Project: PIC4 Reinforcement Learning Gym (PIC4rl_gym)
Owner: "Mauro Martini, Andrea Eirale, Simone Cerrato"
Date: "2021:12"
The PIC4rl_gym project is intended to develop a set of ROS2 packages in order to easily train deep reinforcement learning algorithms for autonomous navigation in a Gazebo simulation environment. A great variety of different sensors (cameras, LiDARs, etc) and platforms are available for custom simulations in both indoor and outdoor stages.
The repository is organized as follows:
- training contains all the ROS2 packages that handles the communication with Gazebo and define the task environment. It also contains all the DRL packages dedicated to policy selection and training
- platforms groups all the ROS2 packages for platform usage in the simulation environment
- gazebo_sim contains whatever related to simulation environments
- testing contains the ROS2 package to test agent policy
Main scripts in pic4rl training package:
- (instanciate the agent and start the main training loop)
- (inherits environment class: task specific, select and define the agent, define action and state spaces)
- (specific for the Task: interact with the agent with the 'step()' and 'reset()' functions, compute observation and rewards, publish goal, check end of episode condition, call Gazebo services to respawn robot)
- start the necessary sensors topic subscription and contain all the necessary method to preprocess sensor data Main scripts in pic4rl testing package:
- (load weights and instanciate policy agents and environment)
- contain all the metrics computed during testing
ROS Nodes:
- pic4rl_training(pic4rl_environment(Node))
- pic4rl_testing(pic4rl_environment(Node))
Config files:
- main_param.yaml (simulation, sensors, topics, policy selection)
- training_params.yaml (rl training settings)
- terminal 1: launch gazebo simulation ros2 launch gazebo_sim
- terminal 2: start trainer ros2 run pic4rl pic4rl_trainer
TO DO In the .bashrc export the gazebo models path:
- _export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=:<YOUR_WORKSPACE_DIR>/src/PIC4rl_gym/simulation/gazebo_sim/models _
- _export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=:<YOUR_WORKSPACE_DIR>/src/PIC4rl_gym/simulation/gazebo_sim _
Tested software versions
- ROS2 Foxy
- TensorFlow 2.6.x
- Keras 2.6.x
Try to build tf2rl
- go in the directory: ~/PIC4rl_gym/training/tf2rl
- pip install .
or install manually the packages in at ~/PIC4rl_gym/training/tf2rl/