A Brown/RISD Game Developers project for Fall 2024.
To access:
Go to File > Clone a repository > URL Then paste the url for this repo: https://github.com/BrownRISDGameDevelopers/switchboard-operator Pick the path you want that folder to be cloned into right below Then, you can open the project from Unity at whatever path you cloned the project to.
In terminal, change the directory to the folder you want to clone the project to, then copy this command
git clone https://github.com/BrownRISDGameDevelopers/switchboard-operator
You may have to login to git/github to do the whole process.
Clone the repo and connect it to the remote. Make sure the branch is correct, main is for safe changes, dev is for changes that can brick the entire project Go into Unity Hub, import the project from the cloned repo You're all good to start working in Unity and VSCode