Releases: BetterThanTomorrow/joyride
Releases · BetterThanTomorrow/joyride
A demo showing how nice the Promesa API is:
v0.0.11 - May 15 2022
v0.0.10 - May 15 2022
- Make it easy to open scripts for editing
- Add Workspace script menu items for creating getting started content
Here there is no Workspace script folder content, and two menu options for creating some content are offered.
A short demo of Getting Started:
- Installing Joyride
- Opening the User
script - Editing it to not show the Joyride output channel on startup
- Issuing the command Joyride: Run Workspace Script...
- Selecting to create a ”Hello Workspace” script example, which also opens the file
- Starting the Joyride REPL and connecting it (Calva assumed to be installed)
- Using the REPL to evaluate code in the file, controlling VS Code
v0.0.9 - May 11 2022 - Getting Started
- Create example user scripts if they are not present
- nrepl: support pprinting eval results
- Don't unconditionally show the Joyride output channel on start
- Fix: Error when dismissing the scripts menu without selecting anything
- Fix: Better error report when a script isn't found
- Fix: Joyride throws an error when activated in a window with no folder
New Contributors
- @corasaurus-hex made their first contribution in #55
- @maxrothman made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.9
v0.0.7 - May 8 2022
What's Changed
Here's an example activation script (from the examples
directory) that also uses the extension-context facility:
(ns activate
(:require [joyride.core :as joyride]
["vscode" :as vscode]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(println "Hello World, from Workspace activate.cljs script")
(defonce !db (atom {:disposables []}))
;; To make the activation script re-runnable we dispose of
;; event handlers and such that we might have registered
;; in previous runs.
(defn- clear-disposables! []
(run! (fn [disposable]
(.dispose disposable))
(:disposables @!db))
(swap! !db assoc :disposables []))
;; Pushing the disposables on the extension context's
;; subscriptions will make VS Code dispose of them when the
;; Joyride extension is deactivated.
(defn- push-disposable [disposable]
(swap! !db update :disposables conj disposable)
(-> (joyride/get-extension-context)
(.push disposable)))
(defn- my-main []
;; It might surprise you to see how often and when this happens,
;; and when it doesn't happen.
(fn [doc]
(println "[Joyride example]"
(.-languageId doc)
"document opened:"
(.-fileName doc))))))
(when true
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.7
v0.0.6 May 8 2022
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6