Fast and Accurate EMRI Waveforms Tutorial¶
+Here we provide a set of examples for creating EMRI waveforms as a whole; looking at separate creation pieces (trajectory, amplitude, summation, etc.); and creating your own module to build directly into this framework. For details on the specifics of our waveforms like constructions used and generally methodology, we refer you to our paper (TODO: add arxiv) and the package documentation.
+Import packages:
+import sys
+import os
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+%matplotlib inline
+import numpy as np
+sys.path.insert(0, '../')
+from few.trajectory.flux import RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral
+from few.amplitude.romannet import RomanAmplitude
+from few.amplitude.interp2dcubicspline import Interp2DAmplitude
+from few.waveform import FastSchwarzschildEccentricFlux, SlowSchwarzschildEccentricFlux
+from few.utils.overlap import get_overlap, get_mismatch
+from few.utils.ylm import GetYlms
+from few.utils.modeselector import ModeSelector
+from few.summation.interpolatedmodesum import CubicSplineInterpolant
+from few.waveform import SchwarzschildEccentricWaveformBase
+from few.summation.interpolatedmodesum import InterpolatedModeSum
+from few.summation.directmodesum import DirectModeSum
+from few.utils.constants import *
Full EMRI Waveforms¶
+In the section, we will describe how to create EMRI waveforms with both our fast and slow EMRI waveform model. The current full models include `FastSchwarzschildEccentricFlux
<>`__ and `SlowSchwarzschildEccentricFlux
<>`__. These are fast and slow versions of models that evolve
+eccentric flux-based trajectories in a Schwarzschild background. The fast model can be run exactly as shown here on CPUs or GPUs by providing the correct initialization arguments.
The waveform model produces $h(t) = h_p - ih_c(t) $. It takes as arguments \(\{M, \mu, p_0, e_0, \Phi_{\phi,0}, \Phi_{r, 0}\}\). \(M\) is the larger mass (\(M_\odot\)), \(\mu\) is the compact object mass (\(M_\odot\)), \(p_0\) is the initial semi-latus rectum (dimensionless), \(e_0\) is the initial eccentricity, and the final two are the initial phases in \(\phi, r\).
+The fast waveform generates sparse trajectories with ~100 points. Amplitudes for all modes are then determined with ROMAN network. From these amplitudes, we perform mode selection to remove modes that do not contribute significantly to the waveform. The remaining modes and phases are then interpolated with cubic splines. In one final step, the amplitude, phase, and angular harmonic information is then combined with an interpolated summation.
Trajectory Module:
+Amplitude Module:
+Summation Module:
+Mode Selection:
+Angular Harmonics:
+use_gpu = False
+# keyword arguments for inspiral generator (RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral)
+ "DENSE_STEPPING": 0, # we want a sparsely sampled trajectory
+ "max_init_len": int(1e3), # all of the trajectories will be well under len = 1000
+ }
+# keyword arguments for inspiral generator (RomanAmplitude)
+amplitude_kwargs = {
+ "max_input_len": int(1e3), # all of the trajectories will be well under len = 1000
+ "use_gpu": use_gpu # GPU is available in this class
+# keyword arguments for Ylm generator (GetYlms)
+Ylm_kwargs = {
+ "assume_positive_m": False # if we assume positive m, it will generate negative m for all m>0
+# keyword arguments for summation generator (InterpolatedModeSum)
+sum_kwargs = {
+ "use_gpu": use_gpu, # GPU is availabel for this type of summation
+ "pad_output": False,
+few = FastSchwarzschildEccentricFlux(
+ inspiral_kwargs=inspiral_kwargs,
+ amplitude_kwargs=amplitude_kwargs,
+ Ylm_kwargs=Ylm_kwargs,
+ sum_kwargs=sum_kwargs,
+ use_gpu=use_gpu,
+# parameters
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 12.0
+e0 = 0.4
+theta = np.pi/3 # polar viewing angle
+phi = np.pi/4 # azimuthal viewing angle
+dt = 10.0
+wave = few(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, dt=dt, T=1.0) # assumes dt = 10.0 for max T = 1.0 year
+dt = 10.0
+t = np.arange(len(wave)) * dt
+[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x106862b10>]
+plt.plot(t[-1000:], wave.real[-1000:])
+plt.plot(t[-1000:], wave.imag[-1000:])
+[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb1a427350>]
To get shorter waveforms, you can provide the T
kwarg for the function call. This is the observation time in years. You can also adjust dt
. This is the time change in samples in seconds.
+# parameters
+M = 1e5
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 8.0
+e0 = 0.1
+theta = np.pi/3 # polar viewing angle
+phi = np.pi/4 # azimuthal viewing angle
+dt = 10.0 # seconds
+T = 0.1 # years
+wave = few(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, T=T, dt=dt)
+# we can check how many harmonic modes are kept
+t = np.arange(len(wave))*dt
+plt.plot(t, wave.real)
+plt.plot(t, wave.imag)
+dt*(len(wave) - 1)
+../few/utils/ UserWarning: With p0 = 8.0 < 10, the user must be careful the trajectory does not lie above the p0=10 e0=0.7 curve.
+ p0
The eps
kwarg will change the mode content of the waveform. Lowering it add modes. Increasing it will remove modes. The default is \(10^{-5}\). This is generally recommended as good setting for good overlaps across the available parameter space.
+dt = 15.0 # seconds
+T = 0.005 # years
+wave1 = few(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, T=T, dt=dt, eps=1e-5) # default
+# we can check how many harmonic modes are kept
+modes1 = few.num_modes_kept
+wave2 = few(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, T=T, dt=dt, eps=1e-2)
+modes2 = few.num_modes_kept
+plt.plot(wave1.real, label=r'$10^{-2}$')
+plt.plot(wave2.real, label=r'$10^{-2}$')
+# we can also compute the mismatch when removing modes
+mm = get_mismatch(wave1, wave2)
+# we can check how many modes were kept
+print('wave used {} modes. wave2 used {} modes. The mismatch was {}'.format(modes1, modes2, mm))
+../few/utils/ UserWarning: With p0 = 8.0 < 10, the user must be careful the trajectory does not lie above the p0=10 e0=0.7 curve.
+ p0
+wave used 457 modes. wave2 used 26 modes. The mismatch was 0.0011803979666252795
+The slow waveform generates dense trajectories with at every dt
seconds within T
years. Amplitudes for all modes are then determined with a 2d bicubic spline over semi-latus rectum and eccentricity for each mode. This is done at each dense time step. We do not perform mode selection because this is the slow and most accurate model against which we compare the fast model. The final summation is a direct combination of phase, amplitude, and Ylm information at each dense timestep.
Note: One thing to pay attention to with the slow waveform is batch size. This is determined by memory limits. Usually anything under ~10000 is fine.
Trajectory Module:
+Amplitude Module:
+Summation Module:
+Mode Selection: None
+Angular Harmonics:
+use_gpu = False
+# keyword arguments for inspiral generator (RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral)
+ "DENSE_STEPPING": 1, # we want a sparsely sampled trajectory
+ "max_init_len": int(1e7), # dense stepping trajectories
+ }
+# keyword arguments for inspiral generator (RomanAmplitude)
+amplitude_kwargs = {
+ "max_input_len": int(1e4), # this must be >= batch_size
+# keyword arguments for Ylm generator (GetYlms)
+Ylm_kwargs = {
+ "assume_positive_m": False # if we assume positive m, it will generate negative m for all m>0
+# keyword arguments for summation generator (InterpolatedModeSum)
+sum_kwargs = {
+ "use_gpu": use_gpu # GPU is available for this type of summation
+slow = SlowSchwarzschildEccentricFlux(
+ inspiral_kwargs=inspiral_kwargs,
+ amplitude_kwargs=amplitude_kwargs,
+ Ylm_kwargs=Ylm_kwargs,
+ sum_kwargs=sum_kwargs,
+ use_gpu=use_gpu,
+# parameters
+T = 0.005 # years
+dt = 15.0 # seconds
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 8.0
+e0 = 0.2
+theta = np.pi/3 # polar viewing angle
+phi = np.pi/4 # azimuthal viewing angle
+batch_size = int(1e4)
+slow_wave = slow(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, T=T, dt=dt, batch_size=batch_size, mode_selection='all')
+../few/utils/ UserWarning: With p0 = 8.0 < 10, the user must be careful the trajectory does not lie above the p0=10 e0=0.7 curve.
+ p0
+fast_wave = few(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, T=T, dt=dt)
+print('Length check:', len(fast_wave), len(slow_wave))
+print('Mismatch:', get_mismatch(slow_wave, fast_wave))
+Length check: 10520 10520
+Mismatch: 2.309036390568675e-05
Trajectory Module¶
+The trajectory module generates orbital and phase trajectories, \(G(t)\), for an EMRI orbit:
- :nbsphinx-math:`begin{equation}
G(t) = {p(t), e(t), iota(t), Phi_phi(t), Phi_theta(t), Phi_r(t)}
+with inputs \(M, \mu, p_0, e_0, \iota_0, \Phi_{\phi,0}, \Phi_{\theta,0}, \Phi_{r, 0}\). \(M\) is the larger mass (\(M_\odot\)), \(\mu\) is the compact object mass (\(M_\odot\)), \(p_0\) is the initial semi-latus rectum (dimensionless), \(e_0\) is the initial eccentricity, and the final three are the initial phases in \(\phi, \theta, r\). When working in equatorial orbits, \(\iota(t)\) and \(\Phi_\theta(t)\) are zero. The trajectory module also produces the +gravitational wave flux for normalization information.
+Run a basic trajectory¶
+# initialize trajectory class
+traj = RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral()
+# set initial parameters
+M = 1e5
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 10.0
+e0 = 0.7
+# run trajectory
+t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux = traj(M, mu, p0, e0)
+fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3)
+fig.set_size_inches(14, 8)
+axes = axes.ravel()
+ylabels = [r'$e$', r'$p$', r'$e$', r'$\Phi_\phi$', r'$\Phi_\theta$', r'$\Phi_r$']
+xlabels = [r'$p$', r'$t$', r'$t$', r'$t$', r'$t$', r'$t$', r'$t$', r'$t$']
+ys = [e, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux]
+xs = [p, t, t, t, t, t]
+for i, (ax, x, y, xlab, ylab) in enumerate(zip(axes, xs, ys, xlabels, ylabels)):
+ ax.plot(x, y)
+ ax.set_xlabel(xlab, fontsize=16)
+ ax.set_ylabel(ylab, fontsize=16)
Defining a new t vector¶
+new_t = np.arange(0, 1e6, 1.0)
+# set initial parameters
+M = 1e5
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 10.0
+e0 = 0.7
+# a warning will be thrown if the new_t array goes beyond the time array output from the trajectory
+t1, p1, e1, Phi_phi1, Phi_r1, flux1 = traj(M, mu, p0, e0, new_t=new_t, upsample=True)
+# you can cut the excess on these arrays by setting fix_t to True
+t2, p2, e2, Phi_phi2, Phi_r2, flux2 = traj(M, mu, p0, e0, new_t=new_t, upsample=True, fix_t=True)
+plt.plot(t1, Phi_phi1, label=r'$\Phi_\phi$')
+plt.plot(t1, Phi_r1, label=r'$\Phi_r$')
+print('t1 max:', t1.max(), 't2 max:', t2.max())
+../few/utils/ UserWarning: new_t array goes beyond generated t array. If you want to cut the t array at the end of the trajectory, set fix_t to True.
+ "new_t array goes beyond generated t array. If you want to cut the t array at the end of the trajectory, set fix_t to True."
+t1 max: 999999.0 t2 max: 464369.0
Defining dt and T¶
+dt = 15.0
+T = 0.005 # years
+# set initial parameters
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 10.0
+e0 = 0.7
+t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux = traj(M, mu, p0, e0, dt=dt, T=T, upsample=True, fix_t=True)
+plt.plot(t, Phi_phi, label=r'$\Phi_\phi$')
+plt.plot(t, Phi_r, label=r'$\Phi_r$')
+<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0xb19a86fd0>
Getting dimensionless time (\(t/M\))¶
+# set initial parameters
+M = 1e5
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 10.0
+e0 = 0.7
+t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux = traj(M, mu, p0, e0, in_coordinate_time=False)
+plt.plot(t, Phi_phi, label=r'$\Phi_\phi$')
+plt.plot(t, Phi_r, label=r'$\Phi_r$')
+print('Dimensionless time step:', t[1] - t[0])
+Dimensionless time step: 20.30254435170025
Dense Stepping¶
+# initialize trajectory class
+dense_traj = RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral(DENSE_STEPPING=1, max_input_len=int(1e7))
+dt = 15.0
+T = 0.005 # years
+# set initial parameters
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 10.0
+e0 = 0.7
+t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux = dense_traj(M, mu, p0, e0, dt=dt, T=T)
Amplitude Module¶
+The amplitude module generates the complex mode amplitudes for each harmonic mode requested, \(A_{lmkn}(t)\) (\(k=0\) for equatorial orbits). With Schwarzschild eccentric amplitudes, the user provides \(p\) and \(e\) as arrays and is returned the requested Teukolsky modes in a 2D array of shape (trajectory length, number of modes).
+ROMAN amplitude generation¶
+ROMAN uses a reduced order model representing the mode amplitude space. It then trains a neural network on this reduced model. The neural network is evaluated and the resulting matrix is transformed from the reduced basis back to the full mode space.
+# initialize ROMAN class
+amp = RomanAmplitude(max_input_len=5000) # max_input_len creates memory buffers
+p = np.linspace(10.0, 14.0)
+e = np.linspace(0.1, 0.7)
+p_all, e_all = np.asarray([temp.ravel() for temp in np.meshgrid(p, e)])
+print('Total trajectory points:', p_all.shape[0])
+teuk_modes = amp(p_all, e_all)
+# look at the contours of the (2,2,0) mode
+cb = plt.contourf(p, e, np.abs(teuk_modes[:, amp.special_index_map[(2,2,0)]].reshape(len(p), len(e))))
+Total trajectory points: 2500
+Text(0, 0.5, 'e')
Specific modes can be selected by providing a list of tuple of (l,m,n) values as the specific_modes
+# (2, 2, 0) and (7, -3, 1) modes
+specific_modes = [(2, 2, 0), (7, -3, 1)]
+# notice this returns a dictionary with keys as the mode tuple and values as the mode values at all trajectory points
+specific_teuk_modes = amp(p_all, e_all, specific_modes=specific_modes)
+# we can find the index to these modes to check
+inds = np.array([amp.special_index_map[lmn] for lmn in specific_modes])
+print('Indices of interest:', inds)
+# make sure they are the same
+print(np.allclose(specific_teuk_modes[(2, 2, 0)], teuk_modes[:, inds[0]]))
+# to check -m modes we need to take the conjugate
+print(np.allclose(specific_teuk_modes[(7, -3, 1)], np.conj(teuk_modes[:, inds[1]])))
+# look at the contours of the (220)mode
+cb = plt.contourf(p, e, np.abs(specific_teuk_modes[(2, 2, 0)].reshape(len(p), len(e))))
+Indices of interest: [ 640 1922]
+Text(0, 0.5, 'e')
Interpolate modes with bicubic spline¶
+For this amplitude generator, amplitudes are interpolated in 2D (\(p\) and \(e\)) using bicubic splines. They are then evaluated for the desired modes. This is used to produce our slow waveform. This will also not scale well with dimensionality. Note: Specific modes can be selected in the same way as above.
+# initialize class
+amp2 = Interp2DAmplitude()
+p = np.linspace(10.0, 14.0)
+e = np.linspace(0.1, 0.7)
+p_all, e_all = np.asarray([temp.ravel() for temp in np.meshgrid(p, e)])
+print('Total trajectory points:', p_all.shape[0])
+# to get all modes we can simply do this
+teuk_modes = amp2(p_all, e_all)
+# look at the contours of the (220) mode
+cb = plt.contourf(p, e, np.abs(teuk_modes[:, amp2.special_index_map[(2,2,0)]].reshape(len(p), len(e))))
+Total trajectory points: 2500
+Text(0, 0.5, 'e')
Spin-weighted spherical harmonics¶
+few = FastSchwarzschildEccentricFlux() # get mode information
+ylm_gen = GetYlms(assume_positive_m=False, use_gpu=False)
+ls = np.array([2, 3, 4, 5])
+ms = np.array([2, 2, 3, 3])
+# viewing angles
+theta = np.pi/3
+phi = np.pi/4
+print(ylm_gen(ls, ms, theta, phi))
+[ 2.17261840e-17+3.54815511e-01j -1.28533838e-17-2.09911687e-01j
+ 1.24292687e-16-1.24292687e-16j -2.46692086e-01+2.46692086e-01j]
If we assume positive m, it will return -m entries for all +m. The last 5 below are for -m. The final shape will be twice the initial length and will duplicate m=0 so be careful.
+ylm_gen = GetYlms(assume_positive_m=True, use_gpu=False)
+ls = np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 2])
+ms = np.array([2, 2, 3, 3, 0])
+# viewing angles
+theta = np.pi/3
+phi = np.pi/4
+ylms = ylm_gen(ls, ms, theta, phi)
+for l, m, ylm in zip(ls, ms, ylms[:5]):
+ print('({},{}):'.format(l, m), ylm)
+for l, m, ylm in zip(ls, ms, ylms[5:]):
+ print('({},-{}):'.format(l, m), ylm)
+(2,2): (2.1726183986132194e-17+0.35481551090908514j)
+(3,2): (-1.2853383784425917e-17-0.2099116870819398j)
+(4,3): (1.242926870060164e-16-1.2429268700601641e-16j)
+(5,3): (-0.24669208642519044+0.2466920864251905j)
+(2,0): (0.2897056515173922+0j)
+(2,-2): (2.4140204429035754e-18-0.039423945656564985j)
+(3,-2): (-9.997076276775717e-18+0.16326464550817543j)
+(4,-3): (-0.12119256904280647-0.12119256904280648j)
+(5,-3): (0.2357279936951819+0.23572799369518196j)
+(2,-0): (0.2897056515173922+0j)
Mode Selection¶
+The mode selection module is paramount to the computational efficiency of this model. Below we show how we perform this selection operation by moving from a set of amplitudes to only those that contribute.
+# first, lets get amplitudes for a trajectory
+traj = RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral()
+# parameters
+M = 1e5
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 11.0
+e0 = 0.3
+theta = np.pi/3.
+phi = np.pi/2.
+t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux = traj(M, mu, p0, e0)
+# get amplitudes along trajectory
+amp = RomanAmplitude()
+teuk_modes = amp(p, e)
+# get ylms
+ylms = ylm_gen(amp.unique_l, amp.unique_m, theta, phi).copy()[amp.inverse_lm]
+# select modes
+mode_selector = ModeSelector(amp.m0mask, use_gpu=False)
+eps = 1e-5 # tolerance on mode contribution to total power
+modeinds = [amp.l_arr, amp.m_arr, amp.n_arr]
+(teuk_modes_in, ylms_in, ls, ms, ns) = mode_selector(teuk_modes, ylms, modeinds, eps=eps)
+print("We reduced the mode content from {} modes to {} modes.".format(teuk_modes.shape[1], teuk_modes_in.shape[1]))
+We reduced the mode content from 3843 modes to 584 modes.
The actual method/code used for the mode selection can be seen here:
+# get the power in the teukolsky modes
+power = (
+ np.abs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ [teuk_modes, np.conj(teuk_modes[:, amp.m0mask])], axis=1
+ )
+ * ylms
+ )
+ ** 2
+# sort and cumsum
+inds_sort = np.argsort(power, axis=1)[:, ::-1]
+power = np.sort(power, axis=1)[:, ::-1]
+cumsum = np.cumsum(power, axis=1)
+inds_keep = np.full(cumsum.shape, True)
+# keep modes that contribute to within the threshold of the total power
+# This is done independently at each time step
+inds_keep[:, 1:] = cumsum[:, :-1] < cumsum[:, -1][:, np.newaxis] * (
+ 1 - eps
+temp = inds_sort[inds_keep]
+# adjust for indices with -m modes
+temp = temp * (temp < amp.num_m_zero_up) + (temp - amp.num_m_1_up) * (
+ temp >= amp.num_m_zero_up
+# take the union of all contributing modes over all time steps
+keep_modes = np.unique(temp)
+# set up for ylms
+temp2 = keep_modes * (keep_modes < amp.num_m0) + (
+ keep_modes + amp.num_m_1_up
+) * (keep_modes >= amp.num_m0)
+# adjust for -m modes
+ylmkeep = np.concatenate([keep_modes, temp2])
+# arrays kept
+out1 = (teuk_modes[:, keep_modes], ylms[ylmkeep])
+# mode indexes kept
+out2 = tuple([arr[keep_modes] for arr in modeinds])
+teuk_modes_in, ylms_in, ls, ms, ns = out1 + out2
+print(np.array([ls, ms, ns]).T, len(ls))
+[[ 2 0 -30]
+ [ 2 0 -29]
+ [ 2 0 -28]
+ ...
+ [ 10 10 28]
+ [ 10 10 29]
+ [ 10 10 30]] 584
Parallelized Cubic Spline Interpolation¶
+A part of the Fast EMRI waveforms package is parallelized cubic spline interpolation. This generally means fitting and evaluating many splines in parallel with the same input x array. This is available for GPUs and CPUs (OMP). The user can perform this operation entirely in Python while leveraging CuPy for GPUs. However, the evaluation will not be as efficient as when it is implemented properly in a customized kernel. The spline class +(CubicSplineInterpolant) can provide an 1D flattened array of all spline coefficients for use in a custom CUDA kernel.
+# let's take the amplitudes from the last step and spline those.
+# We have to arange everything in the shape (ninterps, length)
+# We will split real and imaginary components
+interp_in = np.zeros((teuk_modes.shape[1] * 2, teuk_modes.shape[0]))
+interp_in[:teuk_modes.shape[1], :] = teuk_modes.T.real
+interp_in[teuk_modes.shape[1]:, :] = teuk_modes.T.imag
+spline = CubicSplineInterpolant(t, interp_in)
+# get new values
+t_new = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], 1000)
+# notice the new shape is (ninterps, length) just like the inital input to the spline
+new_teuk_modes = spline(t_new)
+# (220) mode (real part)
+ind = amp.special_index_map[(2, 2, 0)]
+plt.plot(t_new, new_teuk_modes[ind], label='interpolated')
+plt.plot(t, teuk_modes[:, ind].real, '--', label='original')
+<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0xb202a6250>
To get the array of interp coefficients for CUDA implementations, do the following. The underlying shape of the array is (4, length, ninterps). It is flattened though for entry into GPU kernel.
+array([-3.54810537e-05, -4.01422809e-05, -4.48887306e-05, ...,
+ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00])
Mode Summation¶
+Mode summation is the bottleneck of this calculation. We handle this in two ways: interpolation for fast waveforms and direct summation for slow waveforms. They both have the same interface and produce the same product. They take Teukolsky modes and phases and combine that information to create the waveform.
+Interpolated summation¶
+To maximize efficiency we use the cubic spline discussed above to accelerate the computation with interpolation and parallelized summation (on the GPU or OpenMP). This class is InterpolatedModeSum.
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 12.0
+e0 = 0.4
+theta = np.pi/5.
+phi = np.pi/3.
+T = 0.001
+dt = 10.0
+Tsec = T * YRSID_SI
+traj = RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral()
+amp = RomanAmplitude()
+interpolate_mode_sum = InterpolatedModeSum()
+ylm_gen = GetYlms(assume_positive_m=False)
+# very simplified waveform example
+# get trajectory
+(t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, amp_norm) = traj(M, mu, p0, e0, T=T, dt=dt)
+ylms = ylm_gen(amp.unique_l, amp.unique_m, theta, phi).copy()[
+ amp.inverse_lm
+# amplitudes
+teuk_modes = amp(p, e, amp.l_arr, amp.m_arr, amp.n_arr)
+# need to prepare arrays for sum with all modes due to +/- m setup
+ls = amp.l_arr[: teuk_modes.shape[1]]
+ms = amp.m_arr[: teuk_modes.shape[1]]
+ns = amp.n_arr[: teuk_modes.shape[1]]
+keep_modes = np.arange(teuk_modes.shape[1])
+temp2 = keep_modes * (keep_modes < amp.num_m0) + (
+ keep_modes + amp.num_m_1_up
+) * (keep_modes >= amp.num_m0)
+ylmkeep = np.concatenate([keep_modes, temp2])
+ylms_in = ylms[ylmkeep]
+teuk_modes_in = teuk_modes
+# summation
+waveform1 = interpolate_mode_sum(t, teuk_modes_in, ylms_in, dt, Tsec, Phi_phi, Phi_r, amp.m_arr, amp.n_arr)
+[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb1ab8f910>]
Direct summation¶
+For the direct mode summation, DirectModeSum, we are summing up all modes at each time step directly. So, no interpolation. However, in this example, we will use interpolation up front because we need amplitude and phase arrays at all time steps for the direct mode sum because the direct mode sum will not fill in time steps like the interpolated +mode sum.
+interp_in = np.zeros((teuk_modes.shape[1] * 2, teuk_modes.shape[0]))
+interp_in[:teuk_modes.shape[1], :] = teuk_modes.T.real
+interp_in[teuk_modes.shape[1]:, :] = teuk_modes.T.imag
+spline = CubicSplineInterpolant(t, interp_in)
+# get new valu`es
+t_new = np.arange(t[0], t[-1], dt)
+interp_in2 = np.zeros((2, teuk_modes.shape[0]))
+interp_in2[0] = Phi_phi
+interp_in2[1] = Phi_r
+spline2 = CubicSplineInterpolant(t, interp_in2)
+Phi_phi_in, Phi_r_in = spline2(t_new)
+# notice the new shape is (ninterps, length) just like the inital input to the spline
+temp = spline(t_new).T
+teuk_modes_in = temp[:, :teuk_modes.shape[1]] + temp[:, teuk_modes.shape[1]:]*1j
+direct_mode_sum = DirectModeSum()
+waveform2 = direct_mode_sum(t, teuk_modes_in, ylms_in, dt, Tsec, Phi_phi_in, Phi_r_in, amp.m_arr[:teuk_modes.shape[1]], amp.n_arr[:teuk_modes.shape[1]])
+plt.plot(t_new, waveform1.real)
+plt.plot(t_new, waveform2.real)
+print('Mismatch:', get_mismatch(waveform1, waveform2))
+Mismatch: 2.220446049250313e-16
Creating modules¶
+In addition to using our built-in modules and waveforms, you can easily create your own module or waveform. Below is an example of creating your own trajectory module and using it in a custom waveform. If you can get a reasonably fast trajectory from your specific brand of EMRI physics, you can be generating waveforms in no time! Please see the `documentation <>`__ on this for more details on the constructions behind this.
+Important Note: If you do use this package to examine EMRI analysis problems, please contact the authors of this code (see docs) about possible collaboration and/or contribution.
+Post-Newtonian trajectory¶
+The example will be to implement a Post-Newtonian trajectory in a Schwarzschild eccentric waveform. This will be done purely in Python. However, most of our modules have backends in C/C++/CUDA for maximum efficiency. If you have a trajectory in python and want to see if it can be ported for speed, please contact the authors.
+To get started, we will import an integrator (DOP853) and a library for elliptical integrals that mirrors the mathematica format mpmath
. You can run:
pip install mpmath
in your conda environment to attain that library.
+We will also import necessary things from our package. This includes constants from few.utils.constants
, as well as two base classes to be inherited by the new module.
The first base class is SchwarzschildEccentric base class that passes information specific to any Schwarzschild eccentric waveform (number of modes, (l,m,n) pairs, etc.). It also has methods for general sanity checks in these limits for input parameters, trajectories, and other things. You can see the documentation for more detail on its properties.
+The other base class is TrajectoryBase. This houses both information for trajectory modules, as well as the interface that should be common to all trajectory modules (i.e. call function). It allows for flexible parameter calling +interfaces, but ensures the strict interface will be the same for all trajectory modules. Trajectory modules must implement the method get_inspial. The common interface uses this to generate the specific trajectory.
+This is a common theme amongst module and waveform creation. The user will take one parent abstract base class related to the waveform limits, domain of validity, and its waveform properties, and one parent abstract based class for the module type (like trajectory or summation).
+# we need to import an integrator and elliptic integrals
+from mpmath import *
+from scipy.integrate import DOP853
+# base classes
+from few.utils.baseclasses import TrajectoryBase
+from few.utils.baseclasses import SchwarzschildEccentric
+# settings for elliptic integrals
+mp.dps = 25
+mp.pretty = True
+# constants from our package
+from few.utils.constants import MTSUN_SI, YRSID_SI, Pi
+# for common interface with C/mathematica
+def Power(x, n):
+ return x**n
+def Sqrt(x):
+ return np.sqrt(x)
+# this is class object just to hold epsilon as it steps
+# this class is instantiated and then run like the derivative function in the integrator (ex. dydt)
+class PN:
+ def __init__(self, epsilon):
+ self.epsilon = epsilon
+ def __call__(self, t, y):
+ # mass ratio
+ epsilon = self.epsilon
+ # extract the four evolving parameters
+ p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r = y
+ # guard against bad integration steps
+ if e >= 1.0 or e < 1e-2 or p < 6.0 or (p - 6 - 2* e) < 0.1:
+ return [0.0, 0.0]
+ # perform elliptic calculations
+ EllipE = ellipe(4*e/(p-6.0+2*e))
+ EllipK = ellipk(4*e/(p-6.0+2*e))
+ EllipPi1 = ellippi(16*e/(12.0 + 8*e - 4*e*e - 8*p + p*p), 4*e/(p-6.0+2*e))
+ EllipPi2 = ellippi(2*e*(p-4)/((1.0+e)*(p-6.0+2*e)), 4*e/(p-6.0+2*e))
+ # Azimuthal frequency
+ Omega_phi = (2*Power(p,1.5))/(Sqrt(-4*Power(e,2) + Power(-2 + p,2))*(8 + ((-2*EllipPi2*(6 + 2*e - p)*(3 + Power(e,2) - p)*Power(p,2))/((-1 + e)*Power(1 + e,2)) - (EllipE*(-4 + p)*Power(p,2)*(-6 + 2*e + p))/(-1 + Power(e,2)) +
+ (EllipK*Power(p,2)*(28 + 4*Power(e,2) - 12*p + Power(p,2)))/(-1 + Power(e,2)) + (4*(-4 + p)*p*(2*(1 + e)*EllipK + EllipPi2*(-6 - 2*e + p)))/(1 + e) + 2*Power(-4 + p,2)*(EllipK*(-4 + p) + (EllipPi1*p*(-6 - 2*e + p))/(2 + 2*e - p)))/
+ (EllipK*Power(-4 + p,2))))
+ # Post-Newtonian calculations
+ yPN = pow(Omega_phi,2./3.)
+ EdotPN = (96 + 292*Power(e,2) + 37*Power(e,4))/(15.*Power(1 - Power(e,2),3.5)) * pow(yPN, 5)
+ LdotPN = (4*(8 + 7*Power(e,2)))/(5.*Power(-1 + Power(e,2),2)) * pow(yPN, 7./2.)
+ # flux
+ Edot = -epsilon*(EdotPN)
+ Ldot = -epsilon*(LdotPN)
+ # time derivatives
+ pdot = (-2*(Edot*Sqrt((4*Power(e,2) - Power(-2 + p,2))/(3 + Power(e,2) - p))*(3 + Power(e,2) - p)*Power(p,1.5) + Ldot*Power(-4 + p,2)*Sqrt(-3 - Power(e,2) + p)))/(4*Power(e,2) - Power(-6 + p,2))
+ edot = -((Edot*Sqrt((4*Power(e,2) - Power(-2 + p,2))/(3 + Power(e,2) - p))*Power(p,1.5)*
+ (18 + 2*Power(e,4) - 3*Power(e,2)*(-4 + p) - 9*p + Power(p,2)) +
+ (-1 + Power(e,2))*Ldot*Sqrt(-3 - Power(e,2) + p)*(12 + 4*Power(e,2) - 8*p + Power(p,2)))/
+ (e*(4*Power(e,2) - Power(-6 + p,2))*p))
+ Phi_phi_dot = Omega_phi;
+ Phi_r_dot = (p*Sqrt((-6 + 2*e + p)/(-4*Power(e,2) + Power(-2 + p,2)))*Pi)/(8*EllipK + ((-2*EllipPi2*(6 + 2*e - p)*(3 + Power(e,2) - p)*Power(p,2))/((-1 + e)*Power(1 + e,2)) - (EllipE*(-4 + p)*Power(p,2)*(-6 + 2*e + p))/(-1 + Power(e,2)) +
+ (EllipK*Power(p,2)*(28 + 4*Power(e,2) - 12*p + Power(p,2)))/(-1 + Power(e,2)) + (4*(-4 + p)*p*(2*(1 + e)*EllipK + EllipPi2*(-6 - 2*e + p)))/(1 + e) + 2*Power(-4 + p,2)*(EllipK*(-4 + p) + (EllipPi1*p*(-6 - 2*e + p))/(2 + 2*e - p)))/Power(-4 + p,2))
+ dydt = [pdot, edot, Phi_phi_dot, Phi_r_dot]
+ return dydt
+# this is the actual class that implements a PN trajectory. It uses the PN class in the integrator.
+class PnTrajectory(TrajectoryBase):
+ # for common interface with *args and **kwargs
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ # required by the trajectory base class
+ def get_inspiral(self, M, mu, p0, e0, T=1.0, **kwargs):
+ # set up quantities and integrator
+ y0 = [p0, e0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ T = T * YRSID_SI / (M * MTSUN_SI)
+ epsilon = mu/M
+ integrator = DOP853(PN(epsilon), 0.0, y0, T)
+ t_out, p_out, e_out = [], [], []
+ Phi_phi_out, Phi_r_out = [], []
+ # run the integrator down to T or separatrix
+ run = True
+ while integrator.t < T and run:
+ integrator.step()
+ p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r = integrator.y
+ t_out.append(integrator.t)
+ p_out.append(p)
+ e_out.append(e)
+ Phi_phi_out.append(Phi_phi)
+ Phi_r_out.append(Phi_r)
+ if (p - 6 -2*e) < 0.1:
+ run = False
+ # read out data. It must return length 6 tuple
+ t = np.asarray(t_out)
+ p = np.asarray(p_out)
+ e = np.asarray(e_out)
+ Phi_phi = np.asarray(Phi_phi_out)
+ Phi_r = np.asarray(Phi_r_out)
+ flux = np.zeros_like(t)
+ return (t, p, e, Phi_phi, Phi_r, flux)
Test your trajectory¶
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 10.0
+e0 = 0.7
+T = 1.0
+traj = PnTrajectory()
+test = traj(M, mu, p0, e0, T=T, dt=10.0)
+traj2 = RunSchwarzEccFluxInspiral()
+flux = traj2(M, mu, p0, e0, T=T, dt=10.0)
+p = test[1]
+e = test[2]
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+plt.plot(flux[1], flux[2], label='flux')
+plt.plot(p, e, label='pn')
+plt.savefig('trajectory_pn_vs_flux.pdf', dpi=200)
Make a waveform model¶
+Now we will create a waveform with our new trajectory model. To do this, we will start with SchwarzschildEccentricWaveformBase. This base class has already inherited from SchwarzschildEccentric. It creates the common interface for all waveform modules (and how +they interface with there constituent modules). A requirement when creating a module is to have properties describing the GPU capability of the waveform, as well as whether or not it allows for batching the waveform creation (after trajectory).
+class FastSchwarzschildEccentricPn(SchwarzschildEccentricWaveformBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ inspiral_kwargs={},
+ amplitude_kwargs={},
+ sum_kwargs={},
+ Ylm_kwargs={},
+ use_gpu=False,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ SchwarzschildEccentricWaveformBase.__init__(
+ self,
+ PnTrajectory,
+ RomanAmplitude,
+ InterpolatedModeSum,
+ inspiral_kwargs=inspiral_kwargs,
+ amplitude_kwargs=amplitude_kwargs,
+ sum_kwargs=sum_kwargs,
+ Ylm_kwargs=Ylm_kwargs,
+ use_gpu=use_gpu,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ @property
+ def gpu_capability(self):
+ return True
+ @property
+ def allow_batching(self):
+ return False
Test your waveform¶
+It will have the same interface as the other waveforms.
+test = FastSchwarzschildEccentricPn(normalize_amps=False)
+M = 1e6
+mu = 1e1
+p0 = 12.0
+e0 = 0.4
+theta = np.pi/3.
+phi = np.pi/4.
+T = 0.2
+dt = 15.0
+wave1 = test(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, dt=dt, T=T)
+wave2 = few(M, mu, p0, e0, theta, phi, dt=dt, T=T)
+plt.plot(wave1.real[:200], label='pn')
+plt.plot(wave2.real[:200], label='flux')
+print('mismatch:', get_mismatch(wave1, wave2))
+plt.savefig('pn_vs_flux.pdf', dpi=200)
+mismatch: 1.001340224043205
Citing waveforms and modules¶
+If you use any work from package please cite our paper (TODO: add arxiv). Additionally please cite any additional work for each module used by calling the citation
attribute on the module class:
+wave = FastSchwarzschildEccentricFlux()
+Temp citation for this paper
+ author = "Hughes, Scott A. and Drasco, Steve and Flanagan, Eanna E. and Franklin, Joel",
+ title = "{Gravitational radiation reaction and inspiral waveforms in the adiabatic limit}",
+ eprint = "gr-qc/0504015",
+ archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.221101",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "94",
+ pages = "221101",
+ year = "2005"
+ author = "Chua, Alvin J.K. and Galley, Chad R. and Vallisneri, Michele",
+ title = "{Reduced-order modeling with artificial neurons for gravitational-wave inference}",
+ eprint = "1811.05491",
+ archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+ primaryClass = "astro-ph.IM",
+ doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.211101",
+ journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
+ volume = "122",
+ number = "21",
+ pages = "211101",
+ year = "2019"