diff --git a/diagrams/README.md b/diagrams/README.md
index 3df2157..ad5108e 100644
--- a/diagrams/README.md
+++ b/diagrams/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,37 @@
This directory is intended to act as a repository for shared graphical files such as pictures and diagrams that can then be referenced from elsewhere in the sources.
+## Index style 1 column
+| --- |
+|[CDSP System context diagram using the C4 Model for software architecture visualisation](CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg)|
+|[CDSP Container diagram using the C4 Model for software architecture visualisation](CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg)|
+| --- |
+|[CDSP C4 Model System context diagram](CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg)|
+|[CDSP C4 Model Container diagram](CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg)|
+## Index style with notes
+| --- | --- |
+|[Link](CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg)|CDSP System context diagram using the C4 Model for software architecture visualisation|
+|[Link](CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg)|CDSP System context diagram using the C4 Model for software architecture visualisation|
+| --- | --- |
+|[Link](CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg)|CDSP C4 Model System context diagram|
+|[Link](CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg)|CDSP C4 Model Container diagram|
+## Preview style
| --- | --- |
|[CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg](CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg)|Some notes about the System context diagram|
|![CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg](CDSP-C4-Model-System-Context-diagram.drawio.svg)|Some notes about the System context diagram|
||Some notes about the System context diagram|
-||Some notes about the System context diagram|
\ No newline at end of file
+||Some notes about the System context diagram|
+|[CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg](CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg)|Some notes about the System context diagram|
+|![CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg](CDSP-C4-Model-Container-diagram.drawio.svg)|Some notes about the System context diagram|
+||Some notes about the System context diagram|
+||Some notes about the System context diagram|
\ No newline at end of file