- Download the source code from Github
git clone [email protected]:username/reponame.git
- Change into code directory
cd reponame
- Checkout branch (optional)
master for OpenAPI 3.0.1
git checkout master
- Compile the war (Web Application Archive) file with maven
mvn clean package
- Build the docker image (replace dockerhubuser with your docker hub account user)
docker build -t username/reponame:tag .
- Check images
docker images
- If you run the container locally don't forget to start also a mongodb container as a data base with:
docker pull mongo; docker run --name mongodb -d mongo
- Run the image as a local container
docker run -p 8080:8080 --link mongodb:mongodb username/reponame:tag
- Load the Swagger-UI representation in a web-browser
- Check the docker-compose.yml file. Verify that the image under the wekarest service is in your local file. If not, change the image for your weka REST image that you build in the first part of this README
- Run the command :
docker-compose --file FILENAME up
- To take down the services, press Ctrl + C or run the command:
docker-compose down
- First create your swarm
docker swarm init
- Deploy you swarm with the configurations in your docker-compose.yml
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml aName
- Attest to your many services/containers/stack by running with these commands :
docker service ls
;docker container ls -q
;docker stack ps
- If you want to change your configuration for example the number of replicas, simply modify your docker-compose.yml, save the file and run the following command :
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml aName
- To take down your stack:
docker stack rm aName
- To remove your swarm :
docker swarm leave --force
- Tag you image correctly, run this command if necessary
docker tag local-image:tagname reponame:tagname
- Login you docker account if not already done.
docker login
- Push your image to your account
docker push reponame:tagname