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File metadata and controls

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Notes on how to use the BornProfiler package.

The basic philosophy of the package is

  1. provide input
    • a pqr file of the protein
    • a list of coordinates at which to calculate the Born energy of an ion
  2. generate a range of files that can be used to run apbs
  3. run the generated files manually, or better, through the queuing system of a cluster
  4. extract data from finished runs and provide as graphs and/or data files for further processing

The user runs scripts that are named The input is provided by a run input file, which is also referred to as a run input configuration file. It typically bears the suffix .cfg. All information about a calculation is stored in such a cfg file with the idea that this gives a good summary of the calculation, which is important for repeating it or writing it up.

The input is documented in the example run input file examples/example_runinput.cfg.

Simple dielectric regions

See examples/parsegian.

Ion channel

See examples/2BG9.


Prepare a pqr file of, say, an ion channel and create a list of points (e.g. along the pore axis) on which you want to calculate the electrostatic potential of mean force.

The list of points should be either a simple data file with one set of white-space separate coordinates (x, y, and z in angstroem) per line (comment lines starting with "#" and empty lines are ignored) or a PDB file (the x, y, and z coordinates of all ATOM and HETATM records are used). For simple, straight pores one can compute the list of points along the straight pore axis. For more complicated pores one can use a program such as HOLE ( can process a range of points lists such as the sph output from HOLE.)

See the help functions of the and other apbs-bornprofiler-*.py scripts.

With a membrane

First generate a blank parameter file: --template Mine.cfg

Edit the parameter file (use your favorite text editor instead of vi ):

vi Mine.cfg

For instance, set the pqr file and the position of the membrane. The qscript and arrayscript can also be your own templates. For what's available see BornProfiler/bornprofiler/templates/.

The file format of a run input config file is explained in the comments of examples/example_runinput.cfg. You can use it as a basis for your own input, too. In any case, you should have a look at this file in order to understand how to use the BornProfiler package.

Set-up the individual windows: Mine.cfg

Run the individual windows. For instance, if you have a working SGE system, run the whole job array with

qsub qsub_mine.sge

Analyze: Mine.cfg

In bulk solvent

If you do not want a membrane then use The [membrane] section of the run configuration file is ignored.

A second major difference of compared to is that uses automatic focusing whereas must do manual focusing. Therefore, looks at the run configuration variables glen and fglen to determine the focusing schedule. (See the APBS documentation for explanations of the variables.) behaves similarly to the old and scripts.

Potential for visualization

Use APBSmem or edit the [potential] section in the parameter file to run a single APBS calculation on a large and fairly coarse grid: Mine.cfg

The main output consists of two electrostatics potential files:

potential in kT/e of the protein in the membrane (low dielectric 2 or the value of mdie in the parameter file)
potential in kT/e of the protein in the solvent (typically, a dielectric of ~80 or whatever was set for sdie in the parameter file)

Other files of interest:

dielectric map with membrane ("m"). This file can be visualized as a density together with the input PQR or PDB structure in order to check that the membrane was placed correctly. The values of the "density" are mdie (e.g. 2) for the hydrophobic core of the membrane, pdie (10) for the protein, headgroup_die (20) for the lipid headgroup region, sdie (80) for the solvent and cdie (typically the same as sdie) for the channel region.

Note that you probably have to gunzip the resulting dx files so that you can read it in Chimera, VMD or PyMOL.

The default values for the grid probably work for most proteins but depending on size you might have to change the values in

glen = (200,200,200)
dime = (97,97,97)

glen is the size of the box in Å; the box is centered on the protein. dime are the grid dimensions. For more accurate calculations, increase dime but be warned that the memory requirements rise accordingly.