a template for summarizing Data Lab experiments
[visualization or representative image/icon]
disambiguated, human-understandable label for experiment
- briefly state purpose of experiment, what question is being answered
- identify scope and result
- written for general audience, e.g., can be used for social media caption
- what we did to build the experiment
- what tools, data, languages, or other resources were used
- summarize, add date for appended thoughts
- things we could not figure out/tool limitations
- link to open GH Issues (if applicable)
where we looked for inspiration for this information assembly/template
- Immersive Reality Lab for the Humanities - irlhumanities.org
- Library of Congress (LOC) Labs - labs.loc.gov
- metalab(at)harvard - metalabharvard.github.io
- New York Public Library (NYPL labs) - [site currently archived]
- Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute - semlab.io
- Scientific Reports from The Writing Center at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Lab Report Template from Biology Corner
- Writing a Science lab report from Monash University