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Guide: Response Procedure for an Exposed New Relic Destination ID

Samuel Arogbonlo edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

Response Procedure for an Exposed New Relic Destination ID

This guide is to assist if a New Relic Destination ID becomes exposed. It outlines step-by-step actions to mitigate potential risks and safeguard our systems.

Initial Action: Delete Associated Workflows

The initial response to exposure involves the deletion of any workflows associated with the exposed Destination ID.

  • Navigate to the Alerts and AI section on the New Relic Home Page.
  • From there, select Workflows
  • Select the associated workflows with the Destination ID.
  • Choose the option to delete these workflows.

Remember to confirm the deletion when prompted. It's essential to be sure you're deleting the correct workflows, as this action is irreversible.

Secondary Action: Delete the Exposed Destination

After removing the associated workflows, the next step is deleting the compromised Destination.

  • Return to the Alerts and AI section on The New Relic Home Page.
  • This time, navigate to Destination.
  • You'll see two tabs: Notification Logs and Destinations. Choose the Destinations tab.
  • Select the exposed Destination from the list that needs to be deleted.
  • Choose the delete option.

Again, verify that you're deleting the right Destination since this action cannot be reversed.

Final Action: Restoration of the Destination ID

Once the exposed Destination and associated workflows have been successfully removed, the next step is to restore the Destination ID.

Follow the detailed instructions provided in the New Relic documentation. You can access this by clicking here.

Remember, the restoration process should be done with care. Ensure the new Destination ID is securely stored and shared to avoid future exposures.


The exposure of a New Relic Destination ID is a significant event that requires immediate action. Following these steps can mitigate potential harm and promptly restore operations. As always, prioritize the security of your IDs to prevent such events in the future.