This repository provides an example of using Flux to install Carbon Black. We also install Sealed Secrets as the Carbon Black install requires an access token as a Kubernetes secret but we don't want to store the value in plain text or base64 encoded in Git.
The carbon-black directory contains the common (shared) resources necessary to install Carbon Black on any cluster.
creates thecbcontainers-dataplane
Kubernetes Namespace with the required labels.octarine-operator_gitrepository.yaml
creates a Flux GitRepository that points to In the future, when Carbon Black publishes their operator and agent charts in a Helm repository, this would be replaced with a Flux HelmRepository.cbcontainers-operator_helmrelease.yaml
creates a Flux HelmRelease which installs the Carbon Black operator using Helm.cbcontainers-agent_helmrelease.yaml
creates a Flux HelmRelease which installs the Carbon Black agent using Helm. This includes non-secret values that are common across all cluster installs. There is a dependency on the operator HelmRelease so that the agent install happens after the operator install is complete.kustomization.yaml
creates a Flux HelmRepository that points to
creates a Flux HelmRelease that installs Sealed Secrets using Helm.
This directory is used by Flux to declare the desired state for this cluster. You first bootstrap the cluster using Flux. Then, you add Sealed Secrets to it. Finally, you add Carbon Black to it.
See Bootstrap in the Flux documentation.
only points Flux to the base sealed-secrets directory as there a no cluster specific kustomizations.
creates a Kubernetes SealedSecret and, thus, a Kubernetes Secret for the access token. The file is created usingkubeseal
patches the agent HelmRelease to specify the cluster name as a value to be used for the HelmRelease for this cluster.kustomization.yaml
points Flux to the base carbon-black directory along with the above kustomizations for this cluster.