Releases: BinaryStudioAcademy/bsa-2024-gitfit
Releases · BinaryStudioAcademy/bsa-2024-gitfit
frontend: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2024-08-29)
- add alt to image gf-11 (7e7d3d7)
- add auth container styles and adjust existing gf-5 (62d1218)
- add authenticated user to auth slice gf-14 (19d4f3c)
- add avatar component gf-11 (2d0188a)
- add avatar helper gf-11 (72742f2)
- add Color enum and colorToCss map gf-23 (10d108f)
- add common color variables gf-27 (4cdfa20)
- add common icon component gf-5 (4925b50)
- add common loader component gf-9 (3098599)
- add component header gf-11 (ffc60b5)
- add custom select component gf-24 (eeef6b0)
- add development ui route gf-72 (821e93b)
- add error handling for failed sign-up process gf-5 (c0d4813)
- add error handling on front-end gf-10 (1ba66fa)
- add example of TablePagination usage for visual testing gf-23 (8312b94)
- add font-family gf-5 (5c8ae07)
- add fonts gf-1 (257d20b)
- add getting user on loading page gf-26 (051c5e2)
- add header in main page gf-11 (aa879c0)
- add href parameter gf-20 (2aa26cf)
- add icon support and styles for common input gf-5 (a0bb134)
- add icon-button component gf-5 (29ef178)
- add loader styles gf-9 (be50852)
- add margin bottom in text gf-20 (aaa036d)
- add name to UserSignUpRequestDto type gf-5 (4f6778d)
- add new route gf-20 (983514a)
- add not found page gf-20 (c527c28)
- add page layout gf-72 (1d2ef1a)
- add projects module with get all action gf-72 (cd29ed3)
- add projects page gf-72 (483fd8b)
- add protected route wrapper gf-14 (7528907)
- add pulsing animated loader gf-9 (98bde53)
- add redirection to root after auth form submission gf-4 (25859ff)
- add sign-in flow gf-4 (4ea8b7f)
- add start sidebar gf-12 (4d61f0d)
- add styles for common button gf-5 (6881e16)
- add styles for common button gf-5 (1e95539)
- add styling for custom select and generified options gf-24 (d23e156)
- add TablePagination component with MockSelect and no Icons gf-23 (8ba9d42)
- add timer icon gf-11 (c097e01)
- add token generation on sign-in gf-7 (012758f)
- add useTablePagination hook gf-23 (34ca8b4)
- added a new navigation item gf-41 (201c0f4)
- added close on outside click functionality to modal component gf-21 (b35c653)
- added cross to iconbuttons and implemented iconbutton into modal gf-21 (8cbb8bc)
- added custom hook for tracking and controlling modal gf-21 (8863fba)
- added function getUserColumns gf-41 (1e6d04b)
- added sidebar component to the layout gf-41 (776b144)
- added usehandleclickoutside hook to the project and used it in modal gf-21 (488058d)
- change not found styles gf-20 (d0c011c)
- create a table component gf-22 (ceaf044)
- create access management page and add users table gf-41 (61f4bde)
- create common layout gf-41 (fc8c55b)
- create modal component gf-21 (845a541)
- create sidebar gf-12 (e2b6b3e)
- fix conficts in index.tsx gf-20 (34f30da)
- fix fonts gf-1 (b3aad2c)
- implement design gf-5 (3405f3a)
- token storage on sight-up gf-26 (74f03ce)
Bug Fixes
- add font styles gf-22 (e3c8812)
- add icon wrapper gf-12 (3d51061)
- add Inter font family for notifications gf-10 (b7303ce)
- add loader to protected router gf-26 (4904017)
- add mapper gf-41 (0ee0756)
- add range check for queryParams gf-23 ([f54c7d4](
backend: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2024-08-29)
- add an ability to create a group gf-53 (#56) (438f4b2)
- add auth errors and errors messages gf-7 (501585f)
- add auth plugin gf-13 (c78174e)
- add auth plugin hook to server gf-13 (5948ae8)
- add auth plugin options gf-13 (fa19c64)
- add authenticated user flow gf-25 (a7ffe54)
- add creating project gf-57 (54b5614)
- add decode token method gf-13 (6e7d42d)
- add encryption password comparement gf-7 (d18de1f)
- add env variables for jwt gf-8 (f3734a7)
- add error messages enum gf-13 (d24087f)
- add project table gf-57 (1716bf7)
- add projects get all api route gf-72 (5a44aa8)
- add returning token on sign in gf-7 (046b5ea)
- add returning user by email gf-7 (fb46687)
- add sign-up flow gf-6 (10a50c2)
- add template of project module gf-57 (6b8614f)
- add token generation on sign-in gf-7 (22daf61)
- add token generation on sign-in gf-7 (012758f)
- add TokenService gf-8 (0eb7921)
- add user exeptions gf-7 (8d4a95d)
- add validation for creating project gf-57 (dfaaccd)
- add validation schema gf-7 (b008eeb)
- create access management page and add users table gf-41 (61f4bde)
- create modal component gf-21 (845a541)
- extend global fastify request with user property gf-13 (47263b7)
- return token in response to sign-in/sign-up gf-8 (0d11e6e)
- use user service in auth plugin gf-13 (d34f410)
Bug Fixes
- add initHooks method gf-13 (4c96696)
- add missing user id token error gf-13 (1af1ef5)
- backend: make migration scripts cross-platform gf-1 (2ce7e41)
- change encription exported type gf-7 (5c8e0e5)
- change encryption service naming gf-7 (7763d67)
- change UesrEntity gf-41 (c813b1b)
- changed the name of variables, removed unnecessary things gf-41 (fcd8911)
- conflicts gf-7 (e9caba2)
- constant in capital letters gf-13 (d899ae9)
- correcting white routes gf-13 (f068138)
- delete and restore .env.example gf-21 (34a39fc)
- enum singular form naming gf-13 (6457d71)
- error messages enum naming gf-13 (94c1f94)
- extract correct user type gf-13 (e5031a0)
- fixed merge conflicts and added modal test into projects gf-21 (89cc726)
- generate password salt separately & store in db gf-6 (170ebe6)
- index.d.ts location gf-13 (df4583d)
- merge and fix conflicts gf-7 (8e3844c)
- move error messages enum to shared gf-13 (a6e58b0)
- move open routes to constants gf-13 (1494431)
- naming, order conventions gf-13 (2dc674b)
- raplace error messages from modules to common gf-7 (1758a35)
- refactor encryption service class name gf-6 (5940224)
- refactor encryption service gf-6 (7a3a634)
- refactor encryption service gf-6 (4a7000a)
- refactor encryption service types & enums & user repository gf-6 (0e78651)
- refactor error messages gf-6 (f495a73)
- refactor find method for universal queries gf-6 (0bfdacc)
- refactor get authenticated user gf-25 (cdd2f2e)
- refactor user dto gf-6 (e9ea458)
- refactor user error & exception message gf-6 (61484c4)
- refactor user service & create custom user error gf-6 (66dc3d4)
- refactor user service create gf-6 (4daaf36)
- remove unused method gf-57 (09a3ae7)
- resolve conflicts gf-11 (4795453)
- resolve merge conflict in app.tsx and complete merge gf-21 ([06565a3](06565a3...