diff --git a/cloud/main.js b/cloud/main.js
index 58757118f..86b295446 100644
--- a/cloud/main.js
+++ b/cloud/main.js
@@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ Parse.Cloud.job("updateLanguageRecords", async (request) => {
     request.message("Completed successfully.");
-// A background job to populate the analytics_* fields in the books table.
+// A background job to populate the analytics_* fields in our books table
+// from api.bloomlibrary.org/stats. Data comes from our postgresql analytics database populated from Segment.
 // This is scheduled on Azure under bloom-library-maintenance-{prod|dev}-daily.
 // You can also run it manually via REST:
@@ -179,45 +180,97 @@ Parse.Cloud.job("updateLanguageRecords", async (request) => {
 Parse.Cloud.job("updateBookAnalytics", async (request) => {
     request.log.info("updateBookAnalytics - Starting.");
-    function getConnectionInfo() {
+    // api.bloomlibrary.org/stats looks up analytics based on a parse server query.
+    // The api needs the appropriate parse server url and key so it can call back to the right parse server
+    // instance to get the list of books we want data about from the postgresql database.
+    function getCurrentInstanceInfoForApiQuery() {
         return {
-            url: process.env.SERVER_URL + "/",
-            headers: {
-                "X-Parse-Application-Id": process.env.APP_ID,
-            },
+            url: process.env.SERVER_URL,
+            appId: process.env.APP_ID,
-        // When testing locally, you'll need to override using something like
+        // But when testing locally, you need to explicitly set which environment you want
+        // to collect analytics data for. You'll need to override using something like
         // return {
-        //     url: "https://dev-server.bloomlibrary.org/parse/",
-        //     headers: {
-        //         "X-Parse-Application-Id":
-        //             "yrXftBF6mbAuVu3fO6LnhCJiHxZPIdE7gl1DUVGR",
-        //     },
+        //     url: "https://dev-server.bloomlibrary.org/parse",
+        //     appId: "yrXftBF6mbAuVu3fO6LnhCJiHxZPIdE7gl1DUVGR",
         // };
-    function getNumberOrZero(value) {
+    function getNumberOrZero(value, isDecimal = false) {
         if (!value) return 0;
+        if (isDecimal) {
+            const number = parseFloat(value);
+            return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number;
+        }
         const number = parseInt(value, 10);
         return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number;
+    // key/value pairs of column names to analytics results metadata
+    const analyticsColumnsMap = {
+        analytics_startedCount: {
+            apiResultName: "started",
+        },
+        analytics_finishedCount: {
+            apiResultName: "finished",
+        },
+        analytics_shellDownloads: {
+            apiResultName: "shelldownloads",
+        },
+        analytics_pdfDownloads: {
+            apiResultName: "pdfdownloads",
+        },
+        analytics_epubDownloads: {
+            apiResultName: "epubdownloads",
+        },
+        analytics_bloompubDownloads: {
+            apiResultName: "bloompubdownloads",
+        },
+        analytics_questionsInBookCount: {
+            apiResultName: "numquestionsinbook",
+        },
+        analytics_quizzesTakenCount: {
+            apiResultName: "numquizzestaken",
+        },
+        analytics_meanQuestionsCorrectPct: {
+            apiResultName: "meanpctquestionscorrect",
+            isDecimal: true,
+        },
+        analytics_medianQuestionsCorrectPct: {
+            apiResultName: "medianpctquestionscorrect",
+            isDecimal: true,
+        },
+    };
     try {
         const bloomApiUrl = "https://api.bloomlibrary.org/v1";
         // ""; // testing with a locally-run api
-        //Query the api for per-books stats for all books
+        // Query the api for per-books stats for all books.
+        // What is going on behind the scenes is actually somewhat convoluted.
+        // We give the api the query to run to get the parse books.
+        // It sends that list of books to the postgresql database to get the analytics data
+        // and returns it to us. It would be more efficient to ask the postgresql database
+        // ourselves, but the api endpoint already exists, and I didn't want to provide
+        // postgres connection information to the parse server.
         const axios = require("axios");
-        const results = await axios.post(
+        const analyticsResults = await axios.post(
                 filter: {
                     parseDBQuery: {
-                        url: `${getConnectionInfo().url}classes/books`,
+                        url: `${
+                            getCurrentInstanceInfoForApiQuery().url
+                        }/classes/books`,
                         method: "GET",
                         options: {
-                            headers: getConnectionInfo().headers,
+                            headers: {
+                                "X-Parse-Application-Id": `${
+                                    getCurrentInstanceInfoForApiQuery().appId
+                                }`,
+                            },
                             params: {
-                                limit: 1000000,
+                                limit: 1000000, // Default is 100. We want all of them.
                                 keys: "objectId,bookInstanceId",
@@ -225,30 +278,54 @@ Parse.Cloud.job("updateBookAnalytics", async (request) => {
+        const analyticsSourceData = analyticsResults.data.stats;
+        // Make a map of bookInstanceId to analytics data for efficiency
+        const bookInstanceIdToAnalyticsMap = {};
+        analyticsSourceData.forEach((bookAnalytics) => {
+            bookInstanceIdToAnalyticsMap[bookAnalytics.bookinstanceid] =
+                bookAnalytics;
+        });
-        //Loop through all books, updating analytics
+        // Get all the books in our parse database.
+        // If the analytics values need to be updated, push it into
+        // a new array of books to update.
+        const booksToUpdate = [];
         const bookQuery = new Parse.Query("books");
         bookQuery.limit(1000000); // Default is 100. We want all of them.
-        bookQuery.select("bookInstanceId");
-        const books = await bookQuery.find();
-        books.forEach((book) => {
-            const { bookInstanceId } = book.attributes;
-            const bookStats = results.data.stats.find(
-                (bookStat) => bookStat.bookinstanceid === bookInstanceId
-            );
-            book.set(
-                "analytics_finishedCount",
-                getNumberOrZero(bookStats?.finished)
-            );
-            book.set(
-                "analytics_shellDownloads",
-                getNumberOrZero(bookStats?.shelldownloads)
-            );
-            book.set("updateSource", "updateBookAnalytics");
+        bookQuery.select("bookInstanceId", ...Object.keys(analyticsColumnsMap));
+        const allBooks = await bookQuery.find();
+        allBooks.forEach((book) => {
+            const bookAnalytics =
+                bookInstanceIdToAnalyticsMap[book.get("bookInstanceId")];
+            let bookNeedsUpdate = false;
+            Object.keys(analyticsColumnsMap).forEach((columnName) => {
+                const newValue = getNumberOrZero(
+                    bookAnalytics?.[
+                        analyticsColumnsMap[columnName].apiResultName
+                    ],
+                    analyticsColumnsMap[columnName].isDecimal || false
+                );
+                if (book.get(columnName) !== newValue) {
+                    book.set(columnName, newValue);
+                    bookNeedsUpdate = true;
+                }
+            });
+            if (bookNeedsUpdate) {
+                // Important to set updateSource for proper processing in beforeSave (see details there).
+                book.set("updateSource", "updateBookAnalytics");
+                booksToUpdate.push(book);
+            }
-        //Save all books
-        const successfulUpdates = await Parse.Object.saveAll(books, {
+        request.log.info("booksToUpdate", booksToUpdate);
+        //Save any books with updated analytics.
+        const successfulUpdates = await Parse.Object.saveAll(booksToUpdate, {
             useMasterKey: true,
@@ -256,11 +333,20 @@ Parse.Cloud.job("updateBookAnalytics", async (request) => {
     } catch (error) {
         if (error.code === Parse.Error.AGGREGATE_ERROR) {
-            error.errors.forEach((iError) => {
+            const maxErrors = 20; // Don't blow up the log.
+            for (let i = 0; i < error.errors.length && i < maxErrors; i++) {
+                const iError = error.errors[i];
                     `Couldn't process ${iError.object.id} due to ${iError.message}`
-            });
+            }
+            if (error.errors.length > maxErrors) {
+                request.log.error(
+                    `${
+                        error.errors.length - maxErrors
+                    } more errors were suppressed.`
+                );
+            }
                 "updateBookAnalytics - Terminated unsuccessfully."
@@ -735,8 +821,16 @@ Parse.Cloud.define("setupTables", async () => {
                 { name: "bloomPUBVersion", type: "Number" },
                 // analytics_* fields are populated by the updateBookAnalytics job.
+                { name: "analytics_startCount", type: "Number" },
                 { name: "analytics_finishedCount", type: "Number" },
                 { name: "analytics_shellDownloads", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_pdfDownloads", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_epubDownloads", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_bloompubDownloads", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_questionsInBookCount", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_quizzesTakenCount", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_meanQuestionsCorrectPct", type: "Number" },
+                { name: "analytics_medianQuestionsCorrectPct", type: "Number" },