In order to succesfully build HueHue, there's a few libraries that are used:
- RGB.NET for interfacing with RGB devices.
My get MUST be added as a package source on Visual Studio.
- CSCore for audio processing.
- MaterialDesignInXAML for UI.
- SharpDX for joystick input processing.
- Newtonsoft.Json.NET for .json manipulation.
- Spectrum for working with and converting between colorspaces.
All of these should download on first build automagically.
- ColorControl for providing the ColorPicker used on the project.
You can download and build it manually from my fork, but it is already added on \HueHue\Resources\
I also recomend using Visual Micro for working with .ino files on Visual Studio, the free version is enough, but the normal Arduino IDE or VSCode or even Notepad should be just as good.