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File metadata and controls

212 lines (164 loc) · 9.72 KB

BrentLab/callvariants: Output


This document describes the output of the pipeline.

The pipeline will produce two output directories: work and the directory which is named by the outdir parameter (for example, results). When the pipeline has successfully completed, you should delete work.

First, the parameters debug, save_intermediates and save_reference each affect what is output.

  • save_reference should be used when you are passing additional sequences via the samplesheet, and you wish to save the concatenated genome (the main genome fasta + the additional sequences). This would be useful, for instance, when you wish to use those additional sequences in the IGV.

  • save_intermediates is similar to a verbose setting -- this will output more of the intermediate files, such as uncompressed vcf files, which are produced as the pipeline runs

  • debug should be used in addition to save_intermediates when debugging the pipeline. Even with save_intermediates, there are some steps which are not output to the outdir directory. Setting debug will ensure that all steps are actually output. This is likely only useful in debugging.

The files which are hidden by one of the parameters above are noted below.

The Output Directory

This will be named according to what you set in the submission command:

--outdir <results_dir_name>

The following subdirectories will exist, depending on the settings of debug, save_intermediates and save_reference, which control what is saved in the <OUTDIR>. Note that all input and intermediate files are stored in the work directory, so until you delete work (which you should when the pipeline successfully completes), you can find all of the files produced by the pipeline there. In general, debug and save_intermediates are set to false. save_reference is set to true by default in the genotype_check profile since it is more likely that additional fasta will be provided in the samplesheet when using the pipeline for this purpose.

Note: in general, setting save_reference is useful if you want to use the concatenated fasta (the result of appending the sample's additional_fasta to the main genome fasta) to view samples in the IGV. It is not recommended that you keep unnecessary copies of the genome long-term, however, so you should plan to delete these genomes when finished with them. They can always be easily recreated.


In the main directory, the final <sample>_markdups_tagged.bam and <sample>_markdups_tagged.bam.bai alignment files will be stored at the top level. These have been run through picard mark duplicates, and they have had the sample name and some other information added to the metadata in the file header.

If params.save_intermediates is set, then the bwamem2 and bwa indicies will be saved as subdirectories of alignment.

in the picard subdirectory, the duplicate marked intermediate bam will be saved only when the debug parameter is true. However, the mark duplicates report will always be saved here as <sample>_markdups.Markduplicates.metrics.txt.

Finally, the samtools subdirectory will always store the <sample>_sorted_markdups_tagged.flagstat, <sample>_sorted_markdups_tagged.idxstats, and <sample>_sorted_markdups_tagged.stats samtools QC files.


The fastqc subdirectory stores the output of fastQC


The multiqc subdirectory stores the result of running multiQC on the output of the pipeline. MultiQC collects and organizes the output of an enormous number of bioinformatics package. Of particular interest to most users will be the multiqc_report.html, which presents the result of this collection of the output of the pipeline processes into a nicely presented, feature rich html report that may be viewed in a browser. There is more in the multiqc subdirectory, though -- and you can learn about it from the multiqc docs


This subdirectory stores information about the pipeline and is created by the workflow. There will be the following files:

  • execution_report_<timestamp>.html gives you detailed information about the resource requests, usage, and more about each process run by the pipeline

  • execution_timeline_<timestamp>.html gives you a graph which shows how much time, and with how much parallelism, each process in the pipeline executed

  • execution_trace_<timestamp>.html is a detailed view, from the host machine, of each process. This is similar to the output you would get from looking at the execution log from your executor (slurm, LSF, ...)

  • pipeline_dag_<timestamp>.html this is a neat visualization of the directed acyclic graph which is a representation of how each process in the pipeline is related to other process through the data channels. This is likely only useful to a developer who wants to do a deep dive into how process relationships could be improved

  • software_versions.yml this is a list of softwares and version info for each software used in the pipeline. For citations, please see the CITATIONS


This will only exist when save_reference is set to true. In that case, this directory will hold the genomes used for alignment and their .fai files will exist. Genomes created by appending the additional_fasta from the samplesheet to the main genome will be named according to their <genome_name>_concat where genome_name is from the samplesheet. If debug is set to true, then the various programs which create sequence dictionaries from the genomes for the purpose of processing freebayes in chunks in parallel will also be saved. Note that the chunks are created according to some internal settings, and very short contigs from the genome fasta may be appended to previous chunks. This may not be reflected in the chunk filename, so if you suspect an issue in the interval files, make sure you actually look at them rather than only relying on the filename.


This is where the variant calling output is saved. There will be three subdirectories, cnvpytor, raw and filtered.


You are encouraged to go to the CNVpytor documentation to learn more.

There will be two types of files in the cnvpytor output.

  • .pytor files are the object used by CNVpytor, and you can use these to manually explore the depth, including nice visualizations. See the python guide in the CNVpytor documentation here.

  • .csv These are csv files which describe the depth variant regions. These are calculated over a set of bins (if you are using the kn99_haploid profile, these bins will be 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000) and there is a csv for each. There will also be _filtered.csv corresponding to the same calls if you are using the kn99_haploid profile. These have been filtered such that calls labelled deletion in the first column are only retained if the normalized_depth is greater than 1.7, records labelled deletion has less than 0.1 normalized depth, or the record is something other than a deletion or duplicate.


At the top level, there wil be <sample or group>_<freebayes/tiddit>_filtered.vcf.gz and <sample or group>_<freebayes/tiddit>_filtered.vcf.gz.tbi files. These are snpeff annotated and filtered by vcftools. There will be subdirectories bcftools_stats which stores the results of running bcftools stats on the vcfs. The snpeff subdirectory will have vcf files if debug is set to true. It will always have the .txt and .html snpEff reports


At the top level of this directory, there will be <sample or group>_<freebayes/tiddit>.vcf.gz and the corresponding <.vcf.gz.tbi> index file. Like the filtered results, there will be a snpeff subdirectory that will have vcf files only if debug is true. It will always have the .txt and .html snpeff reports. There will be a bcftools_stats subdirectory that will store the .bcftools_stats.txt QC reports on the raw files. Optionally by setting debug, there may be the subdirectories freebayes and gatk4. Note that in the freebayes subdirectory, the results of calling the variants on chunks will be stored. These are then collected by gatk4, and it is those collected files that are presented in the the top level.

IMPORTANT: in the subdirectory tiddit, there will be a file called <sample or group> which has the TIDDIT estimation of the ploidy of the sample over each contig in the genome file. There is not good documentation on how this is calculated, and I do not trust the results. As background -- TIDDIT is a tool written for tumor variant calling. I have been using it because it is one of the few that actually taks the ploidy as an argument. However, the esimated ploidy results seem nonsensical. Structural variant calling on short reads is already a frougth exercise. At some point it is worth adding another few SV callers to for comparison's sake.

Additionally, in the tiddit subdirectory, there is a bed file with coverage across some bin width. By default, the binwidth is 500. In the kn99_haploid profile, it is set to 10000. This can be used as a sanity check against CNVpytor. This is how you could go about parsing the coverage bed in R:


cov_df = read_tsv("/path/to/results/raw/tiddit/<sample>_tiddit.bed")

filtered_cov_df = cov_df %>%
    group_by(`#chromosome`) %>%
    mutate(mean_coverage = mean(coverage)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(normalized_coverage = coverage / mean_coverage) %>%
    select(-mean_coverage) %>%
    filter(normalized_coverage > 1.7 | normalized_coverage < .1)
