An open source learning management system for the future.
Developed by the BioMediaLab.
The easiest way to contribute to Lively is by hacking on a local version of the site. Follow the steps below to get started.
The following software must be installed to run a local copy of Lively.
- NodeJS (10+)
- yarn
- Docker
- docker-compose
- knex cli (
npm i -g knex
To get ready to run Lively, you need to have the following services available:
- redis
- Postgresql
- S3 compatible storage
The easiest way to do this is by using the docker-compose.yml
in the root of the repository.
Type docker-compose up -d
to get started.
Once the database is running, you will need to create the necessary tables and seed it with sample data.
From the /api
folder, run
knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run
The last piece you will need is a .env
file for the api. Create the file /api/.env
and fill it
with the necessary values (see /api/example.env
for help).
To run the app, go to the root of the repository and run:
yarn run dev
The api will be available at http://localhost:3000, and the api will be at http://localhost:4000.
While developing, you can run the command yarn run watch
to automatically update generated typescript files.
For developers using VSCode, the following extensions may be helpful:
- Apollo GraphQL (
) - validation ofgql
queries in front end code - Prettier - Code formatter (
) - automatic code formatting - TypeScript Importer (
) - Automatic imports for dependencies - Cloud Code (
) - Helps when using Lively with Kubernetes - DotENV (
) - Syntax highlighting for your.env
Manually update deployment to use latest image:
kubectl set image deployments/web-node-deployment web=dieff07/lively_web:latest
Manual account config file creation: