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Release Strategies with Knative Serving

In this tutorial we will create a Kubernetes Cluster and install Knative Serving into it to implement different release strategies. We will be using Knative Serving percentage-based traffic splitting and tag and header-based routing.

Creating a Kubernetes with Knative Serving

You need a Kubernetes Cluster to install Knative Serving. You can create one using Kubernetes KinD, but instead of using the configurations provided in Chapter 2, we will use the following command:

cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --name dev --config=-
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 31080 # expose port 31380 of the node to port 80 on the host, later to be use by kourier or contour ingress
    hostPort: 80

When using Knative Serving there is no need to install an Ingress Controller, as Knative Serving requires a more advanced networking stack to enable features such as traffic routing and splitting. We will be installing Kourier for this, but you can install a fully fledge service mesh like Istio.

Once you have a Cluster let's start by installing Knative Serving you can follow the official documentation or copy the installation steps listed here, as the examples had been tested with this version of Knative.

Install Knative Serving Custom Resource Definitions:

kubectl apply -f

Then install the Knative Serving Control Plane:

kubectl apply -f

Install a compatible Knative Serving Networking Stack, here you can install Istio, a full-blown service mesh or more simple options like Kourier, that we will use here to limit the resource utilization on your cluster:

kubectl apply -f

Configure Kourier as the selected networking stack:

kubectl patch configmap/config-network \
  --namespace knative-serving \
  --type merge \
  --patch '{"data":{"ingress-class":""}}'

Finally, configure the DNS resolution for your cluster, so it can expose reachable URLs for our services:

kubectl apply -f

Only for Knative on KinD

For Knative Magic DNS to work in KinD you need to patch the following ConfigMap:

kubectl patch configmap -n knative-serving config-domain -p "{\"data\": {\"\": \"\"}}"

and if you installed the kourier networking layer you need to create an ingress:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kourier-ingress
  namespace: kourier-system
  labels: kourier
  type: NodePort
    app: 3scale-kourier-gateway
    - name: http2
      nodePort: 31080
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8080

One more step is needed to run the examples covered in the following section and this is to enable tag-header-based-routing and access to the Kubernetes Downward API to fetch information about the pods running in the cluster. We can tune the Knative Serving installation by patching the config-features ConfigMap (

kubectl patch cm config-features -n knative-serving -p '{"data":{"tag-header-based-routing":"Enabled", "kubernetes.podspec-fieldref": "Enabled"}}'

After all these configurations, we should be ready to use Knative Serving on our KinD Cluster.

Release Strategies with Knative Serving

Before jumping into implementing different release strategies we need to understand the basics on Knative Serving. For that we will look into defining one Knative Service for the Notification Service. This will give us hands-on experience on using Knative Serving and its capabilities.

Knative Services quick intro

Knative Serving simplifies and extend the capabilities offered by Kubernetes by using the concept of a Knative Service``. A Knative Service`` uses the Knative Serving networking layer to route traffic to our workloads without pushing us to define complex Kubernetes Resources. Because Knative Serving has access to information about how traffic is flowing to our services it can understand the load that our services are experiencing and make use of a purposefully build autoscaler to upscale or downscale our service instances based on demand. This can be really useful for platform teams looking to implement a function-as-a-service model for their workloads, as Knative Serving can downscale to zero services that are not receiving traffic.

Knative Services also expose a simplified configuration that resembles Containers as a Service models like Google Cloud Run, Azure Container Apps and AWS App Runner, where by defining which container we want to run, the platform will take care of the rest (no complex configurations for networking, routing traffic, etc).

Because the Notifications Service uses Kafka for emitting events, we need to install Kafka using Helm:

helm install kafka oci:// --version 22.1.5 --set "provisioning.topics[0].name=events-topic" --set "provisioning.topics[0].partitions=1" --set "persistence.size=1Gi" 

Check that Kafka is running before proceeding, as it usually takes a bit of time to fetch the Kafka Container image and start it.

If you have a Kubernetes Cluster with Knative Serving installed you can apply the following Knative Service resource to run an instance of our Notifications Service:

kind: Service
  name: notifications-service 
        - image: salaboy/notifications-service-0e27884e01429ab7e350cb5dff61b525:v1.0.0
          - name: KAFKA_URL
            value: kafka.default.svc.cluster.local

You can apply this resource by running:

kubectl apply -f knative/notifications-service.yaml

Knative Serving will create an instance of our container and setup all the networking configurations to provide us with an URL to access the service.

You can list all Knative Services running the following command:

> kubectl get ksvc 
NAME                    URL                                                       LATESTCREATED                 LATESTREADY                   READY   REASON
notifications-service   notifications-service-00001   notifications-service-00001   True    

You can now curl the service/info URL of the service to make sure that it is working, we are using jq a popular json utility to pretty-print the output:

curl | jq 

You should see the following output:

    "name": "NOTIFICATIONS",
    "podIp": "",
    "podName": "notifications-service-00001-deployment-7ff76b4c77-qkk69",
    "podNamespace": "default",
    "podNodeName": "dev-control-plane",
    "podServiceAccount": "default",
    "source": "",
    "version": "1.0.0"

Check that there is a Pod running our container:

> kubectl get pods
NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kafka-0                                                   1/1     Running   0          7m54s
notifications-service-00001-deployment-798f8f79f5-jrbr8   2/2     Running   0          4s

Notice that there are two containers running, one is our Notification Service and the other is the Knative Serving queue proxy which is used to buffer incoming requests and get traffic metrics.

After 90 seconds (by default), if you are not sending requests to the Notification Service, the service instance will be automatically downscaled. Whenever a new incoming request arrives, Knative Serving will automatically upscale the service and buffer the request until the instance is ready.

To recap, we get two things out of the box with Knative Serving:

  • A simplified way to run our workloads without creating multiple Kubernetes Resources. This approach resembles a Container-as-a-Service offering, that as a Platform team you might want to offer to your teams.
  • Dynamic autoscaling using the Knative Autoscaler, which can be used to downscaled your applications to zero when they are not being used. This resembles a Functions-as-a-Service approach, that as a Platform team you might want to provide your teams.

Run the Conference application with Knative Services

In this section we will look into implementing different release strategies for our Conference Application, for that we will be deploying all the other application services also using Knative Services.

Before installing the other services we need to set up PostgreSQL and Redis, as we already installed Kafka before. Before installing PostgreSQL we need to create a ConfigMap containing the SQL statement create the `Proposals`` Table, so the Helm Chart can reference to the configMap and execute the statement when the database instance is started.

kubectl apply -f knative/c4p-sql-init.yaml
helm install postgresql oci:// --version 12.5.7 --set "image.debug=true" --set "primary.initdb.user=postgres" --set "primary.initdb.password=postgres" --set "primary.initdb.scriptsConfigMap=c4p-init-sql" --set "global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=postgres" --set "primary.persistence.size=1Gi"

and Redis:

helm install redis oci:// --version 17.11.3 --set "architecture=standalone" --set "master.persistence.size=1Gi"

Now we can install all the other services (frontend, c4p-service, and agenda-service) by running:

kubectl apply -f knative/

Check that all the Knative Services are READY

> kubectl get ksvc
NAME                    URL                                                       LATESTCREATED                 LATESTREADY                   READY   REASON
agenda-service          agenda-service-00001          agenda-service-00001          True    
c4p-service                c4p-service-00001             c4p-service-00001             True    
frontend                      frontend-00001                frontend-00001                True    
notifications-service   notifications-service-00001   notifications-service-00001   True    

Access the Conference Application Frontend by pointing your browser to the following URL

At this point the application should work as expected, with a small difference, services like the Agenda Service and the C4P Service will be downscaled when they are not being used. If you list the pods after 90 seconds of inactivity you should see the following:

> kubectl get pods 
NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
frontend-00002-deployment-7fdfb7b8c5-cw67t               2/2     Running   0          60s
kafka-0                                                  1/1     Running   0          20m
notifications-service-00002-deployment-c5787bc49-flcc9   2/2     Running   0          60s
postgresql-0                                             1/1     Running   0          9m23s
redis-master-0                                           1/1     Running   0          8m50s

Because the Agenda and C4P service are storing state into persistent storage (Redis and PostgreSQL) data is not lost when the service instance is downscaled. But the Notifications and Frontend services are keeping in-memory data (Notifications and consumed Events), hence we have configured our Knative service to keep at least one instance alive all the time. All the in-memory state kept like this will impact how the application can scale, but remember this is just a Walking Skeleton.

Now that we have the application up and running let's take a look at some different release strategies.

Canary releases

In this section we will run a simple example showing how to do canary releases by using Knative Services. We will start simple by looking into percentage-based traffic splitting.

Percentage-based traffic-splitting functionalities provided out-of-the-box by Knative Services. We will be updating the Notification Service that we deployed before instead of changing the Frontend as dealing with multiple requests to fetch CCS and JavaScript files can get tricky when using percentage based traffic-splitting.

To make sure that the service is still up and running you can run the following command:

curl | jq

You should see the following output:

    "name": "NOTIFICATIONS",
    "podIp": "",
    "podName": "notifications-service-00001-deployment-7ff76b4c77-qkk69",
    "podNamespace": "default",
    "podNodeName": "dev-control-plane",
    "podServiceAccount": "default",
    "source": "",
    "version": "1.0.0"

You can edit the Knative Service (ksvc) of the Notification Service and create a new revision by changing the container image that the service is using or changing any other configuration parameter such as environment variables:

kubectl edit ksvc notifications-service

And then change from:

kind: Service
  name: notifications-service 
      annotations: "1"
        - image: salaboy/notifications-service-0e27884e01429ab7e350cb5dff61b525:v1.0.0  

To v1.1.0:

kind: Service
  name: notifications-service 
      annotations: "1"
        - image: salaboy/notifications-service-0e27884e01429ab7e350cb5dff61b525:v1.1.0  

Before saving this change, that will create a new revision which we can use to split traffic, we need to add the following values into the traffic section:

  - latestRevision: false
    percent: 50
    revisionName: notifications-service-00001
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 50

Now if you start hitting the service/info endpoint again you will see that half of the traffic is being routed to version v1.0.0 of our service and the other half to version v1.1.0.

> curl | jq

> curl | jq

This mechanism is really useful when you need to test a new version but you are not willing to route all the live traffic straightaway to the new version in case that problems arise.

You can modify the traffic rules to have a different percentage split, if you feel confident that the newest version is stable enough to receive more traffic.

  - latestRevision: false
    percent: 10
    revisionName: notifications-service-00001
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 90

The moment that one revision (version) doesn't has any traffic rule point to it, the instance will be downscaled, as no traffic will be routed to it.

A/B Testing and Blue/Green Deployments

With A/B testing we want to run two or more versions of the same application/service at the same time to enable different group of users to test changes so we can decide which version works best for them.

With Knative Serving we have two options: Header-based routing and Tag-based routing, both uses the same mechanisms and configurations behind the covers, but let's see how these mechanisms can be used.

With Tag/Header-based routing we have more control about where request will go, as we can use an HTTP header or a specific URL to instruct Knative networking mechanisms to route traffic to specific versions of the service.

This means that for this example we can change the Frontend of our application, as all request including a Header or a specific URL will be rounted to the same version of the service.

Make sure to access application Frontend by pointing your browser to

frontend v1.0.0

Let's now modify the Frontend Knative Service to deploy a new version with the debug feature enabled:

kubectl edit ksvc frontend

Update the image field to point to v1.1.0 and add the FEATURE_DEBUG_ENABLED environment variable (remember that we are using the first version of the application that is not using OpenFeature).

      containerConcurrency: 0
      - env:
          value: "true"
        image: salaboy/frontend-go-1739aa83b5e69d4ccb8a5615830ae66c:v1.1.0

Before saving the Knative Service, let's change the traffic rules to match the following:

  - latestRevision: false
    percent: 100
    revisionName: frontend-00001
    tag: current
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 0
    tag: version110

Notice that no traffic (percent: 0) will be routed to v1.1.0 unless the tag is specified in the service URL. Users can now point to to access v1.1.0


Notice that v1.1.0 has a different color theme, when you see them side by side you can notice the difference. Check the other sections of the application too.

If for some reason, you don't want or can't change the URL of the service, you can use HTTP Headers to acesss v1.1.0. Using a Browser plugin like Chrome ModHeader you can modify all the requests that the browswer is sending by adding parameters or headers.

Here we are setting the Knative-Serving-Tag header with the value version110, which is the name of the tag that we configured in the traffic rules for our frontend Knative Service.

Now we can access to the normal Knative Service URL (with no changes) to access v1.1.0:

v1.1.0 with header

Tag and Header based routing allow us to implement Blue/Green deployments in the same way, as the green service (the one we want to test until it is ready for prime time) can be hidden behind a tag with 0% traffic assigned to it.

    - revisionName: <blue-revision-name>
      percent: 100 # All traffic is still being routed to this revision
    - revisionName: <gree-revision-name>
      percent: 0 # 0% of traffic routed to this version
      tag: green # A named route

Whenever we are ready to switch to our green service we can change the traffic rules:

    - revisionName: <blue-revision-name>
      percent: 0 
      tag: blue 
    - revisionName: <gree-revision-name>
      percent: 100

To recap, by using Knative Services traffic splitting and header/tag based routing capabilities we have implemented Canary Releases, A/B testing patterns and Blue/Green deployments. Check the Knative Website for more information about the project.

Clean up

If you want to get rid of the KinD Cluster created for this tutorial, you can run:

kind delete clusters dev