I am comparing how the results from comparing different methods of galaxy growth result in different results
This takes a number of deep observations, bins them by redshift and constructs the SMF for each redshift
This raw data is found in helpers.data.smf
This data can also be fit to a schechter function and is done by the Zfourge people
The single and double schechter params are in helpers.data.schechter
If you want to see this data, run growth_zfourge.py
That will give graphs of both the raw data and the fitted data
- This z fourge data is nice, but has some irregularities.
- We would like to paramaterize the schechter function to get rid of these.
- Joel does this in his paper (saved as paramaterization)
- This is a paramaterization of the schechter functions based on Z
- a_1 and a_2 are constants (What are these?)
- Phi_1 and phi_2 vary with z, as does M* and Mdot
- Using this paramaterization with the Zfourge data, we have a nice set of data for far away things
- This data is shows the growth of local galaxies over time.
- Comes in the form of final mass (+/- error) and percentage of that mass at various times (+/- error)
- At time
for galaxyx
, Mass = xm +/- xe - For a number of gala
- See Virginia astro class on them
- Paul Schechter (1974) looked at the mass distribution of galaxies. Found that this function fit well. Why? Who knows
- Plots a variety of graphs showing the SMF based on
- The raw Zfourge data
- The schechter funcs derived from the Zfourge data
- The paramaterized Schechter funcs from Joel
- Plots a single graph showing the change in mass at constant number density of time
- Uses the paramaterization
- Uses various start masses, and tracks the mass at the number density over time