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260 lines (201 loc) · 25.4 KB

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260 lines (201 loc) · 25.4 KB



Breaking changes

New features


  • Resolve with an Error (of type Canceled) if no payment option is selected in the Payment Sheet custom flow (i.e., the x button is clicked to close the Payment Sheet). #975


Breaking changes

  • Renamed appearance.shapes.shadow.borderRadius to appearance.shapes.shadow.blurRadius, and appearance.primaryButton.shapes.shadow.borderRadius to appearance.primaryButton.shapes.shadow.blurRadius. #962

New features


  • Fixed cases where Android apps would crash with the error: Unable to instantiate fragment com.reactnativestripesdk.PaymentLauncherFragment. #965
  • Fixed appearance.shapes.shadow.offset and appearance.primaryButton.shapes.shadow.offset not applying the y-coordinate in the correct direction. #962
  • Fixed a bug where handleNextAction wouldn't resolve on Android when using 3DS2. #966
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong CVC icon was show in the CardForm component on Android. #966
  • The card brand tint color is now correctly set in the CardField component on Android via the cardStyle.textColor prop. #851


Breaking changes

  • Removed support for primaryButtonColor field on initPaymentSheet(). Please use the new appearance.primaryButton.colors.background field instead. #940

New features

  • You can now customize the appearance of your Payment Sheet via the appearance field on initPaymentSheet(). #940
  • Added Affirm and AU BECS Direct Debit support to Payment Sheet. #940


  • Improved error messages on Android for failed confirmPayment and confirmSetupIntent calls, and any Google Pay related methods. #957
  • Made Android card validation state consistent with iOS in the CardField onCardChange callback. #958


Breaking changes

New features

  • Card scanning is available in payment sheet on Android. #944
    • To enable this, you will need to add implementation 'com.stripe:stripecardscan:20.3.+' to your dependencies {} block in android/app/build.gradle.
  • us_bank_account payment method is now available in the payment sheet on Android. #944



  • #913 BREAKING CHANGE: Changed props for the <AddToWalletButton /> component. Instead of passing cardHolderName, cardLastFour, cardDescription, and cardBrand directly as props, you will instead pass a cardDetails prop, which is an object containing the following fields:
    • primaryAccountIdentifier: The wallet.primary_account_identifier value from the issued card.
    • name: The card holder name (previously cardHolderName).
    • description: A user-facing description of the card (previously cardDescription).
    • lastFour: Last 4 digits of the card, optional (previously cardLastFour).
    • brand: The card brand, optional (previously cardBrand).
  • #925 Feat: us_bank_account payment method is now available in the payment sheet on iOS. (& Updated stripe-ios from 22.2.0 to 22.3.0)
  • #929 Feat: added PayPal support (not currently supported for SetupIntents)
  • #928 feat: expose 'cvc' when dangerouslyGetCardDetails is set to true
  • #931 feat: add token & paymentMethodId handling to confirmPayment for Cards
  • #932 fix: manually forward activity results to paymentLauncherFragment
  • #933 fix: address "Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState" crashes on Android
  • #914 fix: add fingerprint to Card result object on Android (already present on iOS)
  • #912 fix: allow for providing zip code straight from CardField component on Android


  • Breaking: This version requires you use [email protected] or above
  • #902 fix: create custom babel plugin for package.json imports in src/
  • #889 Feat: add support for push provisioning (adding cards to native wallets)
  • #890 BREAKING CHANGE: Changed parameters for: createPaymentMethod, confirmPayment, confirmSetupIntent, collectBankAccountForPayment, and collectBankAccountForSetup. Please read this migration guide for details.
    • Renamed type field to paymentMethodType on PaymentMethod.Result, PaymentIntent.Result, and SetupIntent.Result (result of createPaymentMethod, retrieveSetupIntent, confirmSetupIntent, confirmPayment, collectBankAccountForPayment, collectBankAccountForSetup, verifyMicrodepositsForPayment, and verifyMicrodepositsForSetup).
  • #849 BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed placeholder prop on <CardField /> and <CardForm /> to placeholders.
  • #849 Feat: Added customized styling options to <CardForm /> on Android.


  • #894 Fix: <CardField /> onBlur callback will now be called appropriately on Android
  • #846 Fix: Avoid crashes when currentActivity is null
  • #879 Feat: Add support for ACHv2 payments on Android (already existed on iOS).
  • #879 Chore: Upgraded stripe-android from v19.3.+ to v20.1.+
  • #837 BREAKING CHANGE: Mostly fixes and changes to types, but some method's now accept slightly different parameters:
    • Removed setUrlSchemeOnAndroid in favor of setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid. setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid functions exactly the same, this is just a rename.
    • Removed handleCardAction in favor of handleNextAction. handleNextAction functions exactly the same, this is just a rename.
    • createPaymentMethod's billingDetails and shippingDetails parameters no longer accept the addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, they accept an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state.
    • confirmPayment's billingDetails and shippingDetails parameters no longer accept the addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, they accept an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state.
    • BillingDetails no longer includes addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, it includes an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state keys.
    • ShippingDetails no longer includes addressPostalCode, addressCity, addressCountry, addressLine1, addressLine2, or addressState keys. Instead, it includes an address object containing: city, country, line1, line2, postalCode, state keys.
    • PaymentIntents was renamed PaymentIntent. (If you were using PaymentIntents.Status, now you must change it to PaymentIntent.Status)
    • SetupIntents was renamed SetupIntent. (If you were using SetupIntents.Status, now you must change it to SetupIntent.Status)
    • (Typescript) Card.Token is now Token.Result
    • (Typescript) Card.Brand is now Token.CardBrand
    • (Typescript) Card.TokenType is now Token.Type
    • (Typescript) Card.BankAccount is now Token.BankAccount
    • (Typescript) Card.Params is now Token.Params
    • (Typescript) CardFormView.Names is now CardFormView.FieldName
    • (Typescript) CardFieldInput.Names is now CardFieldInput.FieldName
    • (Typescript) ApplePayButtonComponent.Styles is now ApplePayButtonComponent.Style
    • (Typescript) ApplePayButtonComponent.Types is now ApplePayButtonComponent.Type
    • (Typescript) PaymentMethod is now PaymentMethod.Result
    • (Typescript) PaymentIntent is now PaymentIntent.Result
    • (Typescript) SetupIntent is now SetupIntent.Result
    • (Typescript) Exports that were under the Card namespace are now under Token
    • (Typescript) CreateTokenParams is now Token.CreateParams
    • (Typescript) BankAcccountHolderType is now Token.BankAcccountHolderType
    • (Typescript) ThreeDSecureConfigurationParams is now ThreeDSecure.ConfigurationParams
    • (Typescript) PaymentMethodCreateParams.Params is now PaymentMethod.CreateParams
    • (Typescript) PaymentMethodCreateParams.Options is now PaymentMethod.ConfirmOptions
    • (Typescript) CreateTokenParams is now Token.CreateParams
    • (Typescript) ConfirmSetupIntent.Params is now SetupIntent.ConfirmParams
    • (Typescript) ConfirmSetupIntent.Options is now SetupIntent.ConfirmOptions
    • (Typescript) confirmPayment now accepts the PaymentIntent.ConfirmParams (same type, just renamed).
    • (Typescript) BillingDetails type is now exported directly, instead of under the PaymentMethodCreateParams object.
    • (Typescript) presentGooglePay now accepts GooglePay.PresentParams
    • (Typescript) GooglePay.PresentGooglePayParams is now GooglePay.PresentParams
    • (Typescript) GooglePay.PresentGooglePayType is now GooglePay.PresentType
    • (Typescript) GooglePay.IsGooglePaySupportedParams is now GooglePay.IsSupportedParams
    • (Typescript) Removed GooglePay.SetupIntentParams


  • #861 BREAKING: This library now supports iOS 12 and up, due to stripe-ios increasing the deployment target. If you would like to build for iOS 11, please continue to use @stripe/[email protected].
    • To upgrade your iOS deployment target to 12.0, you can either do so in Xcode under your Build Settings, or by modifying IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in your project.pbxproj directly. You will also need to update your Podfile to target :ios, '12.0'.
  • #861 Feat: Add support for ACHv2 payments on iOS only.
  • #861 Chore: Upgrade stripe-ios to 22.0.0.


  • #863 Feat: add card ID and bankAccount ID to token response
  • #862 Feat: Add support for setting a card's currency when creating a Token
  • #854 Chore: Upgrade stripe-ios to 21.13.0. Upgrade stripe-android to 19.3.0.
  • #845 Feat: Added support for placeholderColor, textErrorColor , borderColor, borderRadius, and borderWidth for AuBECSDebitForm on iOS


  • #821 Feat: Add support for Klarna
  • #630 Fix: card field focus jumps back to the card number field on Android
  • #824 Fix: Google Pay error code when canceled should be 'Canceled'
  • #832
    • Deprecated setUrlSchemeOnAndroid in favor of setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid. setReturnUrlSchemeOnAndroid functions exactly the same, this is just a rename. setUrlSchemeOnAndroid will be removed in a future release.
    • Deprecated handleCardAction in favor of handleNextAction. handleNextAction functions exactly the same, this is just a rename. handleCardAction will be removed in a future release.
    • fix: Set returnUrl on Android in confirmPayment and confirmSetupIntent.
    • fix: Don't request focus on initialization of CardForm by default.

0.3.0 - 2022-02-17

  • #810 Feat: add isGooglePaySupported method
  • #809 Fix: do not crash if no routing number provided when creating a bank account token on Android
  • #814 Fix: cleanup paymentSheetFlowController ref before initializing new payment sheet
  • #806 Fix: properly assign cursorColor style on Android CardField (requires Android 10 or higher).
  • #817 Chore: Upgrade stripe-ios to v21.12.0 and stripe-android to v19.2.+

0.2.4 - 2022-02-10

  • #788 fix: assign paymentSheetFragment directly, instead of through intents which would sometimes result in a NullPointerException.
  • #591 feat: add option to create a token directly from a bank account.
  • #801 Upgraded stripe-ios to v21.11.1. Upgraded stripe-android to v19.1.+. Added Android 12 support to example.
  • #774 feat: Add currencyCode support to initPaymentSheet for Google Pay & Setup Intents
  • #726 Update build.gradle to be more flexible in version of stripe-android (#726)
  • #675 Bug fixes for server example (#675)
  • #629 feat: Add validation state to CardField (#423) (#629)
  • #702 docs: Update (#702)
  • #690 docs: Correct default for existingPaymentMethodRequired (#690)
  • #660 docs: Fixed readme js object typo (#660)
  • #657 chore: updated the dependencies for the example app (#657)
  • #658 fix: TS issue with 0.2.3 StripeProvider cannot be used as a JSX component (#658)
  • #635 fix: billing address postal code (#635)

0.2.3 - 2021-10-18

  • #565 chore: Add jest mock file (#565)
  • #587 chore: Update Podfile.lock stripe-react-native version (#587)
  • #568 fix: check support for specific TextInputState methods (#568)
  • #631 chore: Update tips migration guide (#631)
  • #601 feat: Add button color, return URL, allowsDelayedPaymentMethods, and billing details to PaymentSheet (#601)

0.2.2 - 2021-09-15

  • #588 fix: use the LocalBroadcastManager (#588)

0.2.1 - 2021-09-02

  • #548 chore: split apple pay address by new line (#531)
  • #546 fix: resolve initGooglePay with error if it's not available (#533)
  • #525 feat: add openApplePaySetup method (#400)
  • #521 fix: support cardFormView for createToken method
  • #514 feat: simpify presentPaymentSheet
  • #513 fix: set null as initial value for isApplePaySupported (#496)
  • #506 feat: enhance payment sheet dx (#505)

0.2.0 - 2021-08-03

  • #415 feat: add multiline card form element (#83)
  • #441 feat(android): add standalone Google Pay (#9)
  • #422 feat: add WeChat Pay (#52)
  • #453 chore: add JCB support for Apple Pay (#43)
  • #451 fix: send postal code with card details (#420)
  • #436 fix: cardfield crashes app (#391)
  • #419 fix(android): error handling for createToken (#405)

0.1.5 - 2021-07-14

  • #394 [BREAKING CHANGE] fix: createToken response discrepancy (#344)
  • #354 [BREAKING CHANGE] chore: rename top-level export confirmPaymentMethod to confirmPayment (#318)
  • #416 fix(android): googlePay setting on initPaymentSheet
  • #392 fix: created timestamp discrepancy (#368)
  • #395 fix: resolve initPaymentSheet only when ready (#315)
  • #390 fix: add missing setupFutureUsage param (#367)
  • #389 fix: set url scheme when using paymentMethodId (#378)
  • #337 feat: expose CardField methods (focus, blur, clear)
  • #366 fix: open payment sheet from modal (#315; #290)

0.1.4 - 2021-06-04 - Expo SDK 42.0.0

0.1.3 - 2021-06-04

  • #309 feat: add retrieveSetupIntent method (#294)
  • #306 feat: add dangerouslyGetFullCardDetails prop to CardField component (#280)
  • #298 feat: support SetupIntents in payment sheet (#293)
  • #296 chore: support testID prop in all UI components (#268)
  • #295 feat(ios): return the paymentMethod object when presentApplePay resolves (#271)
  • #273 feat: enrich the response error objects with additional information (#206)
  • #276 fix(android): payment sheet not opening when stripeAccountId set (#267)
  • #266 feat(ios): add borderRadius prop to the ApplePayButton component (#258)
  • #260 feat: add the StripeContainer component that allows for dismissal of the keyboard when wrapped around the CardField compnent (#222)
  • #255 fix(android): crash on onActivityResult when Stripe isn't initalized

0.1.2 - 2021-05-21

  • #247 feat: add fontFamily prop to CardField component (#103)
  • #245 fix: clear card params when CardField input is invalidated (#237)
  • #228 feat: add ability to show error in Apple Pay sheet within onShippingContactSelected handler (#148)
  • #221 feat: add legacy createToken method for older integrations (#187)
  • #234 fix: add missing 3D Secure button props (#201)
  • #226 feat: add autofocus prop to CardField component (#199)

0.1.1 - 2021-05-14 - Expo SDK 41.0.0

0.1.0 - 2021-05-10

  • Initial release

Special thanks to: Arek Kubaczkowski, Charlie Cruzan, and Jakub Kłobus.