Releases: BoldGrid/post-and-page-builder
Releases · BoldGrid/post-and-page-builder
What's Changed
- BG Connect Search - Purchased images not being replaced by @jamesros161 in #563
- Enhancement - tabs upsell by @jamesros161 in #567
- PX option is cut off from some popovers by @jamesros161 in #564
- Fix PPB Warnings emitted when loading Yoast SEO by @jamesros161 in #568
- Conditionally load steller.js by @jamesros161 in #569
- Border visual bug in admin by @jamesros161 in #571
- update version and readme by @jamesros161 in #578
Full Changelog: 1.26.1...1.26.2
Onboarding videos (#560) * add onboarding videos * add videos * undo version change * add dismissal methods * fix not loading * update commenting on js files * add some finishing touches * change name of help menu items
- Bug Fix: Editor is not detecting animations on content #538
- Bug Fix: Opening Advanced Controls adds a box shadow to every element #535
- Bug Fix: Tables are very wide on iOS mobile devices (12, chrome) #520
- Bug Fix: Color Neutral doesn't get removed when a new color is selected #527
- Bug Fix: Tables - color palette borders do not stay on page save #546
- Bug Fix: Adding a new row with a heading removes the column code #547
- Bug Fix: WordPress spelled with lower p on image filter error message #555
add tinycolor2 to yarn.lock
- Update: Update BoldGrid/Library to 2.13.11 to resolve PHP 8.2 compatibility issues.
update versions for rc2
= 1.24.0 =
Update: Updated plugin build from NodeJS v10.19.0 to v14.19.3
Update: Updated the following dependancies:
- babel-core 6.26.0 => 7.21.4
- babel-loader 7.1.2 => 9.1.2
- copy-webpack-plugin 4.5.1 => 11.0.0
- css-loader 0.28.7 => 6.7.3
- eslint 4.19.1 => 7.32.0
- eventemitter3 3.1.0 => 5.0.0
- file-loader 1.1.5 => 6.2.0
- gulp 3.9.1 => 4.0.2
- gulp-autoprefix 5.0.0 => 8.0.0
- gulp-concat 2.6.0 => 2.6.1
- gulp-cssnano 2.1.1 => 2.1.3
- gulp-rename 1.2.2 => 2.0.0
- gulp-sass 4.0.0 => 5.1.0
- gulp-uglify 3.0.0 => 3.0.2
- jquery 1.12.4 => 3.6.4
- jquery-ui-dist 1.12.1 => 1.13.2
- karma 2.0.4 => 2.7.5
- postcss-loader 2.1.6 => 7.2.4
- prettier 1.8.2 => 2.8.8
- prettier-eslint 8.2.2 => 15.0.1
- prettier-eslint-cli 4.4.0 => 7.1.0
- sass-loader 6.0.7 => 13.2.2
- webpack 4.0.0 => 5.81.0
- webpack-cli 2.0.12 => 5.0.2
- webpack-dev-server 3.11.2 => 4.13.3
Update: Replaced the following dependancies:
- babel-eslint => @babel/eslint-parser 7.21.3
- eslint-config-wordpress => @wordpress/eslint-plugin 14.5.0
- eslint-plugin-html => eslint-webpack-plugin 4.0.1
- babel-polyfill, babel-preset-es2015, babel-preset-stage-0 => @babel/preset-env 7.21.4
- html-webpack-plugin => html-loader 4.2.0
Update: Removed the following dependancies:
- babel-minify-webpack-plugin
- cross-env
- del
- eslint-loader
- extract-loader
- extract-text-webpack-plugin
- gulp-Debug
- gutil
- husky
- imports-loader
- jasmine-core
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-es6-shim
- karma-jasmine
- karma-phantomjs-launcher
- karma-spec-reporter
- karma-webpack
- lint-staged
- npm-run-all
- resolve-url-loader
- run-sequence
- style-loader
- stylelint-config-standard
- stylelint
- url-loader
Update: added the following dependancies:
- @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from 7.18.0
- postcss ^8.4.23
- raw-loader ^4.0.2
- remove-files-webpack-plugin ^1.5.0
- sass ^1.62.1"
- svg-inline-loader ^0.8.2"