[x] file structure
[x] Build our routes
[x] make sure pages are connected
[x] Use Switch
[x] URLsearhParams
[x] useParams
* Pull data from URL
[x] import data
[x] Type of data structure __________
[x] deconstruct data, feed into URL
[x] render fetchData into a page to test
[x] Header for Home, search.
[x] build out listDisplay
[x] item Card
[x] Id, Image, Name
[x] build item Detail
[x] Id, Name, Image, attack, defense, description, common locations
[x] useHistory to send back after button push
[x] useParams to grab PARAMS from Url
[x] useLocation to grab QUERY params URL
* key
* pathname
* hash
* state
* equipment
* materials
* monsters
* treasure
An App built in React and off the Hyrule-Compendium free API to display materials and monsters.