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Yuanlong LIU edited this page Jan 1, 2024 · 7 revisions

HaploC-tools user manual (under dev)

Haplotype-specific Chromatin Conformation analysis tools contain a collection of modules to

  1. Derive whole-chromosome haplotype from chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) experiments (HaploC)
  2. Generate unphased and phased (i.e., haplotype-specific) Hi-C maps (HaploC) and phasingNewHiC
  3. Infer haplotype-resolved copy number status (HaploCNV)
  4. Compare chromatin insulation between homologous chromosomes (diffIns)
  5. Compare compartment organization between homologous chromosomes (diffComp)
  6. Phase any other type of sequencing data derived from the same individual (e.g., ChiP-Seq, RNA-seq, Repli-Seq etc.) for downstream allelic-specific analyses (phasingBam)
HaploCNV methods

Follow the steps below to get started: