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Azure Help Topics

How to Authenticate Using the Azure CLI

You can either ask your Azure Cloud administrator for your subscription and tenant IDs, or you can find the information from the Azure CLI at login (see below):

# example of an Azure CLI login command
az login
    "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
    "homeTenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "isDefault": true,
    "managedByTenants": [], 
    "name": "Subscription Name",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "user": {
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "type": "user"

How to Set the TF Environment Variables

You can use the following commands, or alter them as needed to set the environment variables with your Tenant ID and Subscription:

# the following commands should work and should establish `TF_VAR_subscription_id` and `TF_VAR_tenant_id`
# az account list and az account show are helpful commands to determine this information
# for example, az account show --query '[environmentName, name, tenantId,]'

# set the tenant ID from a query; validate
TF_VAR_tenant_id=$(az account show --query 'tenantId' --output tsv)
echo $TF_VAR_tenant_id

# set the subscription ID from a query; validate
TF_VAR_subscription_id=$(az account show --query 'id' --output tsv)
echo $TF_VAR_subscription_id

How to Create a Service Principal Using the Azure CLI

A Service Principal is effectively a "user" that you create in order to enable automated tools, like Terraform, to access Azure services on your behalf. You give it a role with only the permissions needed to execute the tasks that the Service Principal performs on your behalf.

You can create a Service Principal to use with Terraform by taking the following steps:

NOTE: You will need an Azure account with an 'Owner' role to perform these operations. The Service Principal name must be unique. You might need to change the value using --name http://$USER if it exists already.

az login # follow the instructions given by this command

TF_VAR_client_secret=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role "Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/$TF_VAR_subscription_id" --name http://$USER --query password --output tsv)
TF_VAR_client_id=$(az ad sp list --display-name http://$USER --query [].appId --output tsv)

echo $TF_VAR_client_id
echo $TF_VAR_client_secret

You can use this command to list only your Service Principals in the Azure subscription:

az ad sp list --show-mine -o table

In a case where the value for $TF_VAR_client_secret is lost or has expired, you can reset it with this command:

az ad sp credential reset --name http://$USER

If you don't have an Azure account with Owner role, check with your Azure account administrator. You can find more information about how to create/retrieve/manage/reset in the Azure documentation. See Azure Service Principal with AzureCLI.

To learn more about how Azure Role-Based Access Control works, refer to the following documents:

How to Grant a Service Principal Access to the Azure Container Registry

When creating a private Azure Container Registry, assign 'acrpull' role to the Service Principal:

  ACR_ID=$(terraform output cr_id)
  az role assignment create --assignee $TF_VAR_client_id --role acrpull  --scope "$ACR_ID"

How to Create a User-assigned Managed Identity with the Contributor Role

Follow the instructions in Use the Azure Portal. When you get the Role Assignment blade, use the following values:

  • Role: "Contributor"
  • Assign access to: "User Assigned Managed Identity"
  • Select - Select the Managed Identity you just created from the list below that entry field

Click Save to create the role assignment.

Example Code:

az identity create --resource-group <my resource group> --name <my identity name>
PID=$(az identity show --resource-group <my resource group> --name <my identity name> --output tsv --query principalId)
az role assignment create --assignee $PID --role Contributor

How to Assign a User-assigned Managed Identity to a VM

You can use the Azure Portal user interface or the Azure CLI to assign a managed identity to a VM in Microsoft Azure. Consult one of the following documents for instructions: