Users are the central part of the API. They interact with content and, in some cases, create it.
Field | Type | Description | Can be null ? |
username | string | username, will be taken in the profile URL (2-32 characters) | |
displayname | string | "pretty" name to display (2-32 characters) | |
timestamp | integer | unix timestamp, user creation | |
picture | string | url of the user's profile picture | |
description | string | user's description, markdown format | ✅ |
biography | string | user's biography | ✅ |
location | string | user's location | ✅ |
socials | list of objects | user's social networks | ✅ ([] ) |
is_email_public? | boolean | whether the user's email is public or private | |
string | user's email, if it's public | ✅ (if private) |
GET /users
Get all the users. Returns a list of user objects. Requires auth and USER_WRITE
GET /users/{user.username}
Get user's informations based on his username. Retuns a user object.
This endpoint isn't available for the moment. We're considering changing our users system.
POST /users
Create a new user.
Field | Type | Description |
string | user's email adress (6 characters minimum) | |
username | string | username, will be taken in the profile URL (2-32 characters) |
password | string | user's password (be careful to choose strong enough one) |
PATCH /users/{user.username}
Edit the user's profile informations. Requires auth, and user has to be itself.
Editable fields : displayname
, picture
, description
, biography
, locations
, socials
GET /users/{user.username}/permissions
Get the permissions a user has. Returns a list containing the permissions. Requires auth and USER_WRITE
PATCH /users/{user.username}/permissions
Edit permissions a user has, to grant or limit access to resources. Requires auth and USER_WRITE
Field | Type | Description |
permissions | list | permissions the user will have |