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File metadata and controls

54 lines (47 loc) · 2.99 KB


Version: 0.1.6 Type: application AppVersion: 62.2.4

A Helm chart to deploy a Blockdaemon TSM node to kubernetes


Name Email Url
Blockdaemon [email protected]


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
env object {} Environment variables to be passed to the TSM node deployment
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "" Image to use for deploying the TSM node
image.tag string ""
imagePullSecrets list []
index int 0
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.className string ""
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix"
ingress.tls list []
mpcService object {} Optional. Only used for flexibility to expose the mpc port outside of the cluster.
nameOverride string ""
nodeConfig.configCSISecretStore object {} The name of the CSI Secret-Store secret containing the TSM configuration file. Secret is to be deployed separately from the chart. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE with configFile and configSecretName
nodeConfig.configFile string "" The TSM configuration that will be mounted into the TSM node via a ConfigMap. Not recommended for production use. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE with configSecretName and configCSISecretStore
nodeConfig.configSecretName string "" The name of the kubernetes generic secret containing the TSM configuration file. Secret is to be deployed separately from the chart. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE with configFile and configCSISecretStore
nodeSelector object {}
podAnnotations object {}
podLabels object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
replicaCount int 1
resources object {}
sdkService object {"type":"ClusterIP"} The primary service definition for the TSM node
securityContext object {}
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.automount bool true
serviceAccount.create bool true string ""
tolerations list []
volumeMounts list [] Additional volumeMounts on the output Deployment definition.
volumes list [] Additional volumes on the output Deployment definition.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2