A tool to get Classkick Answers, if you have a homework assignment that allows you to get the answer to your problem immediately.
Create a bookmark(let), make this the URL:
javascript:(function(){fetch('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Bromine35/Classkick-Answers-Tool@main/main.js').then(r=>r.text()).then(t=>eval(t)).catch(e=>console.error('Error executing script:', e))})()
Then, click on it. There should be a popup. Type any random thing on any of the questions. In a second, the popup should contain the answer to that question.
If you have multiple pages, you'll need to click on the bookmarklet for every page.
Yes, copy all of the code in main.js and paste it in devtools console.
You'll need to use this with another personal device, or unenroll.
- Bromine35
(doxr) - script development
- adigitalmoon
finding where answers are leaked