All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.11.0 (2021-07-26)
- media: add more menu items (b0c1675)
- media: add support for svg images within publications (b116d15)
- media: change product name in package.json (658e585)
- media: forcefully delete old media catalogs on startup (dcb6115)
- media: ignore related media from some publications (81eebdc)
- media: include media from related publications too (f692e24)
- media: the app data directory has changed so everything will need to be downloaded again,
to remove the previous app data to save some disk space remove the
~/Library/Application Support/@library-api/media
0.10.1 (2021-07-17)
0.10.0 (2021-06-23)
- media: remove rounded corners from display window for better screen sharing (70a9560)
- media: use newer media catalog for video images/titles (15706f4), closes #55
- media: use newer media details when loading song details (65e7c55)
0.9.1 (2021-06-20)
- media: show error dialog when media fails to load rather than infinite loader (8331046)
- media: use placeholder image when videos do not have image details (c6ed45e), closes #53
0.9.0 (2021-06-10)
- media/settings: correct alignment of selects & buttons, add dividers between settings (6bea8e5)
0.8.0 (2021-06-08)
- media: only check for updates after app is ready (6d45159)
- media: remove app name from window titles (4741a7d), closes #38
- media: add more supported file extensions (b1862c0), closes #45
- media: add Return to Today button on Media page (0f346e4)
- media: add setting to only show relevant images (b9b62c4), closes #26
- media: persist state of control panel screens to avoid them reloading (f686b10), closes #42
- media: update icon (90d5b26), closes #39
- media/developer: adds store communication between renderer and main processes (2f7ba05)
0.7.0 (2021-06-01)
- media: add internal logging & error reporting dialog (248ad26), closes #23
- media/menu: add about option to view the version (9c5331a), closes #20
0.6.2 (2021-05-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @library-api/media
0.6.1 (2021-05-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @library-api/media
0.6.0 (2021-05-30)
- media: adjust link area to match button size (08fb9f5)
- media: load the correct week when opened on a sunday (0561317), closes #31
- media: add auto-updating functionality (aa92539), closes #19
- media: add picker page to show any image or video from the computer (c8b079f), closes #10
0.5.0 (2021-05-21)
- media: add song choosing screen (18accf6), closes #16
- media: create separate pages for media and settings (a31fb74)
- media: move controls to root of control panel, use provide/inject for selected (8d38b70)
0.4.0 (2021-05-15)
0.3.1 (2021-05-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @library-api/media
- media: ensure loader is shown fully & scrolling is possible (aabd018)
- media: ensure loader isn't chopped in half (2bcdeaf)
- media: include other packages in externals so core modules can work (0d823a0)
- media: remove outlines from buttons and selects (c57b17b)
- media: share font-weight for all headers, correct scrolling on preview text (97b305e)
- media: show pointer cursor on buttons by default (c980afb)
- media: treat errors of loading publications as non-existent publications (43adadb)
- media/controls: allow null as value for selected prop (795b500)
- media/display: always allow image to take up most space possible, stop image dragging (5aae879)
- media/display: key video element so changed source forces it to reload (fcacaa0)
- media/display: remove outline when controlling video (9fb0e1c)
- media/display: support vertical images (71dcb80)
- media/loader: correct name of component (a175763)
- media/preview: contain preview image within the container (ae64d1a)
- media/previewimage: don't error on selected being null (2e40450)
- media/window: disable alwaysOnTop so Zoom can "see" the window for screen sharing (84400e7)
- media: add animated loader component (2b36522)
- media: add basic control panel and display design outline (ef26b55)
- media: add basic download and media extraction of publications (412ff04)
- media: add control bar, adjust style of preview image (73e2487)
- media: add control for hiding displayed image (ea5d449)
- media: add custom menu, refactor events into separate module (4f73527)
- media: add intro page if catalog is not yet downloaded (ceba7c1)
- media: add preload script to expose apis to Vue (f718a82)
- media: add publication selection & basic design of control panel (93fa5b1)
- media: add Quicksand google font (976ff65)
- media: add settings overlay, add clear cache button (eee04a4)
- media: add single line version of logo (395e956)
- media: add type safety to ipc calls (cb18d20)
- media: create dual-window display, load different page for each window (58c7126)
- media: display selected image on display window (a7d7412)
- media: don't focus display window when showing media (e6fbd55)
- media: download video images & send captions (4580491)
- media: initial install of catalog from intro page, simple media page (82aa5e0)
- media: scaffold new package using electron, vite & vue (b9b1749)
- media: scaffold video preview and displaying (af43735)
- media: send images as datauri for the control panel (02748aa)
- media: set default sizes and positions for windows (5e5c32b)
- media: support downloading and displaying videos (146d0ec)
- media: track selected image using unique id (c45bf0a)
- media: update download icon (a0fecf4)
- media/controlpanel: default to OCLM in the midweek (bfd1656)
- media/controlpanel: tidy up layout and add extra styling (4631166)
- media/display: make window frameless, lock aspect ratio, persist window positions in store (769f142)
- media/intro: move to separate route, add logo & update layout (d19bf13)
- media/ipc: add handler for clearing downloaded files (56957e3)
- media/ipc: allow empty args, add media:clear & display:clear events (ff61e8e)
- media/navbar: update logo used in navbar (5da5d8e)
- media/preload: do not expose the entire ipcrenderer, wrap events in custom api (479933d)
- media/preview: add download icon to not yet downloaded videos (8669c36)
- media/previewimage: add caption and overlay (ff6d0f0)
- media/previewimage: remove overlay when control panel is blurred (4040bbc)
- media/window: more consistent dev tools display in dev mode (ea5f006)
- media/window: quit app when control panel is closed (1e3664f)
- media/window: return window from create/refocus functions for use elsewhere (823995e)
- media/window: show devtools in dev mode, split refocus into 2 functions (f197824)