An R package to retreive CSV data from Open Ottawa.
This minimal package:
- Retrieves a CVS file from
- Returns the file as a dataframe as well as saving the file.
The openottawar package is currently avaialable only on GitHub. Download and install the package using remotes
or devtools
# install.packages("remotes")
This package downloads CSV data on the Open Ottawa website and saves it as a CSV. CSV data is identifed using the website URL ending.
For example, the covid-19 hospital data for Ottawa residents is found at: `'
# Retrive covid-19 hosptial data for Ottawa residents
# Download hospital data and save it as new_data.csv
new_data <- get_open_ottawa(
url_end = "covid-19-hospitalization-data-for-ottawa-residents",
file_dest = paste0(getwd(),
The code of this package is licenced under MIT licence. Data retrieved from Open Ottawa is subject to Open Ottawa data licence.
Issues and Pull requests are appreciated.
Open Ottawa is changing quickly. We are considering switching to the API format once the site stablizes.