License:This Game is about some Natural-disasters. With SATANB License by ourselves to use it.(SATA: You should give me a star, and you can use for anywhere.
OpenSource:We believe the power of community.But We also need lots of funds for this game.You know,Students are all busy.So we will open source by Python.And close source by Cpp or C(Dlls)If we need github to help us develop c/cpp dlls,We may use private repository.But please believe us.If the game isn't by Unity and UE.We just use c/cpp and python.I'm sorry to close some important parts of the game.:cry:Some tools is by c# or java.It may close-source.
For this game.We want to let someone helps us to design it.If you want to join us,please contact me at [email protected] .
The End
Last Modify Time: 09.22.2020
Last Modify Person: BugMaker-Project/lzhbhlrPython
Thanks for your stars