Blaze-Notify is a toolkit that can be used to implement notification processing for an application.
Blaze-Notify provides an abstraction for notification processing as well as a memory and a JPA base implementation that can be integrated into existing applications.
It allows to create templated notification campaigns that can be scheduled and sent to various channels. The Blaze-Expression integration makes it possible to efficiently implement recipient selection.
Blaze-Notify has support for
- Channels: SMTP, AWS SES, AWS SNS, Webhook
- Templating: Freemarker
- Bounce detection and handling
- Selector based campaigns to be able to target specific users
- In-memory model for high-performance and JPA model for persistence
- Cluster support
- Scheduled and recurring notification campaigns
WARNING: Blaze-Notify is still under heavy initial development and is not yet intended to be used!
Blaze-Notify is split up into different modules. We recommend that you define a version property in your parent pom that you can use for all artifacts. Modules are all released in one batch so you can safely increment just that property.
Alternatively you can also use our BOM in the dependencyManagement
For compiling you will only need API artifacts and for the runtime you need impl and integration artifacts.
Blaze-Notify Core module dependencies
Blaze-Notify JPA module dependencies for production workload
Blaze-Notify JPA module Blaze-Expression integration dependencies
Blaze-Notify Memory module dependencies for in-memory tests
Blaze-Actor scheduler implementation for Blaze-Notify. Use either of the two, the Spring module if you are on Spring
Blaze-Job Schedule support for Blaze-Notify. Use either of the two, the Spring module if you are on Spring
Blaze-Job Transaction support for Blaze-Notify. Use either of the three, depending on the transaction API of the target environment
Blaze-Notify Template support
Blaze-Notify Processor base implementations
Blaze-Notify has a SPI for custom channels but offers quite a few channels out of the box
Blaze-Notify SMTP channel
Blaze-Notify Slack channel
Blaze-Notify Memory channel
Blaze-Notify provides a JPA model that can be used as a basis for implementing E-Mail notifications with bounce detection.
<!-- Can be used to handle E-Mail bounces published to AWS SQS via AWS SNS -->
Currently there is no documentation other than the Javadoc.
Working with Blaze-Notify is as simple as persisting jobs that are processed, but first one needs to start a notification job context.
NotificationJobContext jobContext = NotificationJobContext.builder()
.withService(EntityManager.class, entityManager)
.withService(TemplateContext.class, TemplateContext.builder().createContext())
.withProperty(ExecutorServiceScheduler.EXECUTOR_SERVICE_PROPERTY, Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2))
// No need for trigger based jobs in this example
.withJobProcessorFactory(NotificationJobProcessorFactory.of((context, jobTrigger) -> null))
.withJobInstanceProcessorFactory(NotificationJobInstanceProcessorFactory.of((context, jobInstance) -> EmailNotificationJobInstanceProcessor.INSTANCE))
// Only necessary for notification producing jobs
.withProperty(SmtpChannel.SMTP_HOST_PROPERTY, "")
.withProperty(SmtpChannel.SMTP_PORT_PROPERTY, 25)
.withProperty(SmtpChannel.SMTP_USER_PROPERTY, "test")
.withProperty(SmtpChannel.SMTP_PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "test")
With that in place, we can create a notification job.
FromEmail from = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT e FROM FromEmail e WHERE = '[email protected]'", FromEmail.class)
EmailNotification emailNotification = new EmailNotification();
emailNotification.setTo("[email protected]");
emailNotification.setBodyText("Hey my friend!");
The job is scheduled, executed and then marked as done.
This distribution, as a whole, is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt).
Project Site: (coming at some point)