The Open Metadata View Services (OMVS) provide task oriented, domain-specific services for user interfaces to integrate with open metadata.
The view services are as follows:
glossary-author-view - develop a definition of a subject area including glossary terms, reference data and rules.
The Glossary Author OMVS is for user interfaces that support subject matter experts who are defining glossaries around data for a specific subject area, such as "customer data". It supports the development of a comprehensive definition of the subject area and the standards that support it. These definitions can then be folded into the Governance Program, and used by Asset Owner's to improve the findability and understandability of their assets by linking their asset's structure to relevant parts of the subject area definition.
rex-view - explorer interface to inspect instances across a cohort of repositories.
The Repository Explorer (Rex) OMVS is for user interfaces that support enterprise architects who need to inspect, navigate or explore the instance data stored in a repository or a cohort of repositories. It enables the retrieval of instance data (entities and relationships) and exploration of the graph of instances connected to those entities. This enables the user to construct a graph (as a diagram) to visualize the details and connectivity of a group of instances of interest to the user.
tex-view - explorer interface to inspect types across a cohort of repositories.
The Type Explorer (Tex) OMVS is for user interfaces that support enterprise architects who need to inspect, navigate or explore the open metadata types supported by a repository or a cohort of repositories. It enables the retrieval of type data (relating to entities, relationships and classifications) and exploration of the graphs of entity type inheritance and the supported combinations of entity and relationship types.
dino-view - admin interface to inspect servers, services, cohorts and platforms.
The Dino OMVS is for user interfaces that support Egeria operators who need to inspect, navigate or explore the open metadata servers, services, cohorts and platforms that are configured or actively running. It is intended for operations and problem-determination.
User Interfaces can connect to an OMVS through its REST API. The REST API interacts with a remote OMAG Server. The OMVS APIs are deployed together in a single web application.
The administration services provide the ability to configure, start and stop the view services. An example configuration document for a view server called 'viewserver', configured to communicate with a remote server called 'Server1' is:
"localServerType":"View Server",
"viewServiceFullName":"Glossary Author",
"elementTypeDescription":"A set of properties to identify and configure a connector instance.",
"description":"OMRS default audit log connection.",
"elementTypeDescription":"A set of properties describing a type of connector.",
"qualifiedName":"Console Audit Log Store Connector",
"displayName":"Console Audit Log Store Connector",
"description":"Connector supports logging of audit log messages to stdout.",
"elementTypeDescription":"Description of the network address and related information needed to call a software service.",
"description":"OMRS default audit log endpoint.",
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License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.