For training and testing, the directory structure is as follows:
|-- datasets
# train
|-- DF2K
|-- HR
|-- LR_bicubic
|-- X2
|-- X3
|-- X4
# test
|-- benchmark
|-- Set5
|-- HR
|-- LR_bicubic
|-- X2
|-- X3
|-- X4
|-- Set14
|-- HR
|-- LR_bicubic
|-- X2
|-- X3
|-- X4
|-- B100
|-- HR
|-- LR_bicubic
|-- X2
|-- X3
|-- X4
|-- Urban100
|-- HR
|-- LR_bicubic
|-- X2
|-- X3
|-- X4
|-- Manga109
|-- HR
|-- LR_bicubic
|-- X2
|-- X3
|-- X4
You can download the complete datasets we have collected.