- Use Kafka UI instead of Kafdrop
- See if things work with all these message logging
- Try to remove logging
- Start Writing Actual code for Inventory Management
- Use nested class for Product Event. Start Writing actual code and trying things together
- Publish more information in events
- Write Actual Repository Implementations
- Write Actual Event Stream Operations
- Add Exception Translation
- Add Correlation ID Middleware
- Write Syncronizer Consumer
- Review Documentation
- Create Order Management Module
- Create Synchronizer module
- Create Infrastructure Package
- Create Order Controller
- Create Synchronizer Listeners
- Tie things together
- Somehow manage stock after order
- Listen to Stock Changes in the Inventory Management System
- Create Delivery Management using Kafka Connect
- Try to setup kakfa-connect in the bootstrap phase
- Search how to use volumes
- Look into E2E and Integration Testing with Kafka
- Create a good README (include how to setup kafka connect)
- Create Customer Module
- Create Authentication Module
- Create API Gateway
- Create WEB App
- Create Centralized Place for .avsc files
- Create Framework for Common Code
- Review InventoryProduct Modeling and applyQuantityChange method
- Validate Inventory when a new Product is created
- Send Destination Information to Shipping
- Create more unit tests, integration tests and systems test