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AD5940 Examples Change Log



  • Add notch filter example in AD5940_ADC.


  • EDA:
    • Fix bug in ISR that count is not cleared when there is error.
    • Added method to check if EDA is stopped.
  • Update ADC example to include PGA calibration.
  • Ramp example update.
    • Update default gain to 1.5.
    • Update current calculation equation.
    • Add control to restart test.
  • ECSNS_EIS example update
    • Remove redundant variable SensorBias
    • Modified initialization sequence to use BiasVolt parameter to set DC bias
    • Fixed bug in setting ac pk-pk voltage
  • Update ad5940lib submodule.
  • Improve SPI speed of ADuCM3029 by using FIFO.
    • Remove clock enable/disable option in ADCFilterCfg.
    • Added clock calculator for notch filter data.
    • Fix error of LPTIA RTIA ideal value table.
    • Fix bug the HSTIA RTIA calibration result is not steady.
    • Fix bug in PGACal, function rewrited.


  • Remove ADCFILTERCON bit[18:16] which should be reserved as value zero.
    • Existing examples are updated to remove related code.



  • Add Keil example projects for board NUCLEO-F411RE.
  • Add Keil example projects for board EVAL-ADICUP3029
  • Add on-chip temperature sensor example.


  • Clean up comments, fix spell error.
  • BAT-Impedance example updates to use HFOSC clock. Add RCAL measurements for all sweep points.
  • Update ad5940lib submodule.
    • Fix bug that SeqGenDB should be initialized.
    • Added DE1 node configuration, prepared for ADuCM355
    • Version number to 0.2.1



  • Fix frequency sweep in example BioElec, BIA, BIOZ-2wire.
  • ad5940.h: fix FIFO_STREAM bug.
  • fix warnings.



  • Add support to ADuCM355. The library(ad5940lib) support both Lower power channel 0 and channel1(only available for ADuCM355). Channel0 must be specified for AD594x.
  • Add HSDAC calibration routine
  • Add Battery Impedance example which need hardware from CircuitNote.


  • Update ad5940lib to submodule which is also available on ADI Github
  • Use CMSIS pack for MCU related library.
  • Keil projects are removed and will be added back when license is ready.


  • Function AD5940_LPDACWriteS is replaced by AD5940_LPDAC0WriteS and AD5940_LPDAC1WriteS respectively.


  • Fix warnings.



  • Add macro to identify channel ID of FIFO data.
  • Add new trim word to function AD5940_Initialize()
  • Add GPIO function AD5940_AGPIOIn() to read GPIO status.
  • Add example to show how to use Statistic Block to get mean result of ADC data. Example locates at folder AD5940_ADC.
  • Add function AD5940_HSTIARtiaCfgS() to configure HSTIA RTIA resistor. This is commonly used when there is need to dynamically change RTIA resistor when measuring impedance.
  • Add function AD5940_LPDACCal() to 'calibrate' LPDAC.
  • Add function AD5940_SEQCycleTime to calculate number of ACLK cycles that a generated sequence will take.
  • Add example Biased-EIS, this example shows how to do impedance and potentiostat together.


  • Change name SWP_RE1 to SWP_AFE2
  • Change Impedance example default parameters to measure EVAL-AD5940ELECZ on-board dummy sensor impedance.
  • Update data sheet to PrN.
  • Update SensorPal to v1011.



  • SILICON_VER macro in AD5940.H is removed. The firmware will automatically detect the silicon version based on register REG_AFECON_CHIPID in function AD5940_Initialize().


  • Fix bug in function AD5940_ADCCode2Volt() that should use signed variable.
  • Fix AD5940_LPloop example that AD5940_Initialize() function should be called right after HW reset.
  • Fix bug in function AD5940_LPDACCal that the equation used to calculate voltage from ADC code should include a 'kFactor', 1.835/1.82.



  • Add more comments.
  • Add example to test basic SPI register read/write.
  • Add BIOZ-2Wire to do 2-wire isolated impedance measurement. This is modified from BIA example. The difference is we measure the excitation voltage instead of body voltage.
  • Add AGPIO related functions.
  • Add function to configure GPIO to trigger sequence.
  • Add Sequencer example to show basic operations of sequencer.
  • Add STM8 project example and its library.


  • Change GPIO related function return type to void rather than uint32_t.
  • Change wait time in function AD5940_HWReset to 200us to ensure AD5940 has exited reset state.
  • Modify variable type to make it running on STM8L(AD5940_SPI example and AD5940.C/.H)
  • Add Reset example to show three kinds of reset source of AD5940.
  • Add function AD5940_GetChipID().
  • Add schematics. EVAL-AD5940-RevC, EVAL-AD5940LowCurrent-RevA, AD5940 Z Test.
  • Set pin RESET and CS in file xxxPORT.C.
  • Update Application Note.


  • Fix bug in BIA example that DE0 is connected to HSTIA output. It should be left OPEN.
  • Fix bug in BIA that RTIA calibration is fixed to 1K. It should be AppBIACfg.HstiaRtiaSel.
  • Fix WG example to add Trapezoid waveform generator.
  • Improve 'Impedance' example loop stability. Do not change switch matrix when the loop is turned ON.
  • Fix bug in function AD5940_CLKCfg that only configure HFOSC mode when it's enabled. Add some delay when clock configured. ADC clock divider is not configured.
  • Fix bug in function AD5940_Initialize that use sizeof to calculate byte of structure element.



  • ADC PGA offset and gain calibration function.
  • Add LPTIA offset error calibration function.
  • Add function used to translate ADC code to voltage.
  • LPTIA RTIA calibration add DC method. Set frequency to zero means do DC calibration.
  • Add PrM data sheet.
  • Add warning to select correct silicon version number. Will remove this after release.


  • Change RAMP example LPAMP power mode to BOOST3 to drive capacitive load.
  • Simplify SPI operation. The SPI commands are reduced to 4.
  • Change LPTIA RTIA calibration method to LPDAC. Using HSLOOP is not recommended.
  • Use sequencer to control WG/DFT for LPTIARTIA calibration routine to guarantee phase accuracy.
  • Change Pin name of AFE1/2/3/4.


  • Fix bug in function AD5940_Delay10us. The delay won't work if the time is too long.
  • Fix function AD5940_ClksCalculate(). Change the DataType back to its original value when calculation done.
  • Fix AD5940_ClksCalculate() when use SINC2 as data source, it need 15 extra clocks.
  • Fix RAMP bug. The CodePerStep should be always positive.
  • Fix LPTIA calibration bug. The table for Rtia resistor is wrong(12k and 10k).
  • Fix bug in function AD5940_EnterSleepS(). Need to clear register REF_AFE_SEQTRGSLP before set it to 1.
  • Fix BIA ISR function. Hibernate related codes changed.

0.1.3 (2018-5-14)


  • Fix structure for AD5940_ClksCalculate() for ECG example to calculate correct number of clocks for ADC data capture



  • Fix Impedance issue that switches settings are fixed to SE0



  • Ramp example: add support of external RTIA.


  • EDA example use SINC3 OSR changes from 2 to 5 for lower noise. Change excitation signal amplitude to 0.75*1100mV. Use 250us for HPREF to settle.
  • EDA: Add function to deal with EDA impedance baseline. The output is referred to baseline. Add UART commands: START/STOP/SETBASE/RSTBASE/GETAVR.




  • Fix some project setting to include correct source files.
  • Fix EDA example, the "repeat convert" function won't work correctly. Re-write function AD5940_LPModeCtrlS. Issue is LPMODECON.BIT3 should be cleared immediately after set it.



  • Support Silicon version 2 now. Change this by macro SILICON_VER locates in file AD5940.H
  • Add HSTIA DE node RTIA 50Ohm/100Ohm/200Ohm settings.
  • Add SWT_DE0 and SWT_DE1 option.
  • Add BiasVolt option to Impedance example. The excitation signal is now composed of AC+DC.


  • Use AD5940_HWReset() to reset AD5940.


  • Silicon version 1 won't be supported in future.
  • The name of channel 1 pins will be replaced by AFE1 to AFE4.


  • Remove LpDacMode option. This is always over-ride by LpDacSW. For Silicon 1, LPDAC mode is set to normal mode.


  • Fix bug in function AD5940_LPDACCfgS(), PowerEn and DataRst bit process is incorrect; AD5940_ClksCalculate(), ADC SINC2 and SINC3 OSR settings are index value not real OSR value. For example, 0 means ADCSINC3_OSR5.
  • Fix Impedance example bug. The last sequencer command is STOP not NOP in initialization sequence.


  • Initial release of project