Select a slot Event Day => Start Day: DateTime Week => Start: DateTime, End: DateTime Day => Start: DateTime, End: DateTime
Need to select the customer or create a new one
Need to determine which team to assign the job to
- Using the slot selected
- We would have all events in the global state
- Could check iterate through and check against all of them?
- Returns a list of all teams with unavailable darkened
- Admin can select from those teams
- Or if none... select any team.
- selected team => calendarId, teamId
Add to Google Calendar
Needed Data:
- DateTime of total arrival window and cleaning
- Customer Zipcode
- Customer Name
- CustomerId (as Firebase DocId)
- Team Name that is assigned
- TeamId (as Firebase DocId)
- Type of cleaning
- CalendarId (of the team that is being added)
- Can you add data to google calendar event with meta data?
Update Global state of events
- What does the global state of events look like?
- So far it's just an array of objects that
- Probably need to split the calEvents by team so it looks like: jobs: { allJobs: [{}, {}, ...] teamA: [{}, {}, {}] teamB: [{}, {}, {}] }
- Based off the team that's been assigned, add the calEvent to their respective array and allJobs for funsies.
- What does the Event look like: { id, title: String, start: new Date(), end: new Date(), details: { zipcode, duration, teamAssigned, teamId, customerName, customerId, type of job } }
- What does the global state of events look like?