You can either ask your Azure Cloud administrator for your subscription and tenant IDs, or you can find the information from the Azure CLI at login (see below):
# example of an Azure CLI login command
az login
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"homeTenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"isDefault": true,
"managedByTenants": [],
"name": "Subscription Name",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"user": {
"name": "[email protected]",
"type": "user"
You can use the following commands, or alter them as needed to set the environment variables with your Tenant ID
and Subscription
# the following commands should work and should establish `TF_VAR_subscription_id` and `TF_VAR_tenant_id`
# az account list and az account show are helpful commands to determine this information
# for example, az account show --query '[environmentName, name, tenantId,]'
# set the tenant ID from a query; validate
TF_VAR_tenant_id=$(az account show --query 'tenantId' --output tsv)
echo $TF_VAR_tenant_id
# set the subscription ID from a query; validate
TF_VAR_subscription_id=$(az account show --query 'id' --output tsv)
echo $TF_VAR_subscription_id
A Service Principal is effectively a "user" that you create in order to enable automated tools, like Terraform, to access Azure services on your behalf. You give it a role with only the permissions needed to execute the tasks that the Service Principal performs on your behalf.
You can create a Service Principal to use with Terraform by taking the following steps:
NOTE: You will need an Azure account with an 'Owner' role to perform these operations. The Service Principal name must be unique. You might need to change the value using --name http://$USER
if it exists already.
az login # follow the instructions given by this command
TF_VAR_client_secret=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role "Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/$TF_VAR_subscription_id" --name http://$USER --query password --output tsv)
TF_VAR_client_id=$(az ad sp list --display-name http://$USER --query [].appId --output tsv)
echo $TF_VAR_client_id
echo $TF_VAR_client_secret
You can use this command to list only your Service Principals in the Azure subscription:
az ad sp list --show-mine -o table
In a case where the value for $TF_VAR_client_secret
is lost or has expired, you can reset it with this command:
az ad sp credential reset --name http://$USER
If you don't have an Azure account with Owner role, check with your Azure account administrator. You can find more information about how to create/retrieve/manage/reset
in the Azure documentation. See Azure Service Principal with AzureCLI.
To learn more about how Azure Role-Based Access Control works, refer to the following documents:
When creating a private Azure Container Registry, assign 'acrpull' role to the Service Principal:
ACR_ID=$(terraform output cr_id)
az role assignment create --assignee $TF_VAR_client_id --role acrpull --scope "$ACR_ID"
Follow the instructions in Use the Azure Portal. When you get the Role Assignment blade, use the following values:
- Role: "Contributor"
- Assign access to: "User Assigned Managed Identity"
- Select - Select the Managed Identity you just created from the list below that entry field
Click Save to create the role assignment.
Example Code:
az identity create --resource-group <my resource group> --name <my identity name>
PID=$(az identity show --resource-group <my resource group> --name <my identity name> --output tsv --query principalId)
az role assignment create --assignee $PID --role Contributor
You can use the Azure Portal user interface or the Azure CLI to assign a managed identity to a VM in Microsoft Azure. Consult one of the following documents for instructions: