental Economic Accounts Compendium - EEA Compendium Tables 2017. Report No.: 04-05-20, March 2017. Statistics South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa. Retrieved from http://www.statssa.gov.za/?page_id=1854&PPN=Report-04-05-20 [Accessed 20 April 2017]."
}, ...